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  1. (Are these requests allowed? If not, feel free to remove. Thank you!) Hi, folks. I just setup a 5 gallon nano tank. I moved a fair amount of Val and some stem plants from my other tanks. I’ll attach a picture, but won’t stock it until it is done cycling and the plants have grown in more. (It isn’t really “heavily planted” yet, but should be considerably more so in a month.) I’m hoping to not use a heater or lid, but will for the right fish. There is a small internal filter (Oase BioCompact 50) that creates a moderate flow that I’d like to keep. And obviously it is a small tank. Can you help me think of stocking options? It seems to be a tricky combo I’m after. I’d like to not do a shrimp-only tank (although I’ll move some cherry shrimp from my other tanks once this one is ready). I already have a betta tank (and obviously this setup isn’t suitable for a betta). I have CPD’s and white cloud mountain minnows in another tank. I’m not looking for a pea puffer at the moment. With all that info…what stocking suggestions do you have? I look forward to your input and learning about what you suggest I consider. Jeff
  2. One of my all time favs. Western Pygmy perch, Nannoperca vitatta. I’ve kept this species in a pond for about a year, but it crashed and I lost both my females, so now I only have my two boys. Hopefully I should be getting some more soon. This thread will be essential me keeping track of my journey with this rare and unique fish.
  3. What species would you all suggest in a cool water 30 ish gallon mini pond? Noticed tonight that my red daphnia culture has adjusted to the theoretically permanent muck bucket pond I have going for them. Turns out the over winter didnt work for last years "russian red" culture for some reason. Maybe -22⁰ a few times and -10⁰ over a dozen times was a little too cold for the eggs to overwinter? Current happy daphnia starting to produce. I moved one of my inkbird bluetooth temperature sensor to the pond last night to see the daily fluctuations. My assumption is that 46⁰-70⁰ could be my daily water temperature range depending on air temperature up here. The 10⁰-15⁰ temperature swing is typical for the ponds idlve done in the past up here ar 9,100'. This set up has been great for daphnia, flag fish, and cherry shrimp in past years. Temperature graph of water temps in the pond for the past 24 hours. The on hand groups of cooler (but maybe not that cold) water species in the fishroom are: Highland Swordtail Black Prince Goodeid Black Madaka Ricefish Daisy's Ricefish Clown Killies Dwarf Orange Mexican Crayfish Red Cherry Shrimp Panda Loach Scleromystax sp. (C112) Baianinho II All suggestions welcome I have a solid 3 months of tubbing ahead if im lucky.
  4. Looking to get an algae eater for my cold water tank. It stays between 65-72 and has white clouds in it currently. I will clean myself but would like also a cleaning organism. Thanks!
  5. Was thinking of keeping my summer tub fish, White Clouds and Rosy Barbs, in the basement over winter, which stays in the mid-50s F. I've seen and heard the anecdotes about them surviving with ice over the top of the water, so my question isn't so much "can they tolerate that temperature", but more "how will they do at that temperature for 7ish months?" I don't see much out there on the internet discussing long-term cold-ish water, so was hoping some of you had some practical experiences; how they did, if they still laid eggs, how much less food they ate, etc. etc. It may just boil down to that "one stress factor" they can tolerate and still be fine that Cory often mentions, but would appreciate anyone's actual experiences. Thanks!
  6. Hey, So I know that bettas like 74-80*f but my heater broke, and I am ordering a new one. So I was wondering if my betta will be ok at 68-72*f for a week or so. So far he is looking fine, but I was just wondering. Thx!!!!
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