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  1. Yeah I determined it wasn’t constipation after the pea didn’t work. Nothing else in tank besides to leaf hammocks. His fins look normal, his shape looks normal, his scales look normal, as does everything else externally. I honestly don’t know what is causing this behavior. It has to be internally.
  2. For the past few days my betta (that I’ve had for about 4 months now )started acting funny by sitting on the bottom of the tank and only coming to the surface to breathe every once in a while. He has hardly eaten. I tried the boiled pea method, assuming that he’s constipated, but didn’t seem to work as he still just sits. This only started 4 days ago. Water has never given me an issue and has been fine on feeder when I’ve gone on trips in the past but now he’s doing this with no explanation. What should I do next? Any advice greatly appreciated.
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