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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Sounds like the imagitarium stuff where it's smaller gravel chunks with acrylic or whatever type of colorant on the rocks. If you're trying to have something natural, small polished black (dark grey) river stones can be had in the garden section. Just be careful to not crack the glass when adding to the aquarium. If you can post a picture of the darkest one you have so we can get an idea as well 🙂 Very much agreed.
  2. Treating for ich was one of the most stressful moments in my hobby. I did save some of the fish, but my experience was very similar to yours. I would highly recommend treating the entire tank itself for Ich and be sure to crank the temp up into the range that need be. The issue, is that you have to give the disease time to progress and this is extremely stressful to the hobbyist as well as the fish 😞 . I don't know if you can force the ich to progress without fish in the tank, unfortunately, but maybe there is just a method to sterilize the substrate and any remaining cysts that might be in the tank. Edit: Towards the end of the video there might be a pretty good way to finish off any remaining ich. Salt.
  3. I would cut the lights by about 10-15% lower intensity and then monitor the algae. What is the stocking of the tank in question, is their amano shrimp or otos to help with algae? What is the light you are using, what plants are in the tank and what are their light requirements? (do you have a lot of stems, slow growers, etc?) What is your dosing chemical and how often do you dose? Also, very cool corydoras! Looking forward to seeing him in your next photos 🙂
  4. oh..... that reminds me of something. On Disney+ there is a documentary of a conservationist and her journey (Playing with Sharks). She talks about Jacques Cousteau and how they didn't have anything to hold their camera equipment and keep it water safe. Overall, amazing hour of your life, but that comment she made is specifically relevant here as well. Maybe with that clip in mind (I'm sorry, I can't find a clip of it, the entire documentary is on youtube). Maybe something like this will inspire an idea to make something as well.
  5. Strips for me have always been lower than the API kits. I would *always* go by what the API kit says for PH, KH, GH, Here is mine with both the co-op (new) and the Tetra (expired) test strips. With the API kit I would consistently get anywhere from .5 to .8 higher PH. (it was at the old house, but I'd usually be at 6.8-7.2 range)
  6. If you can... share a photo of your substrate? I am going to go grab one of mine. (seachem flourite dark / black but it's not the "sand" version) These are both Seachem Flourite Black version. The stuff from imagitarium is pretty cheap "black sand" but it's no where near what you would think of as sand. The other one I would use is the carib sea black tahitian sand (which I am pretty sure no longer exists due to metal contamination), but I would suggest running a magnet through it first. Same thing with the black diamond blasting sand. I am right there with you, I wish it was more black, but I do enjoy the seachem substrate so far. Edit: Does anyone have experience with this brand / specific color? https://www.amazon.com/Estes-Products-AES06606-Aquarium-5-Pound/dp/B004LOIIKA
  7. I got in the hairgrass. I don't *really* want to screw it up this time so fingers crossed. Question for everyone, do you normally trim the leaves of DHG/MS when you plant it at first to encourage new growth?
  8. Yeah exactly, that's what I kind of hope is that I can use the pump or something to trigger behavior. I'll check it out, thanks 🙂 Edit: I tried to order the lid, they didn't seem to understand so that just means I need to order the plastic hinge and go down to the hardware store and have them use their table to cut the glass for me. I have everything to do it myself, I just don't want to mess with raceway and sliding. I want the lid to functionally perform like a normal lid. I'm also in the middle of setting up an additional tank (moving one to the main living area from my temporary setup).
  9. Depending on substrate and temperature requirements you can definitely fit some catfish. Maybe a bumblebee catfish? Corys are catfish, but definitely not the normal shape of one. Definitely! I have had some, they have an amazing bronze color that shines really nicely against plants. There's a lot of nice rasboras out there. Pencil fish too. So many choices.
  10. Yeah exactly, that's why I was concerned. I feel like you're setting up two awesome tanks. I would take it as a win if the Betta didn't go after shrimp. But there's stuff like corys that might be fine in that situation. A 20L, nano fish (a few varieties) isn't a tank I've had for such a long time, but is a great concept that so many people develop. My favorite is barbs, but green rasboras are pretty cool too.
  11. That's perfect. I think because of the shape of the fish, rasboras and tetras might get picked on (narrow, slender bodies). Flat bodied fish would be bigger targets too, so that's what concerns me. Something that is out of eyesight would be best, bottom dwellers or something that can retreat to cover. If there is height to the tank..... That's an interesting dilemma. Same reason I got back into. Awesome stuff 🙂
  12. I have one of the older "never clog" airstones and some of new ziss ones. I definitely had a few head scratching moments where I had to go and clean off the ziss ones to restore flow. It sounds like you might just have had a defect in the tube on the generic one, like a little piece of plastic that was narrowing flow perhaps or simply a narrowing of the tube from the molding process that showed itself over time. Weird.....
  13. Saw this today. Had to giggle. It has no reviews, no photos, no description, no nothing. Took me far too long to figure out what it actually is even after going to MFG website. I just don't understand sometimes. And I was intrigued, making sure it wasn't something special for this guy.... it wasn't.
  14. Looks like they sell via amazon (couldn't find it anywhere else). The link I found gives me the option to have it cut to a specific size. So I can order something for a bigger tank and have it cut in half. (opens long way) Definitely an option. Much appreciated!
  15. I realized, because of deflection at the middle of the tank, lid might not fit. (high probablility). Updates from the morning: I had some of the sterogyne repens floating up top in the morning, planted it a bit deeper. I am still thinking I need to trim off the hairgrass to encourage growth / expansion. It's not something I usually do, so I am unsure. I re-tested the water and KH seems to be ok. PH is low, but that's normal. I would expect that as long as water returns to normal and changes keep up, that everything will be stable. I will end up adding some crushed coral on the next order just in case I need to have it on hand.
  16. what filter was on that tank? I saw some of your fish in previous posts, absolutely amazing stuff you have going on. Looking forward to seeing more, even if it's not the best photo 🙂
  17. I can't thumbs up the post, but this is a fantastic point! My question, for my own knowledge, something in terms of a bolivian ram vs. an apisto. Do apisto's tend to go midwater more often or is the aggression usually, only during breeding? To the OP, I can reference a few times where I "did my research" and absolutely went in with a feeling like I was going to be doing the right thing. Only through experiencing it for myself did I really understand how poor the guidance I had received was. It's frustrating, and unfortunately when you're scrubbing the internet trying to find the answer (instead of having a trustworthy source) that is just how it goes sometimes.
  18. The beta might snap at those fish. Depending on what the scape is, the fish might not be able to get away. It really depends on the temperament of the betta fish as to what can be around it. The pleco can have a cave, so that's not an issue. The main thing is to make sure the fish can escape or hide.
  19. what was there before and after? I'm curious. And this is coming from someone who saw a tank with a gigantic pond air stone for a 5g tank. (long story)
  20. It's not "nano" but there is a ton of people who just use planter boxes and make their own. Something similar to, but a smaller scale version of this.... They also have them where they flow like a sump from one side to another passing through media. Both versions are "overhead" filtration and give different advantages. Very cool to see some more on this topic. I am anxiously awaiting to see more 🙂 .
  21. They should have test strips that should be pretty cheap and you can probably get some. It's likely what they will use to test your water and hopefully you'll get to see how they work too.
  22. I want to have a rack of 2-3 tanks (probably 20L or 29G) and I want to use that to breed amanos. I want to have a coral tank eventually as well. Having a sump would be nice, Also.
  23. Perfect. Yes, All you need is easy green and a low-medium light.
  24. it helps to protect below the tank, makes it so the tank won't move, it also helps ever so slightly to even out the surface if there is any (minor) irregularities. It's a "shock absorber" of sorts. Like I said, my holdback is how much 29's deflect when full. It's pretty substantial. I would have a 20H and find a stand for the 29G. That would be my choice. If you want to use that table, get a 1/2" board or something for the top of it. NBD. but that would mean 2 tanks 😉
  25. The big question is what kind of a light do you have and what kind of a schedule do you want with the tank. 20H gives you the option of some stem plants, if it's a 20L, that's a tough home for a lot of them but other plants will thrive.
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