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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Everything posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. I'd definitely say fast them for a few days prior, and get USB air pumps and portable chargers. I moved across country in one day and I ran a sponge filter off of a USB nano and I had an Anker portable charger. 20 hours later it still had 3/4 charge, and I didn't have it plugged in at all. As far as setting back up, I'd add water really slowly with the shrimp, almost like drip acclimation. The betta, cories, and snails should be fine in a bucket with a sponge filter in a similar manner. I had 2 plecos, 5 rummy nose tetras, and a betta in a 5 gallon bucket for my move, along with 3 pea puffers in a bag. Good luck, I know moves can be stressful.
  2. Thanks @Wmarian , the fish would ship at the earliest late august/early september. And as far as the puffs, the three I have right now are with the two plecos and the rummy nose now and I haven't had any issues so far, and that's in a 10 gallon at home. (semi temp setup, normally the 2 plecos were in the 20 long, I had to make some emergency choices when I moved because of quarantine). Thank you for the video suggestion, I will definitely hunt that down.
  3. My sister recently cleaned out some old candles so now they’re just empty glass containers. I was gonna do planted terrariums but now I might try and do one as a mini jar. I might try and do some daphnia or something like that as a culture or perhaps snails for my puffs, along with some cuttings from plants from my tanks
  4. I got a very similar cave off amazon a long time ago and I haven’t had any issues. I don’t keep cories though so I wouldn’t know about that
  5. The hobby has been such a huge help in keeping me motivated and staying on track. I (think I) have ADHD, have anxiety, and sometimes mild depression, and having the tanks to play around in as far as scape or just sit and watch has been such a huge help for me and allows me to de stress from my crazy college classes and gives me something positive to focus on.
  6. Also peep the avocado growing out the top, has anyone ever grown avocado plants? In or out of a fish tank? Any advice would be great.
  7. For now here’s my girlfriends 5 gallon tank which will also be coming to the apartment. It normally houses her Betta, Dragon, but he’s at her house rn in a temporary tank. It currently has 2 Amano shrimp and a Nerite snail. It’s been pretty neglected since we both went home at the beginning of the quarantine so I’ll be cleaning it up and Dragon will be returning soon.
  8. This is gonna be my spot to sort of update my buildout. I’m moving into my first ever apartment at the beginning of August and will be setting everything back up. I have 2 bristlenose plecos, 3 pea puffers, and a few tummy nose tetras at my parents house for now that they will be shipping me once I’ve got the tanks setup. In storage rn I have a 20long, a 10 gallon, and a 5 gallon. I’m thinking of putting everyone I have right now in the 20long and getting an alien betta for the 5 or using it to quarantine a few new puffs for the 20. The 10 gallon I could also use to quarantine the new puffs but I want it eventually to become a mantis shrimp tank (saltwater). Any advice on shipping fish or what you would do would be great. I have limits on how many tanks I can have setup so whatever I do will be limited to that.
  9. My roommate is currently raising a black lab for Leader Dogs. It was so much fun. It’s gonna be hard giving her back when she’s not a puppy anymore
  10. I love your leopard gecko Dax! I almost got one myself but I got a crested gecko instead bc my roommate at the time was breeding them. I loved your video on them tho and I’m definitely still considering getting one someday. Here’s my crested gecko Jelly
  11. This was such a good idea! This is definitely going on my list of upgrades ideas for when I start my fishroom build. I’d love to see how many tanks it could power if the usb went to a gang valve. For my main fishroom build I was going to go with a linear piston air pump to run the room but I think I’d do this with one usb air pump and run lines to a few tanks that I’d be most worried about.
  12. Loving this thread! My girlfriend is a big fan of flower horns and I’d love to have one some day
  13. I first got detritus worms popping up a little over a year ago in my shrimp tank and started freaking out, but I’ve never had any issues with them. If they’re getting excessive, then id suggest toning down feeding and do some deep gravel vacuuming to get rid of excess detritus and debris. Other than that, let your fish snack away, live food is always great
  14. Wow I love those long fin angelfish! I haven’t seen those before. And are those Crypts? They look great
  15. I feel like if anyone could find a use for something it would be Dean, I am very intrigued to say the least
  16. Breeding platies is what really got me excited and into the hobby, that’s so exciting! I used to love looking around and counting all the babies and finding them hiding in and among everything.
  17. Hi! My names Steph and Ive been avid in the hobby for about a year and a half now. I first got started when I was a kid but fell out of the hobby in high school when my parents wouldn’t let me redo my tank after it had crashed. I loved when it was breeding Platies and I’ve wanted to start breeding livebearers ever since. I started college in 2018 and was able to get back in the hobby, I discovered the CoOp YouTube channel and have been able to do so much more than I ever thought possible, such as live plants, multiple tanks, and freshwater puffers. I’m planning a full fishroom for when I graduate college, until then though I’ve got a few tanks. I’m so excited for this forum so I can connect with others and further my fishkeeping knowledge. I’m in the middle of loving apartments so my fish are in a sort of limbo at home with my family, and my betta passed away recently as well, so my tanks are in a weird spot rn 😅 but rn I have 3 pea puffers, 2 bristlenose plecos, and a few rummy nose tetras. Also included is a photo of Oscar, my betta that passed away recently, he was my first fish back in the hobby.
  18. That’s so cool! I love seeing your photos on your Instagram as well and I’m excited to see what you do with the CoOp team!
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