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  1. Blood parents do lay eggs the females can do that but the males are normally sterile so they can’t fertilize the eggs. But thank you for bringing that to my attention I never thought of any kind of a fungus because my tank parameters are really good and I have not introduced any new fish into that tank. The tank itself is about five months old. I’m going to check with my local aquarium shop and if he says it’s a fungus then I’ll add meds to the tank.
  2. Are these eggs?? I hope this doesn’t sound stupid but I don’t know…
  3. Just wanted to give an update since adding in the salt and doing my changes all the black spots have went away from his fins. Thank you for the information.
  4. Thank you I added the aquarium salt last night, today is water change day normally but I think I will wait till tomorrow and do my normal 30% change and will add additional salt at that time and keep watching.
  5. The Big Blood Parrot is always after the 2 smaller ones. I had all 3 in a 55 gal tank that I had a divider in until they were bigger but when I moved them over to the 75 gal I just let them all be together. I check all the levels about twice a week and tomorrow is a water change/vacuum bottom day. I put some API Stress Coat in the tank yesterday.
  6. Sorry, I forgot to put in the Black on his upper fin and his tail fin. The "white" spots you are seeing are actually bubbles.
  7. Can someone take a look at my blood parrot and tell me if you know what is going on with his fins? I noticed this just a couple of days ago and I thought he was brushing to hard up against his cave getting in and out (bought him a bigger cave). But now I am not so sure, is this a disease of some sort? The other 2 blood parrots are not showing any signs of this on them and all 3 of them are eating and acting normal. I do at least a 30% water change every weekend and my levels are pretty good, they are in a 75-gal tank (3 months old setup) with 2 small clown Loches, 2 snails and 2 small Bristal noses. 407 canister with 2 air sponges and 1 wave machine (I do not run this 24/7 only run about 1 to 2 hours a day). Temp is at 79. I am trying so hard to take care of these guys and I am really worried. Please help if you know what this is. Thank you in advance for your help.
  8. Thank you I am really really new to this and I jumped in with both feet, but I want so much to be successful with them
  9. I need some advice please.... I adopted a very large Blood Parrot, everything that I was reading and watching said that they do better with more than being by themselves in the tank. When I got him, I put him in a 55 gal. tank so there is a lot of room, I purchased 2 new ones that are about 3 or 4 inches long and the store owner said there would not be any issue but there is. I have one hiding behind the sponge filter and the other has crammed itself into the driftwood. MP (Money Pit the large fish name) will not allow them to move. Without buying anymore tanks how do I help the smaller fish? I try to distract MP but that does not last long if one of the other newbies move, and I cannot stand in front of the tank 24 - 7. Am I over thinking this, and does it just need time? I am really concerned about the 1 that has itself crammed into the driftwood. I only put them in last night. Any insight help is greatly apricated. Pictures are attached. Thank you Noel
  10. Actually he is he is constantly attacking the plants, uprooting them and I’m daily having to pull out pieces parts. I was told by this one guy at the aquarium store just not to have any real plants in there with him and put in plastic but I thought he was just trying to sell me the plastic stuff. But maybe he’s right. Thank you for your input I really appreciate it.
  11. Can someone tell me what the best plants to use in my 55 gal aquarium for my Blook Parrot? I adopted him 2 weeks ago, setup the new tank and trying to keep everything natural. I bought a couple of plants both Java ferns and he keeps nudging them out of the gravel/sand. I put in an really nice piece of driftwood (which has leached tannins) I am ok with that. I want the tank to have a good eco-system (no plastic), and I would like to order some plants from Aquarium-coop but just not sure which are the correct ones. I am a novice the biggest tank I have had is my 25 gal with the glow fish and it has the plastic stuff in it. With this big fish I wanted to do it the right way. Thank you Noel
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