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  1. Theyre quick and it seems like it sensed me opening the lid and took off deep into the substrate. edit so ive been staring at my cherry shrimp tank for about 4 hours now with "chopsticks" trying to snag this guy and no luck Ive built an under gravel filter using biohome biogravel as substrate and everytime I go to strike I'll hit a piece of biogravel. I am no longer Anthony, I am LeechHunter69 waiting for my prey
  2. Saw this thing a couple weeks ago. After spending hours researching I can only deduce it is a leech. I tried baiting it with bloodworms and the glass planaria/leech trap and ammonia bombed the whole shrimp colony. All 90 something died overnight. I thought the leeches were gone too. Replaced the shrimp colony only to see this wriggling boy next to my first shrimp death... actually believe it or not 2 shrimp lived from the bloodworm vial of death. I named the male Rupert, a Survivor dad joke, and didnt name the female. Well that dead shrimp is actually Rupert.. so idk Im out of ideas, afraid of trying to trap leeches again EDIT: Chose not to copper bomb the tank. I stabbed it with tweezers dunno if I killed it. Havent seen it
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