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  1. I moved the shrimp to a QT but I'm having trouble identifying the parasite. The light in the QT is pretty bad so that doesnt help. I'm not sure where to go from here. so far I only see one shrimp with the parasite but i'll be keeping a close eye on the others and the fish. Thank you for your help!
  2. @Guppysnail thank you for the planaria chart I'll be sure to look out for them. @Tihshho I'm on it right now, just the infected shrimp right? Should I move all the shrimp just incase? I cant post a video unless im missing something so the gif is the best I can do, I'll try to get a clearer image if that helps
  3. pH 7.8 Nitrates 20 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Water Temperature 78 I just stocked my newly cycled tank with fish, shrimp. and snails and I was so happy watching them swim around but I noticed this on a shrimps head. Can I get help in identifying which parasite it is and how to deal with it.
  4. @Minanora I'll be sure to add some fish food once ammonia reads near zero. Thank you for the advice and that is neat about the copepods and worms! @nabokovfan87 LOL! Thank you, this is my first time scaping and I'm happy with the way it turned out. I can't wait till the plants really fill in. The floating plant is in fact water sprite and I am using a Finnex Stingray 2 LED Light. Should I take out the water sprite or would trimming it regularly be enough? I was so worried I messed up somehow but everyone has put my mind at ease. I really want this tank to be successful so I'm doing as much research as I can. Thank you everyone!
  5. Thank you! Okay I will keep that in mind. I've been testing daily and ammonia seems to be slowly going down. Not putting any animals in there until ammonia and nitrite are 0
  6. @xXInkedPhoenixX @freemoney Thank you for the replies! That's a relief to hear that the plants should be fine. I chose Eco complete substrate so that makes sense that I overdosed on the fertilizer 🤦‍♂️ I used API Quickstart to hopefully get the cycle going faster.
  7. Hello! I'm brand new to the hobby and just started cycling my first tank on 4/4! Its a 20 gallon high with dragon stones and plants. I wanted to keep it fairly simple for my first tank and got plants that should be beginner level such as java fern, anubias, water sprite, amazon sword, and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. I believed I messed up somewhere and I'd appreciate any help. I believe I messed up by adding liquid fertilizer and root tabs too early and now my nitrites are off the charts where as Ammonia is at .5ppm and Nitrates are around 20ppm. Did I mess up my cycle? Is this okay for the plants? If it's not should I do a water change? Will that reset my cycle?
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