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Everything posted by BuzzDaddy21

  1. Hi all, hope 2022 is starting off great. I just got my 40B up and running on 1/16/22 using a Fluval 207 canister filter (Guppysnail helped me a lot) I`m on the fence about a heater and wonder if anybody has used an in-line heater for a canister filter. What would the cons be? I mentioned a while back I would try to do pictures on this build, (Have also done the same build on a 20L and 20T, getting ready to do another 40B) my picture taking ability is poor and while I`m now able to get pics on computer I don`t like how some go sideways on the upload, not sure how to change. (I can rotate pics but that doesn't help.)
  2. Hi keddre, I`m no expert but I used a bag split between two tanks using gravel/sand with no problems.
  3. Yes, I agree even though I don't make BBS very often, I forget who told me about doing the freeze thing but it`s great.
  4. I do the same thing, when ready pop out a cube put in zip lock bag and hit with hammer, works great.
  5. I had to look it up to see what you were referring to, never had one but I would think rinsing under hot water might help, sorry I `m not much help.😕 I guess someone would know.
  6. I`d have to have a bigger house.🙃 Super looking setup, can`t wait to see the 300. Oh yes glad to have you here.
  7. Thats very interesting even though I would never use a sump. (They say, never say never 🤨)
  8. I only have a few shrimp in two tanks. I picked up some Aqueon bottom feeder tablets a while back (These are really small tabs.) and some Hikari algae wafers from CO-OP (These are much bigger.) trapdoor snails, guppies and all the shrimp will nibble on them as well as everything else. Hope that might help.
  9. Hi Pinky, welcome to a great community. II have no idea what kind of plants or what kind of fish that is, but the big question is how many tanks??🤪
  10. I got some BSE from Co-Op a while back, I keep in the freezer. I have only used three times everything was fine.
  11. BettaQueen124 Welcome. My two cents - fancy guppies & cherry shrimp.
  12. I`ve done three hatching myself and have never noticed cloudy water, just bunch of BBS`s. I usually turn a light on after 24hours and they`re good to go.
  13. I would think someone knows / I can`t keep guppy grass going. Good luck.
  14. This looks interesting, would think about putting at the end of tank, 40B, what about noise? Are these made to move water around. How would this compare to other types. (Glass inflow ones with that strange shape.) I read some reviews, and someone said that they drilled the holes a litter bigger. What's your thoughts on this? I also might have to get a heater at some point, will that spray bar move water around the tank? (Small Discus?)
  15. Would like to know what to use with a rimmed tank.
  16. I`m doing the Fzone 15L on a 40B, this will be the first canister, no the second one in 30years plus. (Not much luck with first one.) Hope to have the 40B up & running in a couple weeks. (I will have pictures & will try to post.) I will redo 4 more tanks, and will try fluval on some. Yes, sometimes I just go off the deep end.🤪
  17. I have never seen a canister filter at level or above a tank. Don`t these filters only pump water out, ok I don`t know these work yet, but will learn. I`m confusing myself. 😕 (Creates a vacuum?) On another note, how big of filter would a 20L need.
  18. I would not imagine the flow rates are accurate with any container. (Maybe empty / no media.) I was way off on this.
  19. All the same ones?? I`ve been looking at the Fluval line for next 40B build. (I have noticed that a lot of money can be wrapped up in the Fluval line.) Also seems that they come with everything needed to start up a tank. When using a canister filter is it wise to go bigger or not? I think the number 30 is more dense than a 40? The smaller the number the finer the media? What is the range of the media? (I hope these are the right words I`m using.)
  20. Yes, on all equipment. (To be able to get filter up & running & ease of maintenance.) I should have said from the start that I just received a Fzone 15L filter yesterday, I debated a long while on Fluval but didn`t want to worry about plastic ever breaking. (Had problems with a plastic filter years ago, of course they come with all parts needed.) I can`t believe of all the different canisters available today. I`ll get back to you. Thanks
  21. I`ve been looking & looking in the forums to find what someone said about canister filters so they might help me. but I can`t find it. Anyway, I would like to know about the hoses and shut off valves & the pieces that go in the tank. (I`m sorry can`t think of the names 😕) I`m not looking at the unit itself just the parts that are used with them. Also, what types of media are best?
  22. I got a 40B a while back and noticed what I thought was a crack, turned out be a fine line of silicone on the inside. Took me about 20 minutes to calm down.😨
  23. Big tank?? I would think rocks and wood would displace the most water, I never thought about how much. I can`t keep guppy grass alive but I would guess it would take lots of plants to match rocks or wood in volume?? The water flow meter would be interesting.
  24. When you have nothing better to do.🤣
  25. Never thought about the inside, but that would only be a small reduction.🤨
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