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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. No tests results, but a few notes. I was able to do WC at about 1 AM. I guess that counts as Sunday still. I do believe the algae in question is specifically staghorn at this point. I don't think BBA grows the way this kind tends to grow. Could be both, could be just one, but for the sake of my own efforts I'm treating this as a staghorn infestation. (fix CO2, fix flow, fix light) I did have to dose a bit extra this week. I might need to go back to daily testing and dosing it every night / morning (if dosing at night isn't good, which I've read it isn't). I'm up to 3x a week right now, but I very easily could've just missed a dose. I SWEAR I didn't, but I also don't think the tank would use 1 full weekly dose in 24 hours. Impressive if it does. I'll keep an eye on it, dose in the morning, and then go ahead and report back. Because of all the monitoring I'm doing right now, hopefully it makes sense why results are a bit delayed. I don't want things to be inaccurate in this log and so I am trying to give all the buffers and what not time to work after dosing, at least 24 hours. EDIT: Two test results in the photo, the one in question is on the left. Note: Nitrates already zero, telling me I need to dose a lot more. Testing Results: Temp: 72.7 Phosphate: 0.25-0.5 Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 10 Nitrite: 0 GH: 300+ KH: 80 PH: 7.6 Algae really has me annoyed and frustrated today (tuesday). I see it taking hold yet again. Phosphates are down, flow is improved. It's just this massive inconvenience. I feel like pulling every plant, because it's going to die anyways. I don't want to see this slow death 100x over and over again and again.
  2. I think either way you're fine. It would be best to put him back in the school though. The photo doesn't show much. Perhaps you want to try to snap another one if there's something you're specifically trying to demonstrate.
  3. Very cool. You can use the normal pump too, it also does USB. I don't know if it converts or has the same life because of the onboard battery though. I do like that it has the stamina features, although I don't think you can control the bursts of time.
  4. usually it points to an issue, not natural. When it comes to angels I do not know if this is some sort of a breeding ritual/dance.
  5. totally an awesome setup. Should give you about 1 more day or so. Very unfortunate 😩 I hope things improve quickly. I would just throw it into the tank itself for right now. If you have sponge filters, toss those in too. I hope you're able to get through all this and on the other side without issues. Hoping for the best for you and all those around you.
  6. It'll look good and be a good centerpiece when it's filled. That + rocks is your triangle of sorts for the "aquascaping gurus" out there. I just make it so I like it and don't follow generally any normal guidelines or golden ratios. To me, aesthetically, that texture of the "tree" fits those rocks. Whether it's inbetween them, behind them, etc.
  7. The rule of thumb, typically is about how you want to control them setting their regions in the tank. If nothing is going to intefere with the bottom fish, they can usually go in whenever. Corydoras, hillstreams, otos, pretty much nothing will bother them. Then you would add in your secondary schools of fish. You can decide to let the tank sit, build up the filtration, or add them in if you're confident in the cycle and controlling the nitrates spike / bacterial blooms. I would add in everything except the rainbows at this point. Let them get settled. Your "most aggressive" is going to be the rainbows, but I don't think you'd have any issues. You want to add the most aggressive thing last because it has to deal with other, established zones. Adding a bigger fish at the end also tends to reset the tank in some cases. If that's the case, you'd move around the hardscape and force new zones. Force everything in the tank to re-establish itself.
  8. ditto. I was considering ordering from them.
  9. Hydroponics store, usually, or a metal shop. To be clear, and for everyone speaking about the "high cost" of co2. Yes, the upfront cost is a bit steep. Regulators can be had a variety of prices, but I think all of us here would point you to the ones ACO has now or had previously. Diffusers aren't expensive, and you'd also want a drop checker. Co2 tubing, check valve, etc. Distilled water for the bubble counter also. The cost for the canister at first is ~100-140. But once you get that done, it's about 15-30 to get it filled back up. No big deal. And as long as you hook it up correctly, you're talking 1-2x per year depending on what you're dosing.
  10. The sword on the left, the bushy thing on the right. No idea what it is. But the tree is similar in color to the rock, I like it as a piece with those rocks.
  11. I have used them, over time they don't really like it. It didn't take long for that to happen in my case. I would recommend getting some hikari foods or specifically vibrabites. Right now that's my daily feeder.
  12. Can the rocks be placed more upgright / vertical or do they not have the base to support that weight in that direction. I like the rocks in the first one, plants in the second one. That sword is pretty beefy and tall. I think it might do well in one of the corners of the back of the tank. It's sort of difficult to see everything, I just mean it's probably easier in person to see it and position things around. I would get the rocks settled, get your big plants placed, and then decide placement for everything else.
  13. Looks like some sort of internal damage. Typically this can happen when a pleco is scared when the lights come on suddenly or when they are spooked and they dart across the tank. They might have ran into something and suffered an injury in that capacity. What meds do you have on hand? Do you have a QT tank to place the fish in?
  14. Yeah, mine only like certain ones too. Some they just flat out ignore. Pure spirulina they like, so I usually try to get one that has a good amount of that. Repashy is "easier" to do that with but just not as easy for them to eat I guess. Hikari they like, the old sera ones they like. New ones not so much. The ones I got from Xtreme they didn't like either. A few others I've tried similar results.
  15. Yeah, one is in my room, my personal tank. The other stuff was in tubs, was in the 75G, which was in the living room at the old house. That tank got moved, into tubs, then into a holding tank so I could run a heater. I got a smaller tank for them in the living room, family tank for everyone to enjoy. Was setup on one side of living room, it kept getting budged, floor had issues, so I moved it to the other side in the entryway to the house, under the spiral stairs. It was a better location, needed an outlet, but got all that sorted. After ~2 months or so, probably longer, the fish were doing fine, but the tank wasn't. Everything on the stairs, especially dog hair, ends up on the lid. Finding a lid for the 29 that actually fits isn't easy. Even if you buy one from the company that manufactures the tank! Anyways, issues and what not resolved, fish are happier, better behavior I've seen in grace the shark. It's next to my computer desk, which just means for the sake of spills, moving the electronics. Gotta do what you gotta do.... Absolutely! Beautiful photos of your fish. Love black backgrounds, they definitely make the colors pop. Cherry shrimp are allegedly the easiest to sell. I think Cory had mentioned or recommended that in one of his vids a while back. The tank looks great, very nice setup for shrimp!
  16. Out of frustration mostly..... I ended up moving a tank today. The panda horde is officially moved / relocated and Grace the shark is back in the room with me. I took all the hardscape out, knocked out about 4 anubias plants (yep, need more glue again) and then drained that into a bucket with tank water. I took apart filters, the rest of the hardscape and moved that to another bucket filled with tank water. I filled another bucket halfway with water for the fish and set them in a quiet, dark space with an airstone to relax while I drained and moved everything. It took some doing trying to get things level, as always seems to be the case! But.... I think it's ok. I'll check it after everything has had a chance to settle. Power is now mounted on the wall and I'm running into an issue where they Kasa wifi switches are interfering on the power strip I have. I may end up needing to swap it out or go ahead and just get the kasa version of the surge protector. I've got my large airpump running two tanks right now, 4 devices total. One gang valve leads to the second tank. If you are facing the tank, black corydoras on the left, power in the middle with a CO2 tank right there on the floor, and now the pandas are to the right. I do have a bit of a conundrum because the pandas are setup with basically no light in their tank right now. I may keep it or swap back to a fluval planted light. Undecided. The goal being for that tank to be completely anubias. Again, now I can keep an eye on things, test, better care all around than I was dealing with previously. I know the fish have always been ok, doing well, but the peace of mind of knowing I don't have to stress about other hands on / around the tank is helpful. Appreciated. I hope things settle for them, it's more quiet, less stressful, and that the fish can just relax and be fish without all the activity around the tank in their previous area.
  17. Hm..... what kind of food!? The yellow hikari wafers? Very cool. Looking forward to seeing that SAAAAAND!
  18. Definitely do very slow acclimation for them. I am sorry for the losses you've encountered. I have had a few of my own due to parameter swings I was struggling with. I hope the next ones do better for you. Aquahuna sells them as well as a few other places if you don't have a local shop.
  19. Correct. You have the cysts on the fish, they end up in the substrate and then hatch, this is the only point when they can be eliminated with the ich-x meds. Increasing them through the cycle is what we use as hobbyists to kill them. You can also see on the meds, you don't stop treatment once the white spots disappear, because you really need them to fully hatch out which takes some time.
  20. Amanos will definitely do that as well! They eat anything all other shrimp eat, but are just specifically going to live longer. They also get larger, so will spend time grazing more often. There isn't any issue with the shrimp you have. I simply meant to say, next time you're at the shop.... I highly recommend getting amanos instead 🙂 They can be in the same tank and do the same things, just a slightly better purchase universally.
  21. Yep! Very much so, they feel safer at those times.
  22. Pellet foods work well. They do love flakes also, but the flakes don't really stay put on the substrate sometimes for them. Dry foods: Hikari vibrabites, and other pellet foods, hikari algae wafers (moreso than others), spirulina based foods, fluval bug bites as well Frozen foods: Spirulina brine, blood worms (be careful they aren't too big) Other foods: Repashy community, Soilent Green, Bottom Scratcher are all awesome foods for them!
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