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  1. Thanks "Struggle" and "KaitieG". You broke my heart but likely saved my shrimp with your case-studies.
  2. The gardneri killifish/cull neocardina shrimp would be a great experiment and I would appreciate a "report back" should you do it. Outcomes ranging from the song "You're my best friend" to "Taps. Thanks in advance if you can do this. If I go ahead and take the plunge, I'll also report back the results. The killifish I'm looking at are young but at some point they would likely get big enough to feast. I might even accept some other shrimp-safe "show" fish ideas from anyone if they have any. I've crossed off bettas and gouramis. A peacock gudgeon or 2 I've also considered but they too might snack too much.
  3. 24 Gallon well-planted tall tank currently with CPDs, pinto dwarf shrimp, a few corys, and I wanted a "show fish" a pair or 2 of Orange Australe Killifish. Should I expect a: 1) dwarf shrimp extinction-level event 2) Stable shrimp population with losses but a few young surviving. 3) Little shrimp loss 4) No shrimp loss If it's not a no-go, would feeding a partial or mostly live diet such as live daphnia help or hurt keeping interest off the Shrimp. Any other ideas? Thanks for helping this novice in advance.
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