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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Everything posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. Ok I’m gonna try and post the tiktok link Steph Kaczala(@stephthefish) on TikTok: This would be so cool if this was spawning behavior 🤞🏻 #babybrineshrimp #fish #fishbreeding #celestialpearldanios VM.TIKTOK.COM This would be so cool if this was spawning behavior 🤞🏻 #babybrineshrimp #fish #fishbreeding #celestialpearldanios please ignore my voice lol
  2. I recently acquired some CPDs or Celestial Pearl Danios, and I thought I’d start a thread for breeding them. I have 4 males and 2 females (before today I thought it was the opposite ratio) that I got 3 days ago, today was my first day able to watch them the whole day and in the light, and my first day offering live baby brine shrimp. For several hours today I’ve noticed the dominant male chasing around one of the females, and occasionally another male will also try and chase for a few moments and then go off and do something else. I have some videos of this but I’m not sure how to add it (I’ll play around, advice would be helpful) and I’m wondering if this is breeding behavior or if it’s aggression. What are your experiences with the keeping and breeding of this beautiful species? (I posted a few videos on tiktok, I can’t get the video into the right format to post directly from my phone, would it be ok to post a link to the tiktok? If not what would allow me to post the video?)
  3. I recently acquired some CPDs or Celestial Pearl Danios, and I thought I’d start a thread for breeding them. I have 4 males and 2 females (before today I thought it was the opposite ratio) that I got 3 days ago, today was my first day able to watch them the whole day and in the light, and my first day offering live baby brine shrimp. For several hours today I’ve noticed the dominant male chasing around one of the females, and occasionally another male will also try and chase for a few moments and then go off and do something else. I have some videos of this but I’m not sure how to add it (I’ll play around, advice would be helpful) and I’m wondering if this is breeding behavior or if it’s aggression. What are your experiences with the keeping and breeding of this beautiful species? (I posted a few videos on tiktok, I can’t get the video into the right format to post directly from my phone, would it be ok to post a link to the tiktok?)
  4. In other news, I’ve now planted (sorta) the 20 long and started it cycling. I took some trimmings of the water sprite I got from the CoOp a while back and had in Drogo’s 5.5 tank. I also moved a small piece of Vesuvius and I took a trimming from my African Bolbitis (also from the CoOp, and also from Drogo’s tank) and added a piece of dragon stone and a pleco ceramic. I did water changes on everything and switched out the carbon cartridge for a piece of sponge in the HOB in the 20. I dosed some beneficial bacteria in the 20 and I moved the caves from the 5.5 to the 10 and added a shrimp brick since I added some amanos when I got the CPDs. Finally, enjoy a picture of Drogo flaring at my laptop during class 😂
  5. So mine won’t slow down enough for me to get a good photo, but my smaller ones look very similar to the adult male just not as much color, but they have the same pattern and body shape. I’m not sure how old mine are, but there seems to be a dominant adult male and 3 subadult or submissive males, and 2 females. I actually noticed the males chasing the 2 females for the majority of the day today after I fed live baby brine this morning, which is how I found out that they’re males and not young females
  6. Big news: I got new fish! I picked up 6 celestial pearl danios at my LFS on Monday, and they’re settling into their QT tank well. I hatched out live baby brine today (quite a bit too much oops 😅) and also fed frozen daphnia (which they get in the store). They’ll be getting a water change later today, and I may start a preventative deworming treatment, but I’m not sure if I will, since they seem to have round bellies and are eating well. I was gonna get some pseudomugil gertrudaes that they had but they had sold and been replaced with clown killis who got Ich. I’ll be keeping my eye out for more gertrudaes tho. Does anyone know if you can breed signifiers in freshwater? I’ve heard they’re brackish or fresh but I’m not sure about fry.
  7. I FINALLY got to put my stickers on my fridge! They’re pretty lonely. Maybe I’ll have to bolster the collection when I get a ziss brine Hatcher... I need to find my Murphy sticker too, it’s somewhere in my storage unit I hope. If not I’ll order another
  8. I wouldn’t have expected the puffers to become so shy, that’s wild. Good luck trying to catch all those guppies out (if you do)
  9. Thanks @Bill Smithand @Lizzie Block, I might experiment around with instant ocean and with the Fritz A+. I’m planning on testing out a few different hatchery methods as well, including the Ziss along with San Francisco Bay and @Dean’s Fishroommethod
  10. Nice! What specific colors are you going for with the apistos? Any tank mates?
  11. Super bummed bc the 10 gallon had high nitrites today so it’s still not cycled, so I picked up some different stuff at the LFS than I planned on. Instead of the fish, I grabbed some seachem Stability and some more filter media. I also set up a CoOp sponge to cycle for the 20 long (hence the size lol). In the biggest news of the day, I got a brine shrimp hatchery! I’m going with the San Francisco Bay kit and am gonna follow the video from @Irene, and I’m using the same bottles that @Dean’s Fishroomwas using when he was interviewed by @JimmyGimbala while back (1 liter Essentia brand water bottles). I’m using the Fritz A+ salt because that’s what I have on hand, if anyone has any experience with that salt or advice, lmk.
  12. I have the Fritz A+ aquarium salt that is normally used as treatment for sick fish, could I use that for BBS?
  13. It’s update time! Did some water changes today and I redid the root tab in the Crinum per @Randyadvice and the CoOp video (thanks 😁). I added my betta floating log to Drogo’s 5 gallon, and moved the avocado to the 10 gallon for now. The biggest project from today is definitely pertaining to my 20 long. I put the mat under it to make sure it’s as level as possible, added half a bag of crushed coral I have lying around, and the eco complete I had in the 10 gallon a while back. It’s filled and running on one aqueon HOB with a carbon cartridge. I did not dechlorinate because I’m not cycling yet. Right now I’m running it like this in order to pull anything I can out from the substrate and the tank. Upon filling, the surface of the water was covered in gunk. I’m definitely going to be doing several water changes and cleaning before I add anything. I’ll also be hopefully be getting some new livestock tomorrow so stay tuned. I’m planning on getting some blue dreams and some Amanos to put in the betta tank, and I’ll be getting something I’ve had my eye on a long time for long term the 20 long, but for now will be in the 10 gallon quarantine tank. I’ve decided that as far as long term stocking, I will most likely be planting the 10 gallon for some pea puffers, but I won’t until after I bring everyone up and quarantine. Oh, and I also setup the light and timer on the 20
  14. My goal for my fishroom in the future is to pump out plecos for Days! And leopard frogs are at the top of that list. Excited to see success from the master himself 🙂
  15. There’s nothing dwarf about that sag wow 🤩 so excited to see the 30s coming up. That’s so exciting!
  16. @Dandy Pearli think for the python the actual hose and stuff is too hard for them to ship, I remember something about it in a past video. As far as my dream aquarium coop product that would be reasonable would be something like a turkey baster or syringe to feed frozen foods. Or something else but along that vein so that it makes it easier. I was totally mind boggled how to feed frozen until I started working at my LFS last week 😅 now dreamland CoOp product would be something like an apex but dialed in to freshwater tank needs. Complete with alerts to my phone when something happens and a camera that can stream live footage of the tanks.
  17. @BisScottiei believe his YouTube is FishofHex. I’m not sure exactly what else he does but you can certainly start there and poke around.
  18. @RovingGingeri too caught gecko fever and found Clints Reptiles, I now have 4 crested geckos... but onto aquariums. When my dad was a kid he had a fish tank in his bedroom, so when I was a kid we were allowed to get bettas. Granted, none of us knew what we were doing and id be horrified by how I kept them now, but that’s besides the point. My first real “tank” tank was a 10 gallon community that was way overstocked and had the weirdest mix of fish ever, but I got a Platy at petsmart to add orange color to the chaos, and ended up with 4 babies per month for a while. The original one died, and a few months later babies started popping up again. Finding those babies is what really sealed this hobby for me, the idea that I could make more of something living like that on my own was mind blowing at the time, and is my long term goal with the hobby now. That tank did eventually crash, and for my entire high school life I would randomly ask to set it back up again and my parents always had an excuse not to. Low and behold, the moment I got to college my roommate and I started getting fish tanks, and I’ve now been in the hobby a bit over two years. What keeps me most interested at the moment is that I’m always learning. There’s a million different things you can do with this hobby, and a million ways to do them. Getting to learn how to keep a beautiful slice of nature at home and always having something new to learn about has been my favorite part recently, partly because I’m limited in what I can physically keep. Being able to breed things and make babies of various species is my other motivator, and I’m excited to get a shrimp colony going again hopefully soon.
  19. I don’t have a 3D printer myself but a while back I won an Instagram giveaway from someone who does and makes betta training rings! I can only imagine the variety of things you’ve found. I know there’s a saltwater guy who has a website and several 3D printers and one of the many things he sells is tube drying racks, I feel like that would be my first thing I’d do. And maybe a new brine shrimp stand for the ziss Hatcher 😅 but I’ll probs just do the PVC tip
  20. Got my CoOp order today! Nothin too crazy. Did get an easy planters tho, I’m super stoked for that. I got my Crinum too and set it up in the easy planter in my 10 gallon for now. It will be going in my 20 long once that’s setup and going. I also got a banana plant to go with Drogo in the 5. I got a dennerle snail remover as well for when I have my pea puffers again (my last one got broken by a rambunctious pupper haha). And finally, I got stickers! I thought I only got the super red pleco one, so I might’ve gotten the rainbow one free? I don’t remember. Someone like @Randylmk if putting random stickers in boxes is a thing rn lol or if I’m going crazy 😂 and yes that’s a root tab. I hope I did that part right.
  21. Yes @DaveSamselltoothbrushes are a must, I mainly use them for algae removal, but now I’ll be using them on my HOBs too... thanks 🙂
  22. Just ordered one myself. Should be in soon. I’m excited to try it with a Crinum bc I killed my last one when I hat to swap tanks a bunch of times. I was gonna plant the Crinum in one of those Groot planters that @JimmyGimbalhad. I got one for Christmas actually 😅 so now I’m not sure what to do with it haha.
  23. Someone else please chime in too because I’m not really experienced, but I think it would depend on the size of the loach and the size of the snail. And the species. I think there are some loaches that don’t eat snails. I’m not super sure, I haven’t worked with loaches yet.
  24. Something I’ve learned from watching Cory for a while now is at the end of the day, every tank, fish, situation is different. For some ppl, they probably had the meanest rosy barbs on the planet, for others they couldn’t have gotten along more swimmingly (haha pun..). So I’d say, maybe get a small school to start with and observe them, see how they do. If they bully the angels, swap EM with something else. If they do fine, add some more to get numbers up a bit. You won’t know if somethings gonna work for you or not unless you try it. Good luck.
  25. Wow do I feel this. I’m in a 3rd story apt too. 2 bed 2 bath which is nice but my gf and I agreed to no fish stuff outside the designated fish room. Also, orange laser cities and all of the guppies are on my list as well. Speaking of list, I actually keep a running list in my notes section of fish I wanna keep down the line since I’m so limited rn (biggest tank is a 20 long). As far as stuff I’m eyeing right now, definitely short fin super red bristlenose and celestial pearl danios.
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