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TeeJay last won the day on January 8

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  1. Oh yes it's definitely a balancing act when you have them in your tank. My 29 was where ramshorn domination was taking over. At its worse it was like I had a substrate of snails not gravel. In a 4 hour time period in one night I used sliced zucchini and green beans and took out over 400 snails. So I amassed a platoon of assassin's snails to help dispatch them. It took a little while but over a couple of months between the veggies and the ninja snails eradicated the situation
  2. Shhhhhhh I didn't use glue on my loop 🫣😁.....but also mine is very small and only about 10ft of total length
  3. Just like my dude @AllFishNoBrakes said the syringe is the way to go. I just got a small container of water and hooked the syringe with airline to it and the collar. Dropped it in the water and gave about 6-10 flushes and it was back to great flow. I didn't even need to use vinegar just water. You will no it's getting cleaned because each time you pull the water back into the syringe it gets easier and easier.
  4. I would do the same thing that way you will always have plenty of air.
  5. 2 pumps gonna have some major air going on up in there 😁.. about how many lines do you think your going to be running?
  6. As to go alone with the last post I may or may not have upgraded the snakeskin guppies tank to the extra 10 I had and put the 5 on the bottom for plant storage. Don't mind the cloudy water from adding the whole dried coral rock to the 10. And how messy my table is from doing tank stuff.
  7. I may or may not have picked up some snakeskin guppies at the auction today....don't judge me 🫣🤪 https://youtube.com/shorts/lX0XEm8IIog?si=nvUD1NS72S4vtr6m
  8. Morning fellow nerms ...ok not much to report this morning except about coffee...I'll say it now cold brewing your coffee is the way to go...now I know hot brewing is instant satisfaction but if you can wait for cold brew it's tooootaly worth the wait. It's so much smoother and rich. None of that sharp bite and sometimes bitterness. I think I need to buy a second brew pitcher to keep up 🤪 this is all for now. As always keep it fishy my friends.
  9. Oh sweet lawd it's almost ready.....it's almost ready!
  10. Morning fellow nerms...how it's a good morning for all...I got something new delivered this morning for coffee with TeeJay. It's my first cold brew coffee pitcher! I'm excited to try this out tomorrow once my coffee has steeped enough. I'm looking for some new whole bean coffee to try out on the new pitcher. That does not cost a million dollars per oz lol. Anyways everything is going good this morning I been working crazy hours now that I'm the assistant manager at work so not a lot of extra time for new fish adventures right now. My first fry of the San Marcos goodeids is doing well and growing at a fairly good rate. I think I'll be able to turn them in for my first bap points at my clubs July meeting. Next weekend is the next fish swap and auction so if course I'll be looking for more plants as always and I'll be picking up 5 more panda corys to go with the 5 I picked up two weeks ago at the Youngstown fish swap Hope everyone has a good day and as always keep it fishy my friends
  11. And with the syringes a cold brew coffee pitcher for the fridge...a must have for my coffee with TeeJay journal
  12. Sweet an excuse for me to make an Amazon order for 20ml syringes...
  13. Yes I have almost liquid rock water. So I'm thinking mine's probably more of a mineral deposit versus algae. Or combination of both you never know.
  14. Hey fellow nerms. Hope all is well. So as the title says I'm noticing an issue with a couple of my air flow kit collars. They have been on my sponge filters for a couple of months and I'm not noticing a good amount of flow loss. I always keep extra coop sponges around in case I ever need one. So I grabbed a new one out of another filter and swapped it out with the new one. And on both of the collars I'm having issues with it solved the flow issue. I'm thinking maybe there getting a little buildup of calcium or other delicious tank crud in them. I was thinking Ill soak them in some vinegar for a little while and see if it helps clean them out since there really isn't a way to clean them Was curious to see if anyone else has experienced this and if they found a way to resolve it
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