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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. This female is driving me nuts. She is now in a different cave, male has been in there with her a bit upside down, he came blasting out. She's in there making upsidedown passes too then asking him to come in with her. Hahaha Well... If nothing else, she is entertaining! He seems significantly less interested. Can't blame him, honestly.
  2. I caught them spawning this afternoon! Watched them for about 20 minutes, she was taking multiple passes... watched him cram into the thumbsized hole in the wood. I cleaned out some of the extra plants last night to RR the algae (new tank). Replanted them a few hours ago during their light siesta during the middle of the day. As part of that I cleared out the hornwort that was covering this cave. I didn't know it was a tiny hole. You can see him enter the little hole with her. I watched him do it at least three times. I think this answers my question about if he was "doing the deed". The other pair (mentioned above) is still lovey-dovey, but has not spawned. This is the forth spawn from this pair since I got them.
  3. Oh good, someone is at least 33% crazier than us! 😄 Good looking dogs! 🙂 One mini, the red merle, (but he's basically smaller end of standard size) and one standard, both males. This is kind of an older pic. They're 38 and 48 pounds.
  4. Are you sure it's duckweed that is dying from a little water on it? I've seen it live completely submerged (like stuck in coarse sponge filter) for WEEKS if not months. In fact, I've irradicated it from the only tank that I ever let it get into and I STILL find a piece of it every once in awhile. The only way that's possible is that it's living submerged somewhere and multiplying and occasionally one of the baby one gets loose. I've had a number of other floating plants and while I like them, the only one that's done well for me has been dwarf water lettuce and it's just bigger duckweed, frankly. But that makes it easy to manage. If I forget to clean it out for a couple weeks it will have grown over the entire tank and started choking light out. It also out competes every other plant for nutrients (and light). Which is ultimately why I dislike duckweed. Basically every other floating plant is easier to control. Additionally, I also like hornwort much more for something up high. Other than getting algae pretty often.
  5. That's a lotta water! Hopefully the floor can take it! Glad to see we're not the only people crazy enough to have two aussies.
  6. Ugh... Busted mobile and quote problem strikes again. I didn't even press quote this time! 🤣 I agree with @Lennie, I have fished a few out only to find them still alive. Roughly half the time they will survive. Does seem to be molting related. Not all shrimp molt successfully all the time, this is a natural process we are talking about. Hopefully it's just a one off and the rest of yours are unaffected.
  7. Still wouldn't be too worried, personally! Could have been old when you got it. Are their fish with them? Occasionally my tetras will beat one up and tear it apart.
  8. Occasionally I will have a dead one. Nothing lives forever. I do not get too concerned about it.
  9. If they would have made one Hobbit movie instead of three and edited down to all the best parts it probably wouldn't have been too bad. Now they're making new LOTR movies apparently. Or considering it.
  10. I appreciate the books and what they have meant to fantasy. But I find the books... Aged. I know that's unpopular, but I also don't have the nostalgia as I had read A LOT of fantasy before LoTR. I enjoy the films more quite honestly. Not the Hobbit ones.
  11. These two are getting closer to spawning finally... I think. She was rolling over showing her belly several times, but I missed it with the camera. She was also standing fast for his tail whaps and returned them a few times. She seems cozy under the sponge filter so I moved it a bit and put a cave there after the videos. He was trying to corralle her in immediately. Will see how they are in the morning.
  12. Yes, I am not too torn up about it. I just wish I could see a wiggler once to know they're both at least fertile. Or one of the other pairs would spawn and give me another data point. 🙂 If they never successfully raise fry it won't be the end of the world!
  13. Well dang, she was rubbing all over the male this morning and he was dancing for her again. She went further time this time. But no idea if she even has eggs or if it just takes her that long to realize she's eaten them all.
  14. How is your friend checking the pH and KH? Strips or liquid tests?
  15. I moved the female for a day then moved a male over with her a day later. They were alone together for about a week. She is actually not getting harassment that I've seen since she got back to the main tank. Prior to moving her they were mobbing her a bit... Including the furcata rainbow. If I decide I want to try some fry I would probably clean out my QT tank including all the snails and set up something designed for that process.
  16. Every dang time I am on my phone and accidentally hit the quote button I'm stuck. Those other books do not look like Fantasy or SciFi, what are you doing?! 🤣. What else do you normally read?
  17. jwcarlson


    I had an issue when I first got fish again about a year ago. Thought it was ich, ended up being epistylis. The harder I treated the ich, the worse it got. Then eventually it showed up on the eyes and made it clear. I did kanaplex in food. It cleared up pretty well. Ich is certainly the lesser of two evils here, like Colu's chart says. I don't know if this will help, but here's epistylis on my rummynose. My thread about it here as well, Colu helped me a bunch and you can read my observations and see if it matches what you're seeing.
  18. I've had way more issues with them floating up in gravel than I have in sand. They seem to stay pretty well in a couple inches of sand. In gravel they seem to want to pop up or at the very least get close enough that the gelcap blooms up out of the gravel. I didn't even pop holes in the last ones I put in sand, I don't think. As far as placement, I get a rough idea what I want to do when I'm setting up a tank and almost make piles of them where I know plants will be most dense. and leave them out of places I want to stay open. It works OK, but can be easy to forget exactly where you put them. But being precise isn't that important in this instance.
  19. Interesting! It's pretty well planted and a good stand of guppy grass, a homemade moss ball, and some susswassertang. Plus whatever is in the pic, plus hygro, and probably others... Hornwort. Little wider shot.
  20. The little egg layer is now still in the nest for a new record by at least 12 hours. Still keeping male away a bit, but he is just voluntarily staying to one side from what I can tell. Male #2 is looking quite nice after sixish weeks with me. And male #3 has bulked up a bit and colored up nicely. Lots of red on his face, but doesn't show great in pictures. Can see the red a bit more here. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Have had progress with each spawn, so I think that's a good sign. I cannot see the nest at all, but I don't see any pink eggs on the sand below it. I am out of town tomorrow evening, but off Friday. My phone keeps saying clean your lense when I try to take pictures through the 1/8" of algae. 🤣
  21. Tough to tell from the pic, but she's a little more slender and she's now developed that bright red stripe, Guppysnail. I suppose she's laying eggs in their tank now, but doubt they'll survive in there. I also have really hard water, so not sure they would even be viable. The reason d actually goes down midbelly and it very noticeable in person.
  22. As long as it's multiples of ten, yes. 😀
  23. I would suggest not using the pH up at this time. The pH is not an immediate issue (or any issue at all possibly). Best to wait. I know that is hard. The good news is you do have a dechlorinator now! I have never used it, hopefully aloe vera is safe for fish and snails. @Helpwithmy_snailpls I am going to step away for now, I have meetings all day at work tomorrow and am busy all day Friday, but I will check in. Someone else will for sure help you and I think they'll be on the same page.
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