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  1. Thanks, I’ll have to find a wooden stand or table around to use instead.
  2. Aquarium co op has them in stock usually!
  3. Small update planted the few plants I just received. First scaped tank so changed things since these pics a bit even. Led, I have for indoor growing in using over the tank, could probley light a few more, would like a larger maybe 75 gal min- 100 tank eventually!
  4. I Iike the soundproof blanket idea. I might put that around outside of room, and put some type of plywood down on inside. Will you be using some type of latex paint to seal the drywall from moisture? Is it like the bathroom type?
  5. Don’t mind the muddy tank. Just switched to fluval stratum substrate and I guess I’ve dirsturbed it a bit! the room is roughly 5x5 I’d say. I’d like to put some luan or cheap plywood and paint it white. Just the slats aren’t spaced as you’d want to sheath things clean
  6. Just made a separate order on aquarium co op, because looked through some new plants on hand and 4/5 were North American or very close related! Plants on order are as follows: Dwarf hair grass, dwarf chain sword, moneywort, pearlweed, baby tears. thought I might have better chance of finding some plants that tolerate my temps, and such!
  7. I’ve been keeping some Redfin shiners, creek chubs, fat head minnows and Dace at times. I use them as bait but I like experimenting with plants and tanks
  8. Awesome! I have a smal space in my basement too, it’s just plasticed off and built with 2x3s or so. Any ideas I could spruce mine up a bit with?
  9. Are you interested in selling either on of those filters, I’d think I’d lean towards fx6 I want to setup a 75-100ish gallon aquarium
  10. Awesome thanks for the insight! I understand the waters temps vary, depth and sun exposure, been fishing for all my life and both are something I track extensively. I have a sonar I use fishing and even just four feet under the ice I’ll have temps of 35 or more some days. And in depths of 20+ feet in our trout lakes still photosynthesis layer. The water is so clear could see for 30 feet some times! Yes I could probley get a few water loggged sticks. There’s quite a beaver dam adjacent to where I trap them. Maybe I can dislodged a few. Yes I’m hoping come spring I could go for wade and grab some native plants.
  11. small update, rearranged and added few fake plants until my plants and new substrate arrive. Wanting it to look like the minnows natural habitats, less my plants aren’t from my area. I caught all the minnows in a trap at local mountain headwater to small stream that flows into trout lake I fish! I am located in maine
  12. hey there, I’m keeping them in unheated part of my basement. Trying to keep them in 50-60 degree water to cut down on shock when fishing temps on lake are 30s. Just trying things out before I get Any expensive prized fish! Good to hear these plants may work.
  13. Hey all, I’m looking to redo tank with the fluval stratum substrate. These are few fathead minnows, creek chub is archer fish, and comin Redfin shiners. Ordered Java moss, Vallisneria, pogostamon stellatus octopus. My tank hovers around 60 degrees. Will these plants not take off at all? Hoping to get some nutrients cycled outa tank not water change so often. These fish are fed and kept for ice fishing but eventually I’d like to have a dedicated tropical fish tank that would be ideal heated for such fish! Thanks everyone
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