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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. We don't seem to sorted out the chants yet but I'm suppose they are more of a league thing really.
  2. Apparently the tickets went on sale shapely after we won the Euros against Germany. But yes a very enthusiastic crowd I really want women's football to continue to be taken seriously.
  3. To my eye they look really to small for Betta could just be the image but that's less than 2litres of swim space. I've divided tanks with plastic canvas which would hold up long term (I kept it in place for 6months no issues only removed to repurpose tank) Maybe look at different types of tank dividers if you don't want to drill glass this also allows your tanks to be more adaptable to changes in the fish you keep.
  4. Waking this thread up just to point out our ladies are playing as I type. England Vs USA So anyone watching? Apparently the tickets for match sold out in less than 24 hours which is the fastest since the new Wembley stadium was built and this is a friendly. The girls better be careful last time women's football become more popular than men's they got banned from playing.
  5. To me that is moving in the right direction. You should see the nitrite should keep dropping raising the nitrate. When you see 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite then you are pretty much fish ready. Get your decor in to give more surfaces for the bacteria
  6. I think there are two tanks in this story @Pepere.
  7. As you have never kept fish before. Have a read up about tank cycling it will help you understand how to keep those fish healthy in the long run. This is a link to popular explaination. https://youtu.be/PWoiCqCvJco Do you keep house plants Bettas are great fish for growing plants out of the tanks so maybe look at some luckily bamboo while you're catching up on your fish studies. And keep asking questions even if they sound silly. We all do from time to time
  8. For those curious about the link this is the food info on the site is basic but it lists ingredients as follows. Ingredients: Composition: Fish and fish derivatives, Cereals, Yeasts, Vegetable protein extracts, Molluscs and crustaceans, Algae, Oils and fats, Various sugars(Oligofructose 1%), Minerals.
  9. I generally don't worry about the labels to much. They will be fine for the fish they seem like a pretty normal mix for community food. Depending on the size of the pellets they are probably all good to eat them as well. I feed ground up cichlid pellets to everyone in my community tank. Just see what they like. You might have to break up the flakes for the neons tiny mouths. The best food is the one they will eat.
  10. I named my two goldfish they were Trevor and Mr Pib. This made recounting tales of their antics much easier. I currently have one named cory (Squiggle) he got a name because I found him (as tiny fry) surviving in a vase I'd dumped some moss balls in. So he's special
  11. All I can add is that my two big goldfish (both fish exceeded 20cm in length) required more frequent water changes and filter cleaning than the same tank now it's a tropical community. I fed them about the same as feed the community.
  12. Phew glad your ok, and they sound like good neighbours.
  13. I would also remove everything and as much water as I could I assume your hoping to keep the fish in for the move. Is it going on a new stand if not you'll need to put this tank down while you move the stand so that is a lot of movement that could cause things to move. They could also trap the fish in low water as they will be trying to hide in the rocks. Good idea if suitable
  14. I don't rinse, and I freeze what I don't feed. It probably more faff than its worth for one fish. I would try buying frozen first and see how that goes. My Betta has no interest in brine shrimp so I'd hate for to invest in all the stuff to find out your fish would prefer pellets. My Betta does enjoy frozen bloodworm I defrost a cube and feed it over two days keeping it in the fridge. What is your fish maybe there is a better food option
  15. She must have read the how to keep fish store pamphlet. She probably won't even keep fish. She has just taken the store bible to heart. Pity the first tankers who have to deal with her
  16. You don't need to light this tank while it cycles so don't that will help reduce your algae growth. Don't clean anything the bacteria lives on the surfaces so cleaning can set you back. You'll get there tanks go through a pretty ugly stage sometimes.
  17. I've just taken the reflectors off my tank to see if that improves my personal algae journey. I upgraded to led's about two years ago and it had only just occurred to me that they are much brighter than the old tubes. My poor fish must have headaches. Anyway back to your issue the algae is feeding on the ammonia so its all part of the same journey. As your tank cycles it should at least show down to make it manageable. How many weeks are you into this cycle ? My normal advise if to wait it out. Do you have live plants in there they can help deal with the ammonia and hopefully out compete that algae. If you have no live plants don't light the tank to reduce the algae growth.
  18. Quite often they turn into tank tumble weed for me, I periodically fish them out and tie them to things to distribute around the tanks. They can take over though, but useful to have if you have a new tank top set up. My Betta likes to wedge herself in the floating bundles so that means I can't keep them to tidy.
  19. My tank came pre plumbed for a 307 the intake (short) outlet (tall) are next to each other in the back right corner. Not sure if that info is any use I think if you have the in and out near each other make sure the out/return is higher than the in .
  20. I don't see a problem with moving him, he should be happier with more fish about. I raised one in a vase (accidental hatching) then moved to a 5gal then to 60gal no issues
  21. It can be useful and was certainly what was done before chemical dechlorinator was available This thread discusses the topic at length. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/18773-bad-gas/
  22. It depends on the fish but the CAE can cause issues by harassing fish after lights out when they aren't as active. If you have larger slower fish they are probably at risk.
  23. I kept my female betta with shrimp she wasn't really fussed about them but I made sure the tank was full of shrimp hiding places. You probably won't see your shrimp as much of there is a fish in the tank though. I kept two Betta in a divided tank for awhile (made the divider out of plastic canvas). In the end I moved them into separate tanks though as one seemed stressed (constant glass surfing) possibly because it could see/smell the other.
  24. I don't really measure room temp and it will fluctuate because it's in my kitchen. The unheated shrimp (neons) that is also in there wobbles between 17 and 19 if I remember rightly from last winter.
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