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Posts posted by Marcelo

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I have being using Home Assistant to manage routines at my house (automations, check if the garage door is closed, warn me when the printer cartridge is low, send me a Text Message if something is wrong with my AC, etc etc) since 3 years.

    This year I am going to add my tank to the system.

    Phase 1 goal is to automate CO2, Lights, Aerator turn on and off and show some basic information I’m the dashboard. 

    Home Assistant is this software: https://www.home-assistant.io

     If you are interested on join the project let me know.

    Suggestions are always appreciated.

    thank you

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  2. On 11/5/2022 at 7:56 PM, Patrick_G said:

    The label recommends 2ml/10gal per week for med to high light. That’s a good place to start, and then you can adjust the amount based on the level of Nitrates in the tank and the condition of your plants. 
    Beautiful tank! 

    Hi Paul, based on the level of nitrates means keep it at about the  20 level right ? 

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I am having some issues with algae so I am revising everything and I have a question related with fertilizer:

    40 gal breeder, nitrate 20, KH 89 ppm, GH 60 ppm, 7 hours of light and injected CO2 with pH dropping about 0,6 points (I know it should drop 1 point but ….)

    Here you have a picture of my tank so you can see the quantity if plants I have.

    how many drops of Easy Green do you recommend per day ?


    THANK you VERY Much 


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  4. Good Thread !!

    3 phases here …

    My dad had an aquarium probably back to 1990 or about that and I started to like the idea. This was in Brazil. I remember going to the LFS with him and my brother. He had a lot of neons.

    I had mine in 2010 also in Brazil: My first planted tank with dirt, laterite and sand + injected Co2 and etc, neons, angel fish, Corys and some tetras. I terminated my tank about 8 years later due a lot of professional travels. 

    Fast forwarding, to last year, I started a new one here in Florida. 

    I love this hobby.


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  5. Hi,

    I use HTH pool filter sand in most of my tank and have a land with active substrate kind of in the middle. 
    I have noticed more algae in the sand in some places of the tank, more toward to the middle and one side of the tank. In the other two corners, not at all.

    I am wondering if this could be the light or maybe the water flow ? I can’t figure out the reason.

    Do you have some suggestion ?




  6. Hi Everyone,

    Hurricane Ian is coming to Florida and as I am in Tampa, I am looking for what to do with my canister and I found this article on Facebook and with all respect for Mr. David Estes (I trust you but it is always better to check) I would like to double check his recommendation.

    He says on lost power:


    Canister filters can go anaerobic quickly when the power goes off. I know a few local hobbiest who got their fish through three days after the storm only to lose them within a hour of the power coming back on. When the power goes off, unplug your canister filters. You are going to need to clean them prior to using again. If you must evacuate, you will need to make the decision on if to unplug them prior to leaving. If the power is off a few days and comes back on before you get home, it could be disastrous to your tank.
    Buy a bottle of 3% strength hydrogen peroxide. You want the kind you buy in any pharmacy. If you stay home and your power goes out, add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per 20 gallons of tank water once a day. It will help keep up the oxygen levels in your tank. 
    The important thing during a long power outage is to agitate your water every few hours. If you have a battery powered air pump. It should definitely help with this. You will not need to run it all the time. A half hour at a time every two to four hours should work. If you don’t have a battery powered air pump, a large glass, the bigger the better, will also work. Just scoop up glass fulls of your aquarium water and pour back into the tank 20-50 times every few hours. Try to agitate the surface as much as possible when you do this. 

    For my Floridian colleagues, stay safe.



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  7. Hi Everyone,

    I am looking for a suggestion of a *center piece* fish - a big one - or max of two.

    My tank is a 40 gal breeder.     KH 71 ppm   and   GH 4.5 dGH       pH about 7.2 

    I have 8 neons, 6 tetra harlequin, 6 lemon tetra, 1 female betta and 2 killifish. Many small ones.

    I have plants and i am working to have a not so density planted tank (carpet). I have injected CO2.


    Do you guys have some suggestion for this “big center piece fish” ?

    Look my tank.


    thhhhhhannnnkkk you very much


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  8. It looks like a Chinese Algae Eater ! does he/she stays shuffling the substrate ? 

    Google Chinese Algae Eater pictures and see if it matches yours 





    My Website:  www.cheapplantedaquarium.com
    Cheap Aquarium in 7 Steps:  www.cheapplantedaquarium.com/aquain7steps
    Tank types and sizes:  www.cheapplantedaquarium.com/tank-types-sizes-etc
    Learn about Water Hardness: www.cheapplantedaquarium.com/water-hardness/



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