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  1. So, I had something running through this 20 gallon that I couldn't figure out. First 3 Von rio tetras that had been in for a year died, then 2 rose danios, then 2 Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis. All fish looked fine before and I only saw one Apistogrammoides on the way out swimming erratically. Finally got a video and phots of this danio with an odd red mark on both sides. Ph: 7.1 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 20 Temp 74
  2. Not sure if you meant to post this as a reply to my thread or to start another one.
  3. I've got a pair of agassizii and a pair of Macmasteri that are showing breeding colors and dancing for each other, but no fry just yet. I think the agassizii at least might be a bit too young. I'll check out that article though!
  4. Hey folks, is there a max harem size for Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis in a 20 gal? All of the articles I can find seem to be from the 90s, so it's hard to get reliable info. They all say 8 gallons is good for a pair or trio, but I'm dubious. I guess they are a bit boring looking, so I'm not surprised at the lack of info, but my lfs is flush with females right now. Also, as I have a good amount of spare space in other tanks, how many females can cohabitate in a sorority?
  5. I've had my fair share of diatoms, one bout of blackbeard, and your usual green dust but never this. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it too?
  6. Fluval stratum or seachem fluorite capped with sand. One was a walstad and that didn't work either.
  7. I keep em everywhere from 65 to 89. Could it be a flow issue, as I don't tend to keep incredibly high flow?
  8. For some reason, I've found it impossible to grow any eleocharis variety. Low or fast flow, ferts or not, for some reason it always goes brown and dies. My ph comes out at 7.5 and stays stable. What am I missing? I don't have any trouble with any other plants that don't require co2, as I don't run it.
  9. My pea was on his own for the first year or so, besides the temporary roommate/snack snails. I accidentally added a few very tiny endler fry with a scoop of snails one time and, to my great surprise, he has no problem with them. I'm guessing this is the exception rather than the rule, but they coexist well in a little 10 gallon.
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