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Everything posted by Nyssa

  1. I saw this on an FTR, it's my personal favorite meme 🤣 My betta has a morning routine: turn the light on, find the nearest nerite snail, get angry, do a few 180s flaring at snail, beg for food... like clockwork 🙃
  2. My bulb was doing this as well when I first got it on a whim at a big box store, I flipped it over and put a root tab under it to encourage it to root and that sprung it into action. But now it's just some short leaves and stumpy lilypads that haven't really grown any more. I moved it to my betta tank where it could get more light thinking that that was the problem... I guess some bulbs are just kind of doomed from the start? Hopefully you have better luck 😅
  3. I've always loved the idea of bullet journaling and had good intentions to start one since I love organization... but man, I just don't have the creative juices after a long day of working in the creative field. I'll just live vicariously 😁
  4. I haven't had any issues with this, I dose easy green on one side of the tank near the hob filter, and feed on the sponge filter side. It's totally safe as far as I know!
  5. Saaaame though! I almost never have anything detectable when I pull out my little API science kit when I do my wellness checks. I thought about getting test strips for quick checks, but... meh, boringly stable, I'll just use up what I have 🙃 So I stopped tracking my parameters altogether, it saves me precious white board space lol
  6. I really enjoy my hygger light that I got for my 5 gallon, it's super bright and I have to have the brightness on the lowest setting for my betta. It has been growing my plants very well! From what I gather both companies are very good, and it's just up to personal preference.
  7. I love this! I ended up putting all of ACO decals on my water change bucket, but if I had a binder or journal I would totally do this too!
  8. This made me laugh, that's hilarious that you have to track, of all things, that 🤣
  9. I feel this, I used to obsessively check my water parameters in the very beginning, especially when I was first cycling my tanks... sometimes daily! I kept this logged on my little whiteboard, but it quickly got overwhelming so I ended up using my personal discord to log it for a while. Nowadays I test on the first of the month, or if there's something that's "off" with my fish as more of a wellness check kind of thing. I don't log it anymore though, I feel really in tune with my tanks and use my intuition more than anything.
  10. I was just curious to know if anyone else keeps a log of water changes, filter cleanings, and other maintenance that you do on your tanks. I'm interested to know if anyone else does this and keeps track of the dates and what they did to their tanks. I personally have a dry erase board that I keep on my fridge where I log: Water changes with percentages logged by the date Last filter cleaning logged by the date Last Easy Green dosage with the amount of pumps per tank, with the date It works out really well for me personally, I can fit the information for my three tanks on a small magnetic dry erase board that I picked up from the Dollar Tree. I would love to know what & how everyone else keeps track as well! 🐟
  11. 55 gallon tall "The Nursery/Child Support Tank" - 1 adult male platy and all of his offspring (aka the "swarm", can't count them just yet), albino corys, bristlenose pleco, 1 adult ramshorn snail and three babies, and one mystery snail 55 gallon long "The Girls"- 3 adult female platys, 9 juvenile female platys from the nursery, three mystery snails, 3 of my ramshorn snail's babies, and a random bladder snail that came with one of the mystery snails (bonus snail!) I need to grab a bristlenose and some corys at some point 5 gallon - 1 male double tail betta, two nerite snails Next on my list is another 5 gallon(if I can convince my husband lol), I really want to get a singular pea puffer, I love them so much 🥰
  12. Definitely be careful of boiling rocks, they can have hidden air pockets... and generally that wouldn't end well. 😳
  13. I actually just put in a bunch of rocks into my second 55 that I found at a local park by a pond. They're really nice for adding some texture and interest, and I'm already planning another trip with a bigger bag 🤣 I also have a collection of "that's a really nice stick" sticks that I was too nervous to try in my tanks, but after reading through this thread I might just give them a shot after all!
  14. It might be easier to remove either the males or the females to a separate tank to stop the problem at its source... I'm currently in a similar predicament and I'm setting up a second tank for my 3 adult females to have their last fry once this batch of 17 babies are mature. It's also fueling my MTS 🤣 If that's not an option though, I've heard good things about female betta fish. I'm going to be putting one in my new tank for... housekeeping reasons.
  15. I trimmed my 55 gallon's water sprite back even further, because it was still too wild for my liking... then I realized why it was looking so monstrous... the whole center was full of little plantlets! 😳 There were so many that they were struggling/in so much shade, so I pulled those out along with the trimmings. Into the compost pile it went! I left two plantlets that were healthy as floaters on the top of my tank for now... I'll see how I feel about them later.
  16. I've always kept fish growing up, and I'm not sure there's really been a stretch of time over a year where I didn't have a fish. Bettas were my fish of choice, much like a lot of us, I'm sure! My hobby really took off last year when my sister in law was offering up her 55 gallon corner tank for free, I did a bunch of research while I had that tank sitting empty in my living room, I was determined to have a proper tank. I'm so glad I did, this hobby has helped me a bunch with my mental health, it's nice to be able to step back and enjoy something you created, and get to take care of a bunch of little lives that depend on you.
  17. Is there an accurate way to dose Easy Green in tanks smaller than 10 gallons/nano aquariums?
  18. My platy fry are going to be four weeks old tomorrow, they really are adorable little mini fish 🥰 I'm excited to see how they color up for you!
  19. When I first got my fish, I was originally feeding them a basic flake that they were indifferent to, but once I gave them community crave, they go bonkers! I also picked up the sinking wafers for my corys and plecos, and I think they like them? Hard to tell when I feed it at night 😅 But it's always gone by the morning! It's really good stuff 😊
  20. You blink and they're on the other side of the tank, they're pretty quick for being so slow! I have a brown ramshorn as well that was a hitchhiker on a plant, his name is Jerry and he also gets around 🤣
  21. That's funny 🤣 meanwhile I swear there's never a moment when my platys are never not pooping. They take turns, there's always at least one at any given moment LOL I wouldn't worry about it, this seems to be a thing that just happens... I think the clear bits might be the equivalent of little fishie toots? 🤔
  22. I finally trimmed back my water sprite, it was so long that it was flopping over on the top of the tank... which is impressive because it's a 55 tall corner tank 🤣 I took the trimmings and gave my betta some new floating plants to rest in and tossed the rest into the compost before the snow comes. I'm still on the fence about what I'm doing with my pogostemon stellatus octopus, so it's a bit wild still, but I'm kind of enjoying the leaves on the surface. Vazi is really enjoying his little water sprite jungle 🥰
  23. They really are, they're so much fun to watch and interact with. They have such colorful personalities 🥰 It gives me LoTR vibes, I loved the ents 😄 you'll be seeing it around, that's for sure haha Thank you! & yeah, I'm definitely learned my lesson many a time over the years 🙃 It comes with the territory I guess when you're taking care of animals. Nowadays there are so many resources and fonts of knowledge out there, so we're always learning!
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