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  1. My Angelfish, just bought like two weeks ago, I haven’t seen her eating, I thought it might be transportation stress. please look at the pictures and advise if she bloated or full of eggs? She is quarantined now in 5 gallons tank, I used melafix for 4 days now, two doeses of 125 mlg of Kanaplex and 2 spoons of epsom salt .. she is active swim fine but just no eating or pooping. please advise. thanks
  2. Is this disease or eggbinding or something else? @Colu @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd Duck
  3. Tried my best to get photos but they are quick! 77 degrees 0 ammonia & nitrite 5 nitrate They have been through a few courses of levamisole/praziquantal. I have been treating a different fish in their tank with parasitic symptoms, but the embers have not displayed any symptoms. They eat well, as you can see, and are highly active.
  4. Sombody plz help My white mollies belly suddenly got extremely bloated so much so that I can actually see through the fishes belly I've put in epsom salt, Methylene blue ,but I do not see any improvement Someone plz tell me what to do.........
  5. Hello all, I really wish I could have cleared this up on my own but at this point it's getting worse, not better, and I'm getting pretty worried. Right off the bat, water parameters: 0ppm Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate pH about 7.4 GH about 200ppm KH about 120 Temp at about 69-70 Farenheit depending on the time of day My Shubunkin goldfish, Pebbles, has had some regular issues with developing ulcers that usually have gone away on their own and recently I hadn't had much problems with them. However over the past two weeks they've developed worse than I have ever seen them, and his top fin is started to look really quite bad, plus it has spread to his tail. If on the off chance someone knows just by looking what I can do about this, I'm going to post the initial photo here before getting into details: Before the ulcers developed I also noticed this behavior that concerned me that seemed like swim bladder problems where Pebbles would be nose to the bottom, tail to the top, which hasn't improved, even after feeding shelled peas: Pebbles is in a 75 gallon acrylic aquarium with only two other inhabitants: two golden dojo loaches named Omi and Bambam. The tank had something like a fungus outbreak two weeks ago that I had cleared up with a water change and thorough gravel vacuuming. Then it came back a week after that (so one week ago) with a vengeance so I did an even more thorough gravel vacuuming, scrubbed all the hard scape, cleaned the sponge filter and the canister filter which had gotten really gunky with a slime, and started the whole tank on the med trio. The fungus is now 100% gone and even the remnants I hadn't gotten with scrubbing are gone now after the med trio, but that's when Pebbles developed these lesions. To make matters weirder, Omi, the larger of the dojo loaches whom I think may be a female, has developed this bloating around the anus that I cannot tell if it's constipation or if Omi is egg bound or what is happening here, but shelled peas and meds didn't help with it either. The smaller loach, Bambam, seems perfectly fine. As I said I did the full med trio and today is day 7 where I did a 30% water change and I am not seeing any improvement. I have some minimal amount of plants in here I struggled to get to grow because the fish like to tear them up, but at this point I am considering just taking out the sad looking anubias's, doing a salt treatment, and letting the crypts die cause I'm a bit desperate. Any tips on my next steps?
  6. This happened overnight. She was completely fine and happened out of nowhere. The only thing i can think of is that she over ate. i typically feed more than i should sometimes cause some of the slower fish wont get to eat. she was really bloated when i found and everywhere i look says dropsy but her scales dont look raised. are they? sorry for so many picture of something unsettling but i wanted to make sure if anyone could spot what happened.
  7. Is my barb ready to lay eggs or is it something else? She didnt look like this 2 days ago.
  8. I was shocked to see my betta tonight like this. He wasn't like this last night. Is it bloat or is it early stages of pineconing? Unfortunately I only noticed this after I dropped the food in. I'll be fasting him for a few days at least. Anything else I should do? Things I have at my disposal are IAL, stress guard, prime, and very old aquarium salt which I've never used with this fish. Temp is about 78. I'm going to try to raise it to 80. PH is 7-7.2 Ammonia is about 0.002ppm Nitrite is 0 Nitrate is hard for me to tell. 5 to 20ppm. I'm not good with colors. KH 40 Gh 180
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