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Steph’s Fish and Plants

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Everything posted by Steph’s Fish and Plants

  1. Wow this tank is an aquarists dream 😍 absolutely stunning, I’m excited for more progress updates. I love discus and would love to keep them someday, and now I’ll definitely have this tank in mind when I start planning and building that tank
  2. I haven’t been able to get out much this week but fall is here and the leaves are gorgeous. Also, wow y’all are some real photographers, all these photos are incredible! A few weeks ago I saw this bird of prey while taking a walk on my college campus, and we followed it down the trail a bit. I’ve also been enjoying all my many plants, and this bioactive vivarium with live plants, various microfauna, and a crested gecko. I meant to go skateboarding today but didn’t get around to it, hopefully later this week. Also, got those matching crocs from those earlier kayaking pics. I didn’t get a chance to go to my lake cabin this summer so I’m super jealous and miss my kayak 😂
  3. Wow the progress in such a short time is astounding! Definitely living vicariously through this. Can’t wait for a house of my own and less restrictions so I too can become a fish NERM
  4. Khal Drogo, my newest betta. My previous one just passed earlier this week.
  5. Havent started yet, but I’m gonna do some water changes and a lot of terrestrial plant shuffling/repotting. Also setting up a bin for my crested gecko so I can pick two more up tomorrow. Also checking on the cycle in my 10 gallon quarantine tank
  6. But of an update. Unfortunately, Dragon passed away, but we have gotten a new betta named Khal Drogo. The 10 gallon is currently in day 5? Of cycling, ammonia is going down, gonna test it later today. Im not quite sure yet what I’m going to be putting in it, I’m thinking perhaps some CPDs to quarantine while I setup and clean out the 20 long (which is still in storage)
  7. I’m running some crushed coral. I’ve also been trying out seachem alk buffer and that’s been helping a ton, along with smaller water changes. And oooh I’ll have to check those corys out for sure
  8. Got a Lot done today. Did a water change in Dragon’s 5.5 gallon betta tank. I recently trimmed the water sprite I got from the CoOp because it’s going absolutely bonkers rn. I cleaned out some hair algae and scrubbed the beginnings of brown spot algae off the glass. I’m propagating pothos in the back right now and I started an avocado pit floating. I had some success with the avocado in the past but I tried transplanting it to soil and it died, so now I’m starting another one. I also am getting my 10 gallon tank underway (finally) because im going to do a bit of a swap. I’m gonna dose KanaPlex and aquarium salt in the 10 gallon and move Dragon over to help with his Popeye, and I’m gonna grab a betta at my LFS (which I just got a job at) and put it on Dragon’s tank while I get either my 20long or my other 5.5 from my storage unit and clean/set it up. There was still some leftover from the dead rat in the 10 gallon so I’m gonna run it with carbon and do some rounds of water changes over the next few days while letting it cycle. When I’m satisfied with its cleanliness I’ll do the swap. Ive also thought through what I wanna do stocking wise, and I think for the 20 long in addition to the 2 Plecos and the 3 pea puffers from home, I’m gonna try to do some celestial pearl danios. I also wanna try a species of corydora but I’m not sure which (I am open to suggestions so lmk). Now that I have a job I’m much more motivated to get things moving in the fish room since money has been really tight for me for the majority of this year due to losing my job because of covid-19. I also realized that my hang on back has adjustable flow, I’ve had it since 2018 😅 shoutout to my roommate for essentially giving me all my supplies for our first tank. Anyways, I setup the air pump and am running both tanks off this blue tetra pump so I can have my USB nano one free in case of emergencies. Stay tuned for when I start setting up my other tanks and get this fishroom further along in its journey.
  9. Wow that’s a great tip! I’ll definitely have to try that! Thanks 😁😁😁
  10. So prime isn’t an ammonia source, it is a dechlorinator which can also detoxify ammonia, which means it makes the ammonia that’s already in the water non toxic to fish. Brandy said it best for sure. My best advice would be to stock it slowly. Get just the betta first, since that’s the hardiest when it comes to water parameters. Whenever I first add a fish I like to wait a day before feeding, and feed very small, then over the course of the next week slowly up the frequency and the amount I’m feeding until I reach what I want to normally feed. Good luck! Also, I’d up the amount of corydoras to 6. I’m excited to see what you end up with
  11. I would absolutely Love something like this. This is the kind of revolutionary product I want to see from freshwater companies. Not a stronger LED light or built in heaters etc. I wonder if someone more tech savvy could do this with a raspberry pi and if there are probes that would read pH and Kh etc.
  12. I would think maybe using auto feeders could do this? It’s a shame that a Neptune Apex doesn’t exist for freshwater, saltwater hobbyists are able to shut off return pumps amd skimmers as part of a “feed mode” and everything turns back on 10 minutes later.
  13. This could be great for when you need to go out of town and have babies or something more sensitive that only eats live... or for breeders who have to be out during the day for work etc. and have babies that need feeding multiple times a day... the applications are Endless!
  14. I have 3 crested geckos (2 more on the way) and my girlfriend had a chinchilla! I want a lot more scaley friends and my friend and I are starting a crested gecko breeding business together. I also have 2 cats back home with my parents 😅. I want to follow in steenfott aquatics footsteps and get a Tegu once we have a house, and I also want to get a few more isopod species as well beyond the dwarf whites that are in my bioactive vivarium.
  15. Wow I absolutely love this! I’ve been a fan of Rachel’s hillstream for a long time and want to do something similar as well, and now I have so many more ideas! I can’t wait till I can do a tank like this. Probably not quite as large tho 😅 I’m very impressed
  16. Can’t wait to see this house continue to evolve to suit your needs. Also taking some serious notes for my own house when I start looking (which is in a long time from now). Looks absolutely amazing. Just watched the latest members only vid on it and the amount of progress is amazing! Hopefully contractors and such are able to get things moving more quickly for you.
  17. This reminds me a lot of my own intro to the hobby. Wasn’t exactly my first “tank” but it was the most normal tank I had as a kid. I was 12 and didn’t know anything about the nitrogen cycle or pretty much anything else. I had a HOB with cartridges and an undergravel filter, and a lot of help from my dad who hadn’t kept fish since he was a kid. So, long story short wasn’t the best tank setup ever. BUT, when I got 1 Platy at petsmart that happened to be a pregnant female, my passion for the hobby was sealed. Finding new babies every month was my favorite thing to do, and I’ve been jonesing ever since to get back into livebearers. Fast forward to my 20s now, I’m wanting to get some guppies and have that same excitement again, but I am struggling with figuring out my long term solutions for overpopulation. I’m so excited to check out the rest of your tanks, thank you for the reminder of what got me into this great hobby in the first place 😁
  18. I have a similar setup where my “guest room” is also my fish/gecko room. I’d love to ditch the bed but my rent agreement won’t let me 😅. Me and my gf live together in a 2 bed 2 bath and they wouldn’t let us just have one bed. I’ve definitely debated moving the mattress and using the bed frame as a stand before though... and now I definitely will be putting a hammock in my Fishroom when I have a house though.
  19. It was so hard not to add this to my list but I already had 3... absolutely love this plant, my first real “success story” with plants. One of the few things the goldfish couldn’t dig up when I had that setup going.
  20. Hands down Crinum calamistratum, Anubias, or bucephalandra. Anubias bc I love when I finally see a new leaf growing in. Buce comes in so many varieties, and Crinums are so rewarding, and I’m constantly checking the CoOp site for when they’re back in stock bc I miss having one.
  21. Did some water changes and Scrubbed a nasty 10 gallon and now it’s all new and shiny. Lots more to do for my fishroom build tho
  22. Mine will do this too. It’s so fun to watch them. Reason number 1 million to have snails imo
  23. Did some Major work on the 10 gallon today. I emptied out all the eco complete into a bucket and Scrubbed with dish soap in the shower. The 5.5 betta tank is doing well. Dragon is still hanging on despite his eye which I think now is a tumor since it hasn’t responded to meds. Lost my two Amanos and my nerite snail though so I did a water change, added some crushed coral, and am temporarily running a HOB with carbon to pull the meds that are left, I’ll take that down in a day or two. Plants are doing well tho. Don’t mind the cloudiness, it’s from the crushed coral and the equilibrium
  24. I recently moved my 10 gallon from my storage unit to my fishroom in my apartment. I was taking out driftwood to clean so I could scrub the glass since it’s quite nasty and I found a dead rat 🤢 so now I get to take out all the substrate and rinse it for forever and scrub the glass. Wish me luck. I also got some water sprite and some crushed coral from the co op to go in the betta tank and it looks so much better. Excuse the cloudiness, I just dosed meds and used some seachem equilibrium (also from the coop)
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