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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Kind of depends where you got them from, honestly. If it was a big box store or a local shop that doesn't really have a ton of expensive corys, even the shipping sheet could say it's one thing but end up with another. In the other thread when someone was asking @Odd Duck had a good eye for which was which. Based on the head it does look like the pattern connects so I'm leaning towards the real deal. The pattern can change as they grow. I got some from the big box store and they ended up being the reticulated pattern ones. Really beautiful when they grow up to adult size. (Both are, honestly)
  2. Very sorry for your issues and losses @redfish Maybe there's something going on and we can talk through the whole setup in the disease section? If that would be beneficial, by all means we're all here to help. Unfortunately, it happens. The thing I would suggest right now is to just keep the tank running and focus on plants or something until you decide what you would like to do.
  3. The little black dots on the wood looks like BBA. The other stuff has a similar structure to some pretty intense staghorn, but I agree with everyone that's it's very similar to some weird types of fungus we've seen on other posts in a variety of colors / forms.
  4. The Fluval digital dual readout is pretty awesome. It sticks to the side of the tank and reads without a probe or anything. I also use the floating marina ones. The suction cups just stop working after a while.
  5. Hey hey everyone, A few weeks back we had someone start an awesome thread challenging someone on the forums to post what is going on in their fishroom. I really enjoyed the fun in that thread and so did many other people here. I would love to bring it back and add some layers to this iteration, which I will call the "challenge edition" When it's your turn be sure to tag someone in your reply with "I challenge (username)!" and let's keep it going! Please limit your tags to one user for the sake of trying to keep things making sense. If someone doesn't respond in ~48 hours or so then I would totally suggest someone, literally anyone, has the room to jump in and challenge the next person on the forums to post. THE CHALLENGE: If someone tags you, your challenge is to go and spend a few minutes staring at one tank. It could be anywhere from 5-30+ minutes if you really wanted it to be. You may record, write, take photos, whatever you wish to do, but the challenge here is to share something you enjoy about that tank that you chose for the task at hand. I spent a little bit of time checking on the new fish in the tank today. This is affectionately called the panda horde tank and it houses my Pandas, Grace the RTBS, as well as some new fish I got recently to join them! One of my favorite parts of my day is checking on Grace and the worlds smallest fry just to make sure everything is going alright. Please enjoy! EDIT: Waiting for the audio to upload on the youtube side, and it will be better quality soon! Sorry about that. I challenge........ @tolstoy21! There is always some cool stuff going on in their fishroom 🙂
  6. Black Rice Fish in some sort of an outdoor or indoor pond style setup for me. There's so many fish I wish I could keep but the ones I really "someday" want are things I fully expect to happen it's just a question of when and how. The other big one for me is green lasers and some plecos.
  7. Well..... I don't know what attempt this is, but I have a new bit of advice on how to try to push back this algae. I am going to give this a shot for this week and hope that all the trimming I did leads to success. I got this from Bentley, as mentioned the goal was to rid this tank of algae as a part of his "One Tank at a Time" series. This is what was suggested for the current adjustments: I have gone ahead and set the lights and CO2 up for that 4 hour jolt and the tank is already wrapped in towels. The room is dark already, but... I am really trying to do everything to just stop this stuff from growing any further. I hope that once this stuff softens up and dies back from the blackout, that the amanos do go nuts on it. I really hope so. I need that to happen!
  8. Glad you're recovering, take it easy!!! The tank will be ok. Hopefully it's slightly easy to use a python or something and change water one handed.
  9. I totally got distracted by the anubias branch. Beautiful setup for live-bearers and they pop like crazy on all that green. Well done!
  10. Lol, that's awesome. Reminds me of those old animated movies where the Gem is in the skull.
  11. Nano meaning for me is.... Max size is about 1" or under. "Community fish" would be community tank and be those that get along well and might be over that nano size. At some point they are just fish. Very likely an algorithm because nano fish is searched more and that triggers the Google's search results.
  12. You're much better off with the 48" light because you want it supported on the ends of the tank and not the rim. Making it for the brace means you'll spend a lot more time sitting there moving lights around and they will be lighter, move around easier without much effort, and likely fall in. In a perfect world, you get the 48" and suspend it from the ceiling or something. But yeah.... Absolutely recommend the longer light.
  13. A rubberlip pleco the size of an oto that can eat hair algae of all colors specifically out of stuff like moss and fine plants. Or an amano shrimp variety that just really, really, really loves to eat red algae as much as a homemade chocolate chip cookie sitting there fresh out of the oven. Yes please. I totally understand what you mean. Especially a few of them. Like everything, the key is always to keep from feeding them so they actually want to graze on algae.
  14. Yep.... You might have better (more even) circulation with a spraybar if they have one for that filter that you like. You could also look into in-line diffusers as well.
  15. What you're showing here looks accurate to me to perform well for plants. The only think you really want to see at this point (apart from PH) is that you want to see the micro bubbles across the entirety of the tank when dosing. You're typically looking for a 0.5-1.0 PH drop. @Mmiller2001 is definitely much better with this information then me. Perhaps they can give a second set of eyes and verify everything above 🙂 .
  16. I end up doing 90-120 minutes before lights on for me.... I posted a thread in the experiments for algae battles. It has a sheet in there that I found somewhere on the forums and saved. It does have details at the bottom and a chart for calculating CO2 concentration a few ways. This all depends on where you start. It's not about dropping the PH to X..... the thing you're measuring is what was the PH drop from being dosed with the CO2 compared to off-gassed water.
  17. Has been done. I've got the photos of the before / after in the RR thread. Didn't work on some of the hardscape and then because of the wood needing to be dried out I guess that limits some options. The algae did die off / change color after RR treatment, but it wasn't phased. It's back, didn't really stop it much. This stuff is way too resilient and it blooms, spores in the water, and then it just goes crazy again.
  18. Minor update. I'm doing a week blackout, 4 hour lighting window following that. This is with regards to left tank. I will still be doing the daily dose of the liquid carbon and keeping an eye on everything. Details in the journal for the tank with context and all that as to why, but.... I wanted to mention the week delay and slight alteration to the plan for right now.
  19. Very exciting news, well done you two! Keep us updated with awesome photos in future of Moby
  20. Would it be easier / quicker by using the bottle like that in the sun? Direct or indirect, maybe a windowsill or something.... That what it made me think of.
  21. I'll be very intrigued to the point of where you're at now and when you have ~50+ in the tank. I have only kept amanos (and ghosts) and not the ones that do well and create that freshwater colony. Asking for a 75G friend I know. LOL.
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