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Posts posted by Faedother

  1. Hello all,

    It has been seven months since my last update. Since then, I have had some issues with plants dying for no reason I can find. But other plants growing out of control. However, I have exciting news. My ammio shrimp have been breeding in my fresh water 10 gallon tank. I am extremely surprised but we found new babies today. 20220920_182151.jpg.a41555ca3f50f92270b43da7c7400c45.jpg20220920_182156.jpg.b0657f4dc4da9bdeaef747653285999c.jpg


    Sorry for the picture quality. I did my best to get good shots of them. But my brother and I are very excited. We have left the tank alone for the most part. Only doing 2 gallon water changes every other week. We had been feeding Shrimp King food. But it was leaving a oil slick at the top of the tank. Anyone else have that issue?



    As for the mollies. They are doing well. We have some good colors developing. We are about to go through our first round of Culling.



    Hopefully the next generation will have more of the body shape we want. But we feel like it is going well.

    Have a great day,


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  2. A brief update, I setup a new 36 gallon bow front tank. It will be another planted molly tank. I am still cycling it. So it will be a good month before I can add fish. But I have moved over one of my seasoned ziss filters to it, to help.

    Initial setup



    After planting and tannins leeched out of the wood.



    I am still battling cloudy water in my first 36bf. But I hope the sponge filter will help. I think it is a bacterial bloom. But I have done 75% water changes on it once a week for the last two weeks. So I think something else is at play.


    However, the fish are doing fine. I have more snails and some of the first are getting big. There are a lot more seed shrimp and the neocaridinas are breeding. So its not all bad. I will be adding CO2 injection to both tanks once the second 36g BF is cycled and balanced.

    My brother and I have set up the rack for the Molly breeding project. We are still planning out how we will approach it. How many tanks we want and how do we want to do the culls. But let me tell you, the metal racks that are meant for workshops are a god send went it comes to building racking systems. They are so easy to put together and they can hold 1000 lbs per shelf. 

    We cannot wait to get the project up and running. We will first bred, or buy if we can, lyretail sailfin mollies. Then work on the color. I will keep this blog updated as we go. 

  3. That is a very valid point. Right now I have at least 11 fry in the tank. Two of the three females already show signs of being pregnant again. My brother and I will be building a rack system for more tanks. But we know we will have to cull some of the fry.

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  4. Right now I am just breeding them up. My brother and I will be starting a breeding program for Sailfins with lyertails. The colorization will depend on what comes out of that breeding process. We also want to try to make them as healthy as possible. Which means the least amount of line breeding as possible. We know that, that means that it will take longer to get a consistent line.

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  5. 36 Bow Front as of 2-2-2022. The five gallon has been taken down.

    Unfortunately the betas past away along with the tetras from old age. The 29 gallon tank sprang a leak and I had to get rid of it. It was my first tank and I had it since 95. But I could not fix it. So I had to toss it. I am replacing it with a second 36 bow front.

    Currently, I have four mollies, Orange, Dalmatian, Black Sail Fin, and a Platinum. Then a small colony of orange neocaridina shrimp, two otocinclus catfish, and three ember tetras. Plus a plethora of snails courtesy of the COOP from the plants I bought. Not that I am complaining. I love snails and was hoping for some stowaways when I ordered the plants. 








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  6. Hello all,

    Long time since I posted. I mostly lurk around the forums. I have not been on in a while, life has gotten tough. But I am renewing my love of aquariums. I have had my 36 bow front going for about a year and half. It is very well seasoned.

    Currently, I have four mollies, Orange, Dalmatian, Black Sail Fin, and a Platinum. Then a small colony of orange neocaridina shrimp, two otocinclus catfish, and three ember tetras. Plus a plethora of snails courtesy of the COOP from the plants I bought. Not that I am complaining. I love snails and was hoping for some stowaways when I ordered the plants. 


    I will be using one ziss filter and one sponge filter in each tank along with a small powerhead for flow. I will also be adding live plants to each tank for extra filtration. Each tank has a programmable grow light. That is set to eight hours of full light per day. Along with a small CO2 injection for the plants. I will and have been dosing Easy Trio once a week. The temp is kept between 76-78 degrees fahrenheit (24.4-25.5 C). 


    The tank water is a steady, 8.4 Ph, 249.2 ppm KH (13.9 dKH), 427.2 ppm GH (23.9 dGH), Phosphate 2ppm, Ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 20 ppm. 


    My tap water, once settled and aerated is 8.4 Ph, 249.2 ppm KH (13.9 dKH), 427.2 ppm GH (23.9 dGH), Phosphate 2 ppm, Ammonia 1 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 0 ppm.


    Anyways, I would like to pick the Nerm hive-mind. I want to colony breed the mollies within this and a second 36 bowfront. How many full grown mollies should be kept in each one? Keeping to the one male to three female ratio.


    Thank you for any and all answers, 



    PS: I am having problems with roots rotting in my substrate. It is a dirted tank with a gravel topper. Could they be experiencing nutrient burn? 

    Fish Tax - Please excuse the particles and blue color, I just did a water change and had to dose Ich X because the black Sail Fin male has / had Ich. I am on the third day of treatment.







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  7. Here are some pictures from my past aquariums;

    2014 5 gallon with fake plants 1 betta


    29 gallon tank in 2014 with fake plants. This is the first time I put in live plants. It did not go well. They died because I did not have the correct substrate and no fertilizers.  I don't remember all the fish that were in the tank. 20140925_144505.jpg.29a22f0a43273978961c9b61849cacc3.jpg

    The 5 gallon tank in 2017 after the first beta passed away. I redid the tank and got another beta. 20170926_195141.jpg.ed72fd4ea41a0f5a6cb09ba1cf6f26a8.jpg

    Fast forward to March of 2020. 20200319_191119.jpg.d8127ebf4de54714267f0df95910e181.jpg20200319_190354.jpg.87531db961071ce9fe962dbe52b391c4.jpg

    Some tank with a new take on the scape. This is the second time I tried live plants. But I had been watching Cory for a while and was more prepared for them. This beta, comet, is the one from my profile pictur20200425_193149.jpg.2011ea447d9d43df40e72e1e0f794db2.jpg20200429_105045.jpg.5ebed27fb4efc3640b685b79b7e6d662.jpg

    He was a beautiful beta. But unfortunately due to a mistake I made and learned from.

    Here is the 5 gallon in June of 2020.


    This is when I got the neons and cardinal tetras and Pearl the Beta. 20200608_133409.jpg.ab04e1babf32bea6adcc9250a0e1f942.jpg

    That is pretty much all the photos I have. Even though I have been taking care of aquariums since 95. I don't have pictures from those times. Plus I was not serious about the hobby until 2014. 

    Anyways, I hope you all have a great day.


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  8. Hello everyone,

    Long time, no read. 2020 hit hard around here. Anyways I have made some progress on my living room project. But money ran out. So I was only able to make two out of the four stands.


    I have not had the time / money to get the door for it. But I will when I can. But now for a bit of an update;

    After building the stands, I first setup my 29 gallon tank, roughly around November of last year. Here is the best picture I have of it. 20201109_184105.jpg.5e262480c2d6fe9963c7c3d0cf09bc09.jpgAt the time it has 1 beta, 5 neon tetras, and 5 cardinal tetras.

    Here is the same tank today;


    Please excuse the calcium drip on the front. I have cleaned it multiple times and it comes back. But I cannot find a leak. Anyways, the plants have matured and I put the java moss today. I love the tannins in the tank. Because I like the look and I have high hp water, sitting around 8.1 from the faucet. Right now it has 3 neon tetras and 5 cardinal tetras. The beta and two neons died from something. I am not sure what it was. But I put in the Med Trio and everything else survived.  As you can see I have embraced the mulm. I do vacuum up some of it when I do water changes once a month. But otherwise I leave it. I have several small snails in there. So it is food for them. I do not see them often so I am  not sure how many I have. Soon the I will be rescaping the tank to change out the filtration from a hang on back to a ziss filter.

    Here is the birth of the 36 gallon bow front tank I setup today. Thanks to the wonderful plants I got from A.Coop. Note that it is not the best picture because it is near the main windows in the living room. So the reflection is bad.

    I set it up today. I found out that it is very hard to plant in my substrate because of how big the gravel is. But I got it done. The Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus came in a bit on the bad side. But that is one out of ten plants. I think I got lucky since it was a day late getting here and sat outside for a day. I am excited to see how this tank grows in. I have a lot of hardscape and very little 'ground'. I hope for it to fill in and the hardscape just peeks out. But we will see. I have to let the 36 settle before dealing with the debris. Currently in the tank is Java moss, Cryptocoryne Lucens, Parva, Lutea, Wendtii, Wendtii Green, Tropica, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Water Sprite, and one Amazon Sword.


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  9. Here is the ROUGH equation I use for a general idea. NOTE that the waste habit of the fish can change this. Also I use this for a single fish in a tank. If I have multiple fish, their aggression has to be taken into consideration. The more aggression, the less fish the tank can have.

    Here are variables: Adult Length of the Fish (LF), Adult Width of the Fish (WF), Length of the Tank (LT), Width of the Tank (WT)

    Length: 10*LF = LT

    Width: 3*(LF+WF) = WT

    Waste: This is usually set to 1 for most fish. However for fish like carp and koi, I set it to .5 or if the fish is a very messy eater I might set it to .25. For small fish, like ember tetras, I set it to 2 or 3.

    Equation: (LT+WT)/Waste = Needed Tank size.

    I know this is solution is math heavy and is not perfect because it does not account for surface area for oxygen exchange. But I hope it helps.

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  10. I am a novice when it comes to planted tanks. Then again I always feel like a novice, with year under the belt, when it comes to aquarium keeping. I heard about this method and watched a few videos on it. Then I took it and ran with it. In my 5 gallon, I took regular potting soil and mixed it with pea gravel. Then I layered my substrate, like you do in a terrarium.

    1. pea gravel ( just enough to cover)
    2. soil ( just enough to cover)
    3. soil and pea gravel mix (the soil has orchid bark and a little bit of sphagnum moss in it) (About an inch)
    4. Only pea gravel (about an inch)

    After I got done, it was a muddy mess. But I let it settle for two days and then I planted in it. Most of the plants I have are doing good in it. At least they are growing and reproducing. Then when I set up my half gallon betta tank, I did the same method.

  11. I think it depends on what stage you are in life. If you are a very busy, a small or mid sized tank is best. But if you have the time to dedicate, you can maintain a large tank or multiple tanks. I think Brandy is completely right that there are Pro and Cons. But once you get the tank up and running and it is humming along. It is such a satisfying feeling. No matter if it is a 5 gallon tank or a 1300 gallon tank. I personally love both big and small fish tanks for different reasons. Like Edward said, you can get some beautiful large fish in large tanks. Also you can get a lot of nano fish and see schooling behavior. But, to me, it still comes down to what you have the time and energy to keep.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, DaveSamsell said:

    My Dad had an aquarium, when I was very young.  He mostly had a collection of live-bearers.  I remember being fascinated at an early age with the fish.  Admittedly, that same fascination is still with me, today.  It's such a wonderful hobby to have a small piece of nature indoors.  Additionally, it's wonderful to be able to share and exchange ideas with a caring online community, such as this.

    Same here. My mom and dad kept all kinds of fish. I remember being intrigued them. I got my first tank when I was 9. It was a cichlid tank. I still have that tank to this day.

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