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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Seachem Focus as a binder? What if you added the snail bits to repashy to get them to try to bite that?
  2. Does it contain Phosphate? Iron? Based on what I am seeing, no. It might have some molecules that break down and contribute to the issue. One thing to keep in mind with shrimp is that a lot of them do not like hair algae. If it's too long, even amanos won't touch the stuff. If it's a certain texture, they avoid it. There's been some reports that after scrubbing algae you'll see the shrimp then go after it. Manual removal is always the key with some of the more difficult algaes like staghorn and BBA. When it comes to any algae issue, the key is to provide consistency and then to balance whatever is out of sync and contributing to that growth. It could be lights, nutrients, or the water itself causing the issues. If you can, start with something like a phosphate test kit and see what your tap has and what your tank has. If you have rotting plants and a lot of food, that's going to contribute to nutrients the algae will use.
  3. It's on the Seiryu stone. The surface has craters and nicks and so forth and it's where the algae took hold. I removed the algae manually by scrubbing it, then you're left with the smallest little bit still latched on and it looks like the rock has blackheads, etc. My hope was that with the RR treatment all of those would change red or white. This one is in focus, you can see it a lot more clearly here.
  4. After the treatment, rescape, etc. It looks much better in person 🙂 Algae on the rocks it doesn't seem like it did much to the "pores" that are little specs of algae all over the surface. Full Shot:
  5. Yeah, moving the little one to the snail tank makes sense to help keep him from getting picked on. When you add to the size of the school try to move things around in the tank and it'll reset territory for the tank as well.
  6. I pulled all the anubias off the wood. I'll vac the substrate to remove anything that settled on the surface and then add the plants tomorrow. All the plants, literally everything, is in the seltzer minus the wood. I have a bin, I'll pull the wood, add the plants and rocks back, treat the wood, scrape it as best I can as well, and then we'll see how everything does. Honestly, my biggest concern is the hygro pinnatifida. In the big tank I had a BN pleco as well as a RL pleco. One did a lot of work on the glass, the other did a lot of work on the other surfaces and was more nocturnal. Next time I'm at the shop with "quality" fish I'll try to find something, but the tank right now has 2 clowns. I'm planning to move one out, have one clown in each tank. Then take my main tank in my room and stack it with a few more amanos.
  7. You would want to have a proper filter to cycle the ammonia. Based on reading. 0.5 vs higher values, you'd want to treat things differently. Once you have the value, we can go from there.
  8. I think my older amanos do a better job. Bigger appetite. It's a balance of starving the tank to get them to eat the algae vs. other foods. I'll treat the tank, starve them for 2-4 days and see what happens. I stare at what the shrimp eat more than anything. The Corydoras I've even seen grazing on the algae which is cool. Everything in the tank is being treated. I'll add it to the tank in the morning and hopefully not screw up the cycle too much. The plants, rock, etc. Will be clean and I hope the plants bounce back and then I'll pull the wood and treat that separately. I just hope... I'm so tired of fighting the algae. I hope the shrimp eat what need be and then that the plants out compete everything else. I can handle green, brown diatoms. This stuff (red algae) is just the absolute worst.
  9. Ah, that's awesome though. They were successful and did thing the right way, the best way possible! Maybe someone younger will buy the store and keep it going 🙂
  10. BUT IT IS DOING IT NOW! I'm so excited. Moss is loving the CO2 and going nicely. I turned the rock sideways and working on growing out the moss wall. 🙂 I'll dip the plants out tonight. I ordered a bunch of plant weights as to avoid the silverware drawer. I had 15, down to 10. Definitely getting some more.
  11. Same thing happened to me. Give them time, maybe you'll get a spawn soon! Could it be that they are getting burned by the light? It happens to some anubias as well because they prefer indirect light as opposed to being right under the light.
  12. Feel better @Cinnebuns Take it easy!
  13. Interesting. Maybe some hobbyists local can recommend some for you to try 🙂 What ones do you use now? I'll add this, potentially some tips for you!
  14. As long as they look good. Do it. Very unfortunate the local shop is going out of business. 😞 Hopefully their inventory goes to a good home and some new hobbyists take advantage of it to find something at sale prices. You officially have a Corydoras Horde now!
  15. ACO is still working on shipping to EU / UK. It's not opened yet. It's in progress!
  16. Best thing to do it is to buy the substrate, rinse it gently, and then fill up the bucket most of the way with water. Add an airstone, cover it so the floor doesn't get soaked from splasting (but leave a place for air to escape), wait 24 hours, and then test for ammonia. If it's 0, then you're fine.
  17. Very nice tank 🙂 Welcome to the forum. What kind of wood is that?
  18. I rinsed mine, I didn't have any issues. When I used stratum I had a 55G full of sand to start with. I broke down that tank (with fish and everything) and then I moved that tank out of position. I added in a 75G and added the new substrate, capped it with the sand from the 55G tank. I added all the plants and hardscape, then the fish. As soon as I turned on the filter I didn't have enough sand and the flow just blew it to the side and the stratum was exposed. I didn't have any issues with a cycle crash, algae bloom, leeching, etc. There is stuff like ADA Amazonia that definitely leeches. There is contrasoil I believe also does the same thing. Off the top of my head that's all I can think of, but there's probably a list I can find. 🙂 Edit: Here is a really good article. A little further down the post it goes one by one and lists pro/con for each substrate and discusses which one have a risk of leeching. Stratum is listed as one that has a potential to leech ammonia, although less (meaning not as much or as long) as something like Amazonia. https://rootedtank.com/planted-tank-substrate/#Substrates_that_contain_macro_and_micronutrients
  19. The sponge I was using has two holes in it now. I could probably use sandpaper and get it off. The toothbrush just doesn't work for this stuff. I equate it to coral. It's formed an attachment and it's bonded and it is it's home now so to speak. It's very, very stubborn stuff to get off. I reduced it probably 60% on the wood. On the rocks about 80%. The small pores on the rock, I don't think anything but chemicals will remove that one. And then... say I get the wood, rock, plants clean. My hope is that the stuff stuck on the frame of the tank, equipment, etc. will just die off and be out competed. One bloom and I'm back to square one. This stuff has cycles and waves. My focus being, apart from treatment and removal, is to have consistency in parameters for the plants. I was also reading about how some corydoras won't spawn if they see algae because they assume the eggs won't hatch. Which explains a lot of the struggles 😞 .
  20. I think this might be leaning towards male sizes. I can check on some of mine compared to the list with regards to females and I believe it's slightly bigger. AWESOME list. I love things like this. It is one of my absolute favorite things to see the little ones hanging out with the parents. It's just added levels of wonderful on top of their already high level of adorableness.
  21. Stratum can be light, but I never found it to be messy. Light just meaning that it can get pushed around in higher flow tanks with a strong filter. The plants you have seem great and you have a mix of fast and slow growing plants. Sounds like a great tank 🙂
  22. Yeah, I have taken to suction cupping them while they recover from the algae. Thank you for the details above and repeating everything. I'll treat the plants for now with RR, use the H2O2 on the wood as mentioned. I removed a ton of the algae but there's one spot that's difficult to remove things from. The amanos have been working on it and I'll see how they do today with it.
  23. I've got 12L of seltzer on standby for tomorrow. Now here's to hoping I can find a container to fit this wood and have it be fully submerged with all the anubias attached. I'll make a trip to the local shop to get a black tub or I'm going to need to borrow the one from the pups! I'll try to get this one done correctly without issues! Just to confirm. Should I treat this for 12 hours still, increase it, or is there something I specifically need to do because this algae is so stubborn?
  24. Have you made a random trip to the local garden section for some smooth / small size "garden rocks"? Something like river rocks or gravel is pretty readily available there and you can get some pretty cool stuff.
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