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Posts posted by Marcelo

  1. Hi Everyone,

    My tank is very mature (3 or 4 years). Injected CO2 from 5:30 am to 1:15 pm. Lights on from 8:30 to 2:15 pm.

    Gh and Kh around 4 dGh. pH goes from 7 to 5.3 or something …

    Dry fertilization.

    My Hairgrass was amazing (pic 1) but since some time, I have seeing Java moss popping up around the tank. 

    I spent 2 weeks out of the city and now I have this thing in the middle of the grass.

    do you think this is algae or Java moss ?

    Thank you






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  2. Hi @macdaddy36I am not sure … I have been turning off the lights before feeding them and I am not totally sure. Now that he is in the hospital alone, I will be able to see and will let you know. Yesterday he didn’t but as this was his first day there, probably stress.

  3. I might be moving this poor guy to the hospital tank, keep lights off, controlled temperature and etc and try to feed him better but sometimes, they get so stressed for being alone that they eat less.

    i am just wondering if this is some disease and not food quantity …


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  4. Hi @Whitecloud09 I feed them one time per day and when the lights turn off as I have seeing they don’t come to eat when the light is on. One time per week with bloodworms and the other days with tetra flocks. I have 7 of them and only one seems sick.

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  5. Hi everyone,

    I am looking for help with the glass fish you see in the left. The one in the right is healthy but the one in the left is becoming thinner and thinner.

    I have in total 7 of them.


    • pH about 6 … it goes from 7 to 5.6 due to the injected Co2
    • Nitrates almost 0
    • Hardness GH and KH about 4.5 dHk (I keep both at this level every time I do TPAs and etc)
    • Nitrite almost 0
    • Ammonia zero
    • Water Temperature I keep at 74oF

    TPA one time per week (50%)


    Thank you very much 



  6. I forgot to mention: they bite 😬 not that they will take a slice of you and not like our fish tank “kissing” our fingers … something in between - very cool .. I was swimming and they were all there looking at me like a big insect 🫤

    • Haha 3
  7. Hi Everyone

    just came back from a family trip to Brazil (State Goiás) and while swimming in a waterfall area I saw thousands of these fish .. recorded with my go pro … I am very curious to know which fish they are …

    I am attaching a picture of the video just in case the video is not allowed by the admin …


    thank you everyone





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  8. Hi Everyone,

    I bought this CO2 Flow Meter and I didn’t realize the connector was not a 3/16 inch (0.7 cm) like the common aquarium tubing we usually use. This one is a 5/16 inch (0.8 cm)

    I was going to return it but seems like all of them have the same connector (5/16 “)

    I tried to find some adaptor or something else without success.

    Do you guys have some idea or suggestion? I just don’t want to pay $50 for one of the most expensive ones.





  9. On 10/17/2023 at 6:33 AM, Colu said:

    Looks like an injury keep stable water parameters and Salt a good option as @TheSwissAquarist suggested it will help prevent secondary infection I would start at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons you could add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and monitor for a week are these two angel fish a pair or  two males what size is the tank @Marcelo

    I think they are two males but I never figured out 🙂 it’s. 20 gal tank 

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