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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Those fins look ethereal, very pretty fish. Well done on spotting the dodgy decor piece they often paint over the glazed surfaces to make them more commercial. Doesn't necessarily mean the paint would be harmful just unable to stick to glazed surfaces so don't panic keep an eye on it and find the stuff you like. Is this your first fish?
  2. I had two in 60g for 10 years prior you that one of them had lived in a variety of glass boxes (out lived a few). So you have a bit of time the 2.5 won't last you any longer than the crystal punch bowl that housed my fair prize Goldy did but it will do while you negotiate. Bigger is best but if you don't think your parents will go for that straight away they'll probably agree to upgrades as it grows. Don't panic about friends yet it is always more fun to have a group but maybe let your sister be the driving force there. (Then your helping them with her thing) On my 60 with two very big fish I had a fluval 306 and smaller internal filter from their prior tank. Two filters just allows for alternate week cleaning my water changes were generally 25% weekly but I if needed I could do a bigger change and it would last a couple of weeks. They are fun and friendly fish place somewhere where the family notice that and it will again help your cause for an upgrade. Good luck. I'd never have kept fish if I hadn't hooked that duck so I have a fair to thank for a 30 year hobby. That goldfish of mine died in 2018 after being my pet for more than 25years.
  3. Congratulations on the life changes, I'm sure you'll have that fish room ticking over nicely in no time
  4. I would say it's fine, personally I wouldn't stand it next to my tank but if you are using it at recommended concentrations it should be safe for you and your fish. I have one and never gave it a second thought. As with all air freshening always ensure their is good airflow
  5. Who else is in the tank, I find occasional new corys, and pygmy corys in my community tank the rest of occupants will hunt out eggs so unless the parents are sneaky the odds are very much against them. But this at least prevents problematic population explosions. Minnow's are egg scatters so probably picked off by any bottom feeders you have.
  6. This months live music adventure was Roxy music 50th anniversary tour and therefore the anniversary of me and my gig buddies friendship as 20 years ago I agreed to go to London with the friend of friend to see Roxy's 30th anniversary tour as they had just been let down. Sometimes risks really work out well. Also this is the first sold out arena gig I have attended since covid were everyone also turned up which was great to see again.
  7. You could leave the heater in but set to 65 so it protects them from the cold spells but doesn't run constantly.
  8. I would check the dosage best way to work out if it's cheaper is check the number of litres or gallons it treats. I've used loads of different ones over the years and prime was most cost effective because it's only a few millilitres to dose my tank. Some require you to add a lot more. However I did consider them all to be effective at removing chlorine. Some seem to do extra stuff (metals and ammonia blocking) but I'm only buying for the dechlorinator really. If you are really looking to save money on dechlorinator have a read of this thread by @HH Morant they have moved to using the raw active agent.
  9. My snails clean the algae off the plants rather than eat the leaves are you seeing damage? Reducing feeding is probably the best way as they generally balance their population to the available food. Snail traps exist or can be made if you want them out of your tank. You might have to wait awhile for more tank space for the pea puffer as they can be very territorial.
  10. Maybe try some blanched veggies. I feel it's hard to tempt anyone with Turkey bacon you know it's sensible but just not the same. (Sorry pork free people)
  11. I'm seeing spots on the tetras that look more like Ich or Epistylis to me. I believe Ich-X is the preferred treatment however I've never used it as it isn't available in the UK. So I use Protozin which has malachite green and copper as it's active ingredients. Either way you'll be treating the whole tank if you had infected fish in there as it can live in the substrate. It's kinda like treating for fleas on dog you have to treat it's bed as well.
  12. Just be careful with the stack large rocks can do damage if they fall. I had bulldozer goldfish that would knock pebbles the size of coke cans over. I made sure they could hit the walls of the tank. Gravel would protect the base.
  13. That looks fab got my fingers crossed for those zeros. Three great options don't think you can go wrong really sounds like they'll all bring you joy.
  14. Looks like insect larvae to me my guess would be mayfly larvae but the image isn't clear. Mayfly larvae eat algae so shouldn't do you any harm. Try and get some better pics though so we can be sure. Some larvae is not so friendly.
  15. I had the shrimp tank by the sink next to the kettle and really enjoyed the amount of passive observation this allowed but my kitchen is very short on work surface so I was forever cleaning cooking splashes off it. And worried about it getting knocked when cleaning large pans
  16. My main tank is between the couches in my lounge and pretty much at eye level. Do I'm pretty comfy when watching my fish. My other two tanks are in the kitchen next to my desk so again I have a chair right there.
  17. I picked up a beautiful large leaved anubias and all but one of its leaves melted back at the base but it is now putting out new leaves. I think it was about 6 weeks till I spotted the first new leaf but it has a few now, Bought the plant in June. My advise would be if its not showing any signs of rot leave it in place and see what it does
  18. A rock, an Abbey and a castle making the most of a sunny October saturday and cool old bridge
  19. Looks like fighting damage to me, I've seen similar damage caused by my krib to just about anything in the tank. Hopefully that has sorted the pecking order out and it's just a case of keeping the water clean while he heals. Doesn't like any infection (i was using the before pic to see if the red colouration was all as normal). So as long as your water is nice he should be able to sort this on its own.
  20. What are you water parameters, has there been any aggression. Have you got a before photo?
  21. In the UK they are woodlice or singular a woodlouse.
  22. Are you in the UK? there are some Betta systems my Facebook market place at the moment
  23. Maybe, you'd have to test it my initial concern would be it breaking up in the flow and getting compacted. I've seen similar used to grow plants hydroponically out of the tank though.
  24. Yes you're really close, the bacteria is there and doing it's job it is just finding its level. Who is going to live in this tank anyway?
  25. I think the men are feeling the pressure and upping their game can't just have the women bringing home the trophies.
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