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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. It's a solid that dissolves into the water. 🙂
  2. So you're adding salt only for the amount of water you're changing out? Or you're adding that much on those days without changing water? I see 25% WC listed for some of those days, but the salt dose looks the same? Plus you've put a lot of meds in. I would change some water out and see how much it comes down. I think there's just been... a lot of stuff... dumped in. If you're done with the meds, I mean.
  3. So where is the 2300 ppm measurement coming from? Just one tank (the one with crushed coral?).
  4. Rummynose. 🤣🙃 I've only kept Lemons on that list. They're alright.
  5. And your well is still measuring 100 ppm on the same meter? Can you get your hands on some RO water from a store and test TDS in that, should be like 0-5 or something quite low.
  6. In the vein of "cool looking things on the glass", I think I might consider nerites instead of mystery snails. Every time my nerites are on the glass I stop and watch. Though it's been a long time since I've kept mysteries. So maybe they're equally as neat. I know they're a lot bigger.
  7. The regular Kasa plugs (the minis, I think they call them) don't have power usage information, basically just if it was on/off no information about the connected load. The Smart Strip does have kW consumption. Bill, this controller would presumably have some sort of associated app for a phone if it's controlling the Kasa stuff?
  8. You're well on your way to full fantasy inoculation! Love to see it! 🙂
  9. I read Vinland Saga 6, then Boy's Life by Robert McCammon. I have not ready any McCammon before, but I thought it was wonderful, I'll certainly read more of his work in the future. Then I read Vinland Saga 7... it's just a good series, I'm almost embarrassed to be enjoying a glorified "comic book" so much... haha I'll finish up Stephen King's 'Salems Lot here in the next few days. I am actually embarrassed that I have not read this book, as SK is my favorite author and his Dark Tower series is my favorite fantasy series and I guess that means I know quite a bit about The Lot before I even cracked the cover... but as pretty much always with King, the journey is the best part. In any event, I am not sure what I will read next. I don't have Vinland Saga 8 yet. I did just get Diana Walstad's Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, but that will probably be something I read in chunks, not just a nightly sit down and read kind of deal. This year I will also read SK's The Stand... another embarrassing omitted notch on my SK belt! But before that I should also get through another Wheel of Time book. So much to read... so little time! How did you like The Hobbit, @Theplatymaster?
  10. I'd say borneo sucker (because they're smaller). I think they're even cooler pressed up against the glass than a pleco. You can see their hearts. A small 1" or so bristlenose could at least temporarily occupy the 10 gallon, but you'd have to plan a place for it when it got bigger. I've got two tiny ones in a 10 right now, they'll be fine there for some time at least.
  11. I really like my kerri tetras, but they are on the more boisterous side. Still think they are under rated.
  12. My tetras and probably corys to some extent have kept my cherries at reasonable levels. They don't bug the big shrimp often, but I have seen them get ahold of one and rip it into pieces as a school. I am not sure you can have "too many" shrimp, they seem to regulate pretty well and a ton can be in a small place.
  13. They can, mine do not. I change 90% of their water every night and am still feeding beefheart daily. I cannot imagine trying to keep it clean with substrate. Some sand would be OK, but even that just complicates water changes (in my opinion). There's deeper reasoning behind why I don't have any. It may or may not be worth getting too deep into. The short version is that natural discus water doesn't harbor a lot of bacterial life, to the point where their babies have evolved to eat their parent's slime coat. My water is about as opposite of what they come from as you can get. And, yes, they can live and grow in it... but keeping it clean is important. With the temperature, minerals, high pH, and very large/messy feedings that means I've got to do something to combat the growth. If I got more than about a week the whole tank has a slimy coating so I wipe sides and bottom about every week. I rinse filters out about once a week or 10 days. I could probably get away with less maintenance, but that's not a terribly large concern of mine at the moment. Just want to make sure they're big and strong haha. I am still not sure what the future holds for these fish or for me and discus. I think I'm past the critical stage and they're at an age that they can take less ideal water conditions. But I'm set up to keep grinding it out for now, so I'm going to. So that's the main reason... cleanliness. I don't substrate vacuum in any of my other tanks with gravel or sand. QT is bare bottom, but I leave a layer of mulm in there, typically.
  14. Marking one year of discus (tomorrow). It's been an interesting journey and I have learned a lot. And changed a lot of water. But I think they're turning out well. In about a week it will be 365 water changes, which is the true year with discus, in my opinion. 😄
  15. The assassins are new and I am dumping snails in. There's 10 assassins, only been in there a couple days.
  16. Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. I suppose that could at least give it a second to settle down. Thanks!
  17. Nope, just the one. The rest of them have been good.
  18. It does. Anytime it turns on/off it's a fade in/out. It's not a very long time (a second or two), but it's not a bright flash on like other on/off lights. The fish haven't been spooked by it that I have seen.
  19. I only heat mine for about 24 hours to about 80 degrees and then the rest of the time they're at room temperature which right now is like 60. They seem to be fine. I think they're pretty tough. I see morning fed BBS swimming around in tanks still 12 hours later.
  20. I'd wait awhile considering you just took out the substrate as well. What's your reasoning behind going to a sponge filter to save space? I find the sponge filters take up a lot more space than a HOB. I guess you could be talking about outside the tank. 2-3 weeks, I'd say... it's not a race! 🙂
  21. How do you know they're not in there already telling you that you need another tank?
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