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Everything posted by BuzzDaddy21

  1. Welcome, nice looking tanks, really like how they`re planted. (For me a big plus is that there is no TV.)
  2. Hi, I picked up a fancy trio a while back and they are doing fine. Last Monday I went to my LFS, he had no trios but had a couple of fancy females (no males of that type) the one female was expecting, lo and behold Tuesday am she had like 25 babies. (I put the babies in a 20L, and they seem like they are doing fine.) That same day an order from co-op showed up with some Easy Fry Food, that really helped with feeding the little guys. What I did seem to learn was when the female gets that back bend, that might be a sign of getting ready to birth?? I hope I said that right. I think you might want to go with a fancy trio.
  3. My two cents, I like metal stands, not as pretty but will hold a lot of weight.
  4. Yes, I should have said that, sorry. Yes, I`ve seen some of those. I maybe should have asked what their die off does to the water if anything.
  5. So, you hatch some brine shrimp to feed a few fish and said fish pig out on them. How long do they live for and what happens when they die out?
  6. I was going to leave this alone but, please give me an example of say a 20l with not too many or a lot of plants, would the type of plant matter? Will a plant use the nutrients fast or slow? (Must be slow, to see what happens in a week.) I know what you're thinking grow rocks instead.😮
  7. Well yes, I've seen the videos, but I guess I`m stupid cause no one says how many plants in a given tank and I'm trying to put that into perception of 1 or 2 plants could be a heavily planted tank. So, if too much fertilizer is used then maybe get hit with algae? 😕
  8. Maybe someone will answer this question that might help me understand more about plants. I don`t see or hear about how many plants are getting just one pump of fertilizer per 10 gallons? (Easy Green) I have 1 plant - 5 plants or 25plants. Let's say I have a 20l with 12 plants. (Say all 12 are low light - does that make any difference? (I`m not talking about roots tabs, maybe I should include them.) No matter what size tank, will the number of plants change? I hope I`m saying this correctly.🤔
  9. Well, I have managed to kill Guppy grass somehow.😵 I guess I`m confused about when and how much fertilize to use even after I read directions. I did get a couple of guppies. I might also have to get a camera so I can upload pictures. (I can`t resize phone pictures.) cancel this.
  10. ok, - nitrate 80 nitrite 3.0 gh 25 chlorine 0 ph 7.2 - 7.6
  11. That light setup would scare me. I like the look of your tank, I can`t help with plants. Good luck with this project.
  12. I`ve taken twice today, not too far out of whack, will check again tomorrow.
  13. Well, I have managed to kill Guppy grass somehow.😵 I guess I`m confused about when and how much fertilize to use even after I read directions. I did get a couple of guppies. I might also have to get a camera so I can upload pictures. (I can`t resize phone pictures.)
  14. Will get some nerite snails today also maybe a few guppies.
  15. Well, I finally got pictures on da computer. How in the world does one resize to post? (This is driving me crazy.)
  16. I didn`t know those could be pets? Welcome....I learned something today.
  17. I wish I had some good advice to help but I don`t even have fish yet.😧 Welcome to the forums - lots of information here.
  18. I don`t think I will ever have that problem. (If I could just get them to grow.)
  19. So, I see filter/air stone from CO-OP, so how much in saving.
  20. Hi all, still trying to save Java ferns. Also still trying to get pictures, (I have lots of pictures, can`t get them on to computer - maybe I`ll just become a drunk instead.) Just got more plants from co-op today, they look great. (I will try and keep alive.) Thinking about adding a few small fish/snails in three tanks? Hope everyone is having a great week.
  21. I don`t know what might be high or not. (Only plants.) Many moons ago I never checked hardly anything.
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