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Everything posted by BuzzDaddy21

  1. Well, this seems to be growing will it have to be trimmed and if so what part, also thinking about moving to middle rear of tank I have very few plants that grow no matter what I do. I really like the looks of these plants and hope to save it.
  2. I don`t know how to move a post, but Streetwise has helped me with things, give him a PM he should be able to help you.
  3. I have like 25 baby guppies, they're going on 3 weeks or so I should have written date down, they would come out at feeding and cruise at the top, I moved them to a 20L within a few days. Before the guppies were born, I ordered some fry food from CO-OP, they also get BS every day that are in ice cube form. (Frozen after hatch) Only things in the tank with them are two java moss from CO-OP and some MTS and a couple of other snails.
  4. I like the looks of those, but I think you should put this in the plant topic.
  5. Is this about not feeding for a day. I have not done that, although maybe 1 less feeding. Baby guppies want fed a lot.🤪
  6. Great point, I`ve never seen any type of floor over a say a basement that the plank is flat, it just won`t support the weight, same with steel rafters (I think that`s the word I want) aways upright never flat.
  7. No, I think you will need a special permit or license which would cost money, also you might need special equipment and maybe a real large tank. I think the whole process would be a nightmare. What would happen if you killed the rare/endangered aquatic inhabitant`s.? Well, that's my two cents.😟
  8. Welcome, how bout Hector or Big Blue those are the only names that jump out to me, way too early to think clearly.
  9. Welcome fellow Hoosier, nice looking 20L.🙂
  10. I wonder how much pressure would be needed to lift water 20 - 30 feet, how is that pressure maintained (Air compressor) what about an electric pump there are some good units, probably an app to turn on with a phone or what is used to turn on a lawn sprinkler system they move a lot of water. I would have to think about this and what would be the most cost effective.
  11. I got a net to strain, sometimes not then freeze. I only feed a few so a batch will last a good while.🙃
  12. Yes, I got one a while back, works great. I still don`t know what this is.🙃
  13. I guess I`m going to need a picture so I know what this is.🤨
  14. I used flat black from do it best, a quart has done 3 - 40B and 2 - 20L / back, bottom, and sides 3 to 4 coats let dry between coats dries fast and still had a little left over.
  15. I have these and they usually hatch within 24hrs. I have thought about this, however that means another tank😵
  16. When I started back into the hobby a while back, I got 3 different types of fancy guppies (1male/2females) the males were just beautiful, I naturally put in different tanks, over the course of 2 weeks all 3 males died within like 3 days of each other, month or so later 1 of the females died after giving birth to 20 or so babies, then a few days later the other female dies, and I see 1 baby. guppy. I still have 4 of the original females and my daughter got me a young fancy male guppy, he`s strutting his stuff, and doing great. All of the loses were probably my fault because of water quality, I feel bad when any type of life passes away, my daughter says my fish, shrimp and snails are my kids😄 I told her then they need to start paying rent and help with the chores🙃
  17. I have no idea; however, I got some guppies a while back and put in 3 different tanks and the first 15 minutes in each tank the guppies were looking around and they looked confused until it was supper time. then it was oh well can`t wait till next feeding, they do look at me, I think they all want more plants. Good luck on your build.🙂
  18. I have some of this, what's the best way to add. I will check out salty shrimp. I`m so new at a canister, this would be interesting.😕
  19. I can guess that there might be several posts about water, but I keep checking my water and most things are ok, I think. When I use test strips, they show my ph. is like 6.4 - 6.8, when I do the drops, it shows between 7.4 - 7.8. my water is very soft. My GH is like 0 yes soft.............KH is 0.......I admit I know nothing of water chemistry. (Nitrates under 20ppm - nitrites 0 for the most part and chlorine 0.) I ask this because I`ve had a few shrimp molt and one died but weeks apart of different types. Now I`m not too smart but it would seem that shrimp would not molt, and more shrimp/fish would die. Those numbers are for all my tanks even the newly set up tanks, two are empty and one has baby guppies/snails. I have watched videos on this subject; however, most goes over my head, or I don`t take time to absorb the information. I`m open to all advice and criticism. Thanks all.
  20. I just received a Nicrew Aqualux plants light 24-30inch version yesterday I let it warm up before using, it is bright. I have 5 Nicrew lights, so far working well.
  21. No, but I think that would make the heater more accessible. Going on 4 days with the Fluval 207 and I like it, very quiet.
  22. For some reason all three 40B are at 70.3d, two 20L, one at 69.3d, and one at 68.5d and a 20T at 68.4d, all tanks in same room. I can see the point about maintenance, yes Gup I now agree with what you said before. Maybe I`ll just forget about heaters for now. (Sometimes it`s nice to take a long walk off a short pier.)🤪
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