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Posts posted by Nicohorse318

  1. On 4/1/2022 at 9:25 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Here’s the floating DIY fry container where I pulled the Rainbow Shiner eggs to last evening. Airstone added… I even hit with methylene blue, though it quickly dispersed. I’m not holding my breath, but I’ll be thrilled even if _some_ fry hatch here.


    So excited to follow your process and learn from you, @Fish Folk! Your YouTube channel is one of my faves.

    In the same vein as everyone's comments above, these fish are GORGEOUS and I have resisted a few times buying them. But until I learn more about them and get a bit more experienced with other species, I will hold off. 

    Best of luck! 🐟 

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 3/29/2022 at 5:26 PM, modified lung said:

    I've had white clouds, ricefish, CPDs outside to temps in the low 50s°F.

    Thanks @modified lung! CPDs (Celestial Pearl Danios, right?) are LOVELY, and I have been eyeing them up for a 29 gallon tank that I've got cycled and ready for new tenants. I was not aware they can tolerate such low temps, good to know!

    Two weeks ago I purchased 4 Golden WCMM from a LFS (they only had 4), but one passed away while in quarantine, so now I am down to three and the LFS is not sure they will be getting more in near future.

    Any preference re: the Golden WCMM vs the "standard" WCMM variety?

  3. Hi everyone! Wanted to start off saying Thank You to this Forum and everyone who contributes - I have learned SO MUCH in the last few months from all the wonderful humans who share their knowledge about the aquarium hobby!

    Currently, I have an large army of very happy Red Wag Platys (Platies?), 12 Neon Tetras, 6 adorable Melanistius Corydoras (SO CUTE), a baby Bristlenose Pleco and 3 Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnows who are still in quarantine (they looked so lonely by themselves at the pet store, I couldn't leave them there!).

    ANYWAY - This is my first summer having an outdoor pond, and I am VERY excited! 😍 My fiancé and I bought our new house last year, and over this past winter I casually mentioned that I wanted to try summer tubs this summer...well, now I have a 200 gallon semi-inground pond that will have a small waterfall and a pump/filter. 😮 (images attached of the pond the day he dug it into the ground, and a picture from this past Sunday with the beginnings of the surrounding rocks). 

    See what happens when you leave (some) men unsupervised?! So, cue excitement - and mild concern for the sheer size of this thing!😳

    We live on Long Island, NY (Zone 7a for plants), so any fish will be coming indoors for the winter. 

    Originally, I was just going to put a handful of my existing Red Wags and a bunch of plants in my intended smaller outdoor tub, but seeing as though I now have 200 gallons at my disposal and as a beginner with outdoor tubs/ponds, what other fish can I put in there? Looking for species I can put in the pond WITH the Red Wags, as I already have those and ideally would like some color variety other than the red/black of the Platys.

    THANK YOU!😄🐟



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  4. @Emika_B found your thread about breeding Rummy Nose Tetra today, while doing some research on the species - I will most likely be adopting some Rummy Nose this week from an acquaintance who is moving states and needs a new home for some of her fish. Not sure what ratio of males/females this adoptive group yet...

    Were you successful in your breeding attempts? Interested to find out!


  5. On 12/31/2020 at 2:51 PM, Taylor Blake said:

    I did black dirt in mine in order to get the most algae growth for my fish to feed on. You can do really any substrate if you want you can also use pots for substrate and plants and that helps with taking it down in the fall 

    Good idea with the potted plants - what do you do with the aquatic/marginal/potted plants when you are winterizing the pond? Where do you store them overwinter?

    This is my first year with outdoor fishkeeping, I am in NY, and I am in FULL-ON Research Mode! 🙂

  6. On 3/21/2022 at 5:52 PM, Chewyrat77 said:

    Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what's going on with mine as well. Like I said, after the water change today I didnt see any spots on them. Then an hour or so later I went over looked again and one of them close to the front glass had a spot. I tapped the glass to see what happened and then the spot was gone like he shook it off when fleeing. I dont believe ich would suddenly appear within an hour and then fall off shortly after. 

    Whew, I am so happy to see that it's not just me! I am a newbie Cory mom, I just adopted 6  Melanistius Corydoras this past Friday - my first Corys on my birthday!

    I noticed the same thing, the little crumbles of their Hikari Sinking Wafers/Algae Wafers make A MESS and look like a fine dust on their scales... which freaked me out when I saw it because it kind of looks like Ich or Epistylis.

    I've only had them a few days in my QT tank and they will be staying for a while yet to make sure everyone is healthy, but glad to see I am not the only one with this experience. They sure are messy little eaters, but SO CUTE. 

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