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Posts posted by Dmc

  1. 06F9F2B3-0077-4054-9932-08C7D080E939.jpeg.e9498f32cc85faddc2013b45b132b595.jpegI think we are making progress his fins are growing back I finished feeding him as you instructed and I am keeping his water clean with frequent small water changes.  I have not been replacing the salt when im doing the changes.  He is still not well.  I have not fed him since Saturday since I was away.  His stomach looks bloated to me.  I just fed him a small amount of daphnia from hikari the bio encapsulated kind.  What is next? I am including the water this time ignore the spots that is just water spots on the glass.  I am sorry to keep asking but I really want to do everything I can for him water order from the left is nitrite ammonia nitrate


  2. I need more help everyone I feel so bad this fish is trying so hard.  His tail is actually making progress at getting better but I have another issue these white things showed up all over my glass.  I have done two complete water changes and threw away all my silk plants.  I left the real plants.  I added some

    floating plants and these showed up.  The spots on his head are not going away.  What is next?  I could not find the focus in the stores and I tried mixing the kanaplex with shrimp I am not sure he ate any so I added it to his water for two treatments.   I now have the focus I ordered it onlineED52276B-13C8-445A-B9A0-6D110CA72C15.jpeg.3a8272fb3483c52bc508b9add99e3244.jpeg



  3. I need more help I have followed your tips and planted the tank did the water changes increased temperature added prime and salt. The fins appear better and are showing some sign of growing back but now he has spots and is not happy.  He is eating but does not swim much now what do I do?F398ACD6-0ACD-443B-B432-DEC165AAFE00.jpeg.bef6c4a75f723f26597441f98af12738.jpeg



  4. My fish does not look healthy and his tail is shredding.  He is in a five gallon tank that is heated with a sponge filter.  I feed him brine shrimp and pellets on different days.  He is two weeks old.  There are no plastic ornaments in his tank.  I use the api test and water test at 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate.  He eats well and swims well. What do I need to do to help him?  He had a really big flowing tail 


  5. My fish seems healthy he is eating and swimming no other signs of sickness.  I tested my water using the API test kit and they are all fine.  I feed him four pellets a day and did a water change on the weekend.  I have had him only three weeks.  I don’t want to treat him if he is not sick but his tail looks different from when I bought him.  If he is sick what are my next steps

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