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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Beautiful! They do love to sit in caves all day, huh? Grace loves to hide out and then at night she's the party in the tank. Full moons, so much splashing!!!!
  2. First, Welcome to the forums. Hopefully everyone here can help out! For fin rot, you're looking for something to treat specifically gram negative bacteria to help with fin rot. There is a few things to keep in mind though. You want to treat both the issue and secondary issues. This would mean that while you are directly treating for this specific gram negative bacteria causing the fin rot, there is a cause to also treat following the gram negative bacteria cure, is to follow up with the erythromycin and fungal issues. You can do this a few ways, with salt and botanicals (melafix, IAL, etc) during the initial treatment as well as, more specifically, once the fish has had time to recover a little bit, following up with Ich-X, Salt, and Erythromycin. Alright.... Neoplex is supposed to work for this issue. Second to that I would point you towards Kanaplex if you aren't seeing the results you're looking for with the Neoplex. I would suggest at minimum 2-3 treatments for this scenario if you are looking for a severe case. Let the fish recover, then go ahead and follow up with the above mentioned meds for secondary issues. Yeah, that would be fungal issues. 😞 . Salt, botanicals, and Ich-X can all be used. Finally, be sure to have an airstone in the tank if you don't to try to reduce stress on the fish.
  3. Literally thought about plant root growth issues today. Thanks for the share!
  4. That's crazy! @Guppysnail I can't believe how bad that tank is. It's a ton of stress on the silicone. Needless to say, from the "engineering support" side I would simply like to defend the honor of the QC dept! 😂 It totally could've been an issue where prep wasn't right on the glass, the edge had some finger residue along the edge and that leads to the issue shown where it's not sealed right. If there is a gap, you can add some, especially externally to the inside seam without having to disassemble everything. That would be a "least effort" attempt to diffuse some of the stress long term. It could be due to shipping, heat, location, and just storage temp+time causing the seam to shrink and pull apart. I hope anyone who see's that on their tank never has an issue. Crazy stressful to stare at that every day. 😞 I wonder what aqueon (or others) would say to someone asking support about it. Curious curious....
  5. I know the plants do..... So does the coffee and the pasta water 😉
  6. Apart from the new one, the tank is running sponges? If you ever get one or see one, grab an aqueon or marineland penguin pro type of HoB that meant for a small filter. If you ever have a tank that's cloudy, I would use those jammed with floss and just run it for 2-5 days until it was cleaned up. I think you have a hate-hate use for the tidal 35's. Same thing. I would basically use it for that only at this point or a plants only tank, never anything with fish, especially fry. Annoyingly I am using it now on one tank, but I have the 55 to replace it after I patch up the Tidal testing for the hivemind / experiments thread.
  7. @modified lung Might be able to help. It's very hard to see anything looking at the second set of photos. I would try to take a photo looking down into the cup to remove some distortion. The second set looks like you need a microscope to see! Very tiny right now.
  8. Jungle - Fungus Clear Tabs: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: NITROFURAZONE, POTASSIUM DICHROMATE Hikari - Ich-X: For Aquarium: Water, Formaldehyde (<5%), Methanol (<2%), Malachite Green Chloride (<0.1%) So directly, no. They both are designed for fungal, one might work better for a specific issue. I do know a lot of us tend to have Ich-X handy. That's why I mentioned it.
  9. Dang, very unfortunate. My Condolences to the family. RIP
  10. I view it as the loach is trying to find a spot to rest, but can't. I would expect the Sponge filter or the back of the tank. It's in the center of the tank under the most lit part of the tank. It's an odd place for that loach to protect. It's open, so to speak, because those fish want a flat surface to graze on. Mine would hang on and in a pleco cave. Add a ceramic pot or two and you're talking about a very different tank behavior.
  11. It isn't aggressive, it's fear to me. Both the tetras and the schooling/shoaling fish want to have some place to go through, to go towards to swim around. Adding a piece of wood, a rock pile, it would immensely change the chemistry in the tank for all of the fish. The loach thought it was going to be attacked or it thought that it doesn't have a place to go towards and so it tried to go somewhere, but it doesn't really have a cave. Most loaches like that would end up in a shade spot, usually the back wall of the tank. The way the fish are acting makes me think the majority of them are stressed.
  12. Very cool! I hope they do well for you, looking forward to seeing how things go.
  13. Not really sure what I am looking at, but I would definitely swap it. I don't trust the big box store to care for the tanks, especially locally. I know they take a set out, if they don't sell they just go to the back and then come out on the next sale. I'm always super cautious when I buy them. The last one I got had a 6-8" gigantic deep scratch I had missed. The silicone looked good, but missed that. I just don't trust tanks over 20L size, it's a ton of weight on those panels.
  14. LOL.... I feel the pain. IDK what's worse.... being so blind you can't see or being so blind you're 2 feet or less away from things just to see them and half asleep.
  15. Very tragic. I do enjoy a lot of the wild species, such a unique fish and unique coloration.
  16. My task for the day, check on everything, but I also shined up the wood. General reminder. Get a bin or something for those prime bottles and all those chemicals that just leak for no reason..... But! More importantly, clean the wood if you have a nice stand. Fish stuff is always dusty, especially media, and this was so nice to see how much I adore the stain on this stand.
  17. 😂 Always funny. Mine is a hockey player, but I totally understand! This is a fun one, let's keep it going. Awesome updates and some really amazing setups.
  18. I totally understand. I broke my arm and had to eat a taco left handed. I could do it. But my brain literally was like "nope, this isn't right, not possible, can't do it" 😂. It was definitely a funny moment growing up trying to eat just staring at the plate and telling my mom. "I can't do it, my brain won't let me!" Hopefully a swift recovery, glad things are ok, but yeah, I totally feel for you. Very unfortunate, my condolences.
  19. They can be. Mine has been in a community aquarium all of her life and she literally cares for fry and is awesome. In my experience, which is one fish, as long as they have a place to hide during the day, they are very calm and very mild mannered. Obviously, if they are surrounded by fish with similar shape they do go off. Mine was kept with 3-4 SAEs and they learned real quick who was boss. But.... She would literally protect the Cory fry and she would keep the other fish, any of them from bothering them. I don't think they are aggressive, but more protective than anything. Maybe I just got lucky! Grace is a cool shark 🙂 Not mine, but this is what they look like: They get about 5-6" long. The one that Prime Time Aquatics has always seems like it's a foot long easily. Massive RTBS. There is also the BTBS which is the same thing, but a black tail.
  20. Dear Petco. I want a 30L and a 60G tank. Thanks. I would love to see it on sale too but ya know..... I'm ok if it's not half off. Just.... Pretty please carry it!?
  21. Either one! I want to breed a few species. White clouds, barbs, otos, and RTBS. There's just a lot for me to do and learn! I'm always down to spend more time with a single species and learn all I can.
  22. I really dig the Zebras too. They have the blue and yellow colors you just don't often see! I'd love to raise some one day.
  23. Yep, same for me. Once they grow up to 1.5" or so it's a lot easier to ID. Under an inch, there is potential that the patterns change slightly, just give it time. Looking at the head I see the worm lines and the reticulated patterns though.
  24. It's similar to a rainbow shark but instead of the colored fins it only has the red tail. It's a red tailed black shark. It's not an actual shark, but very very shark like in shape and behavior. Same family of fish as SAEs and all those.
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