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  1. Early last month my cycle crashed as my cannister filter stopped working over night. A few weeks of daily water changes and it was restored again. Since then though my bronze and albino corys have stopped laying eggs. All the females are incredibly large and it's starting to affect their movement. I've tried doing water changes with cooler water to get them to spawn but nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?
  2. Despite a true siamese algae eater in my 20 gallon freshwater tank, I've had a recurring problem with algae on the aquarium glass. Last Saturday, I decided to refresh my aquarium. I moved the fish (the algae eater, 3 corycats, and 3 neon tetras) to a temporary container, washed the gravel and decorations multiple times, rinsed the Biomax and Eco-Bio block, and replaced the carbon and foam before refilling and reloading the tank. I used a bottle of Tetra SafeStart to immediately restore a healthy bacteria environment. On Monday, I purchased 5 new neon tetras from a local pet store chain. I did not quarantine the fish, I just rested them in a container of water from my tank for about an hour before adding them to my tank. Then last night (Tuesday), I suddenly noticed small groups of perfectly round white spots on my aquarium glass. I have attached two pictures. The white spots are circled in red. Does anyone know what these spots are and whether my fish are at risk?? Your advice is greatly appreciated. BTW, all of the fish appear healthy and happy. The new neon tetras are shoaling with the old neon tetras, the corycats are more active than ever, and the algae eater is hanging out as usual.
  3. Yesterday morning I noticed my bronze and my albino's, ahem* behavior. The day before I did a water change... so eggs! Dad: Ponyo, albino | Mom: Sosuke, Bronze Background: I have had the bronze momma, Sosuke, for over a year now. She is my veteran Cory. Parents don't have favorites, but her and I go way back. So, needless to say, I love her. The albino is a more recent addition to the community tank. In the past Sosuke has laid many clutches, but none have been fertilized, guppies get them before I can, novice attempts and / or that darn fungus kept them from hatching. This time the albino and bronze have been doing the famous T and eggs were laid immediately after so I know these are valid eggs. To save them from my hungry guppies, I decided to move them to a hatch / grow out tank. This was my first time saving majority of them and using methylene blue, so I am hopeful. I ordered an egg tumbler, but needed to move the eggs sooner than it's arrival. *Should I move them to the egg tumbler or leave them be in the "hatch tank"? I plan on 50% water changes daily til hatched then 2-3x/week for the hatched fry. What are your experiences with Cory breeding?
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