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Posts posted by Marcelo

  1. Months ago I was using another liquid fertilizer but I changed to Easy Green as my nitrate was very low (almost zero). Even using easy green( 6 drops per day in the beginning and 8 drops since weeks ago) the maximum I can have is about 10 ppm. 

    My concern is increase even more to get more nitrates and have by consequence, a lot of other things like phosphate and other stuff.

  2. On 8/20/2022 at 12:21 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Easy Green!  I do my changes on Sunday (sometimes I clean the HoB on Wednesday.  I try to test both days, usually before I dose just to keep an eye on what's going on. The tank has very small (and few) fish compared to most tanks.  Only 5 Corydoras, 2 Plecos, 4-5 Otos, and amano shrimp.  So my nitrates usually go from 0 ---> 5-10 ppm per week based on what I am feeding.  My other tank that has a lot more fish will usually get to the 25-30 ppm range when I test it.

    Thank you !!!!!!!

  3. The same thing happened to me last month when I started to dose Seachem Excell as a way to reduce algae and after 2 days I lost my  5 ghost shrimps. I had them since months so it is pretty clear that the Seachem Excell or something on it caused my problem. I did read some posts saying this can be caused by drastic changes in the water or some chemical being added. Did you change something or started to dose something ? Some big water change ? 

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  4. Hi All,

    Coming back to give a little update and keep a record of what happened so it could help someone in the future. 

    I was able to increase nitrates a little bit  (with Easy Green) but it didn’t help. I decided to go with Seachem Excel for now, I have been using it for 2 weeks and it is working. I see a reduction occurring. I loose 2 or 3 shrimps. I also replaced some old bushes of Hair Grass with new ones as a way to have more plants fighting again algae. 

    My plan is to gradually  stop Excel in about 1 or 2 months.

    lets see


  5. On 8/4/2022 at 11:53 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I went through the same thing, it's difficult to know the right answer. 

    You can keep the bushes if you want, but it's not optimal.  I would recommend splitting each bust into a few smaller ones. Maybe 1/4" in diameter or so is what I've usually seen and done myself.  I had one set of DHG where I didn't trim it, all melted and died.  I had another where I did trim and it still did the same thing.  It's going to likely melt back and if you can grow DHG, it'll grow.  Trimming will theoretically force the plant into new growth.  I recommend trimming it out of water as trying to net all the little blades of grass is a nightmare.

    Great ! What I can also do is kind of trim 5 to 10 blades per week or month so I would keep the bushes and trim old ones 🙂 this is a hobby so, let’s see right 🤣

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  6. Hi Everyone, 

    I bought and planted these 3 dwarf hair grass bushes about a month ago and even knowing I should split the bushes in small spots as a way to cover my substrate, I decided to keep them as bushes (see the picture) as I liked this visual. 


       Is it ok to keep them as bushes? Like the picture ?

       Their height right now is about 5 inches and I want to keep it. Can I keep trimming at this specific height from time to time?

    thank you so much for your time and answer.


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  7. On 7/16/2022 at 1:17 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

    Just as a general warning I like to give, CAE will get quite large and sometimes aggressive towards one another. They are slow growers but after about 5 years of age they grow very fast. Mine was ~8” long before I gave my whole tank load of critters to a very caring family to put in their 250g.


    Quite cute though and loads of personality, my CAE and my bristlenose pleco fought over algae wafer stashes like two clashing dragons. They never harmed one another, just a sibling rivalry. 🙂


    @Biotope Biologist, are they aggressive between theirselves or with other fishes too? My soon has a small tank so I could move one …

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  8. On 7/15/2022 at 4:09 PM, Reneenay said:

    I know about the golden ratio and the different styles but being of limited choices, what they had available at the pet store and then trying different angles until you find one that fits so that everything will be easy to glue together. Someday I'll have lots of wood and rocks to choose from and a tank just for growing my own plants from what I have and I'll have more choices. 😉

    I know !!!! It’s easier to say than to do 🤣 anyway …. The good news is you put your hands into the tank and move things later 🤣

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  9. Hi @JoeQand @Keeg

    Thank you for your advises. Looks like the algae is reducing. I don’t have a way to say what was the main point / solution or  if many of them together helped with this but this is what I did:

    - reduced the temperature to 79oF

    - I did move my canister inflow and outflow to create more water circulation and make sure all plants had at least a little.

    - I kept the CO2 like before (no changes)

    - I suspended additional fertilization

    - I know the “siesta” is not usually applied for folks with CO2 but I am doing anyway 😆 3,5 hours lights on, 2 hours off and  3,5 on again. As soon as the lights go off, I turn on my O2 for 2 hours …. 

    thank you for now, I will post again in some days 




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