I got 12 hasbrosus corydoras and a male and female apistogramma on 02/05/2022 - they went into my 10 gallon quarantine tank to start. Everything was fine until 02/14/2022 - when I lost my first cory. At that time, I started a maracyn treatment just in case. I lost a cory a day from 02/14 to 02/17. Then, everything was fine for a few days (I thought the treatment was working), but then I lost another cory on 02/21. On 02/23 I decided to chance it and move my apistogrammas to the 75 gallon even though quarantine wasn't up. I thought maybe the apistos were doing something - though I never personally saw aggression. I didn't lose a cory in the small tank after that (02/23 to 03/05).
On 03/05, I moved the corys to the 75 gallon (with the apistos) - as I put a betta in the 10 gallon. There are also 12 cherry barbs, 19 neon tetras and 3 green dragon plecos in the 75 - so, not overstocked. It is fairly heavily planted with lots of hiding spots. I thought that the corys would have enough places to hide and the tank was large enough to allow some separation.
Today, 03/09, I had another dead cory. There are only 5 left in the 75 gallon. What is going on? Are my suspicions that the apistos are murdering them correct? Should I move the remaining 5 to the 10 gallon with the dumbo betta?
Water parameters are as follows (they generally stayed about the same with nitrite elevation during the maracyn treatment that I combated with water changes):
10 gallon - Nitrate 50, Nitrite 0, Hardness 300+, KH 120, pH 7.6, Chlorine 0, Ammonia 0, temp 77.2 F
75 gallon - Nitrate 35, Nitrite 0, Hardness 300+, KH 120, pH 7.6, Chlorine 0, Ammonia 0, temp 76.3 F
There are no visible bite marks, missing fins or otherwise on the little cory bodies. No sunken or distended bellies. Please help me!