I so appreciate how you're always thinking about how to keep us informed and educated! A loving suggestion in regards to the blog posts that I've now started to read for the giveaways ("PICK ME, PICK ME!!!" - - How fun!): I always have a question when I'm not distracted by just enjoying watching your videos. Might one of the following options be possible? 1) A place to ask questions at the end of the article. 2) A LINK to a place to ask questions (specific to the article, with no hunting) at the end of the article. 3) A place to list questions for the next time you cover the same topic.
Re: "A Matter of Light and Depth," I wanted to know how keeping blue lights on at night, when I watch TV, affects fish or plants. I LOVE the calm blue light in the evening. Wish I could afford the blue shimmer of a Kessil at night!!! I know that they're sold for salted aquariums, but I absolutely love the calm affect at the end of the day. No one really addresses blue light's affect on planted freshwater aquariums.
Final thought: Our pet stores don't even know their water's PH, let alone anything else. I've even found so many mistakes on signage. I wouldn't have known how much I love my stinkin' cute fish without you! Thanks. Trying to financially support you as much as possible.