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Everything posted by santiagopalomares01

  1. Totally forgot to mention it but I have a 29 gallon tank. Thank you for the advice 😁. I have a 29 gallon.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm new to planted aquariums and I wanted some advice for how to set my light. I've just recently bought the fluval 3.0 and I'm not sure how I should customize my settings to fit my needs, any tips ? These are the plants I have 👇 --Pogostemon stellatus octopus --Pearl weed --Ludwiga repens --Red dwarf aquarium Lilly
  3. What signs would I see from having too little light ? Because I also have some green spot algae.
  4. I had forgotten to mention but I use both the liquid and tabs under my sword plant.
  5. I have used the api freshwater test kit for that. I think the nitrate that I do have is from root tabs. I'll look into adding more nitrate tho how much should I aim for ?
  6. I'm just dosing seachem flourish + seachem advanced. The light is 20 watt LED, I dose every water change, I water change once a week and 2 days about 33%,my pH is 7.4, unfortunately I don't have anything to measure my KH is 180, and my GH is 180 (not sure how accurate test strips are for this) my nitrates appear to be 10ppm. I have yellowing leaves on some Lugia and curling leaves on a pogostemon stellatus octopus. I've added some info Thank you this is very insightful. How long do plants normally take to settle in? I've had mine for about 2-3 weeks.
  7. I have a few mid-high light requiring plants but I'm not sure if the reason I've been having so much continued melting is because my lights aren't good enough. I get algae and they don't seem like they're totally dying but they don't seem as good as they should be. My light is 20 watts, 990 lumens, and my tank is a 29 gallon.
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