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Posts posted by Gaara

  1. Ok, so are we in agreement the picture submitted by Schmaty is a bloodworm?  I have been searching the internet to find someone that found something like that.  I have had 5 in my shrimp/snail tank and it's creeping me.  I've never put anything in my tank to resemble that worm and just don't want parasites.  But I don't want to nuke the tank with meds if it's not like some rogue Camallanus worm somehow surviving in my cherry shrimp and pest snails.  From my pic you can see it is "big" at least compared to my shrimp.


  2. I plan on adding some lights around my aquarium stands. Something soft and colorful. My sons would love that tree topper by the way. They are obsessed with Murphy. Maybe someday we’lol make the trek from St. Louis to the Co-Op. I had to put a Murphy sticker on both sides of my car so they could both look at him while driving around town.

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