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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I wouldn't drill, one there is always a risk and you don't want to cycling lots of new tanks. Also drilled tanks are harder to sell or give away (especially the smaller ones if you decide to change things out a few years from now. Likewise if you want to move one back into the house to be a show or pet tank it's easier if it's not drilled. Aside from neatness is there much to gain from drilling (I suppose less faff adjusting lids. Oh and it also makes it possible to remove a tank from the shared sump when quarantining.
  2. Early days for international mail I feel. I'll post pic or vid or something when it arrives.
  3. @PineSong paper poppies are sold by the British legion in November to raise money for forces charities. You'll see them pinned nearly everyone (from late October until rememberance Sunday). I read up and there are over 75000 poppies. They now get them sent to them from around the world.
  4. I wouldn't worry at all, but maybe think about a lid for the tank incase she figures it out as great way hide food she doesn't like. Or maybe she just likes to share.
  5. Lol l I'd be tempted with a ram I love that punky look, like they are auditioning for mad max. Gouramis are cool if you want something gliding about . Honestly as my stocking shows I just go to the LFS and turn into a six year old and come home with whatever takes my eye on the day. Luckily we can counter a lot of that with plants, filtration and occasionally a bit more maintenance.
  6. They are really calm fish with tiny mouths so you can pretty much do what you want. They are never the trouble markers in my community tank and no one seems to bother them. Corys are always a good bet. Maybe max out your space with a smaller variety or pgymys. Then you could think about getting centerpiece fish as well They will probably eat your shrimplets so if you go that way you might not get a colony going Happy new tank
  7. Maybe try brine shrimp, and get a snail culture growing. Are they pea puffers? Someone must know how to keep them fed.
  8. Darn picky fish, do they eat frozen when you can get them? Maybe hold off feeding for a few days and try again. Have you tired the vibra bites I believe some people have had success there.
  9. Have you tried just soaking the freeze dried bloodworms in tank water to see if they show a bit more interest if they sink? No need to freeze in that case just rehydrate a pinch at a time. Garlic guard might increase interest but I'd try tank water first.
  10. My tank deals with small fish often I never see the bodies. I don't enjoy having dead fish in the tank so I remove bodies of I see them they generally have have been nibbled, if I owned something that could eat them quickly that issue would be resolved not sure I would though. I will add that I lost nearly a whole tank if fish due to a large fish dieing while I was away and spoiled the water very quickly. So fish to water ratio is a factor to consider. I have seen Cory throw dead guppies to turtles on some of his fish room tours.
  11. On this Remembrance Sunday I thought I share with you these images of Ripon from my visit the town was decorated with knitted and crocheted poppies . They were everywhere and when we spoke to town Hornblower (info on request) she advised that they were the work of a small group of local knitters. I just throught this was kind and beautiful way show how much our service men and women mean to us and our communities. Thank you all.
  12. When my goldfish had fin rot once I had resolved the cause, it healed up fine with just clean water and good food. At was doing partial changes every couple of days.
  13. I assume this is your family planning a move so I'm sure that they are going to help you take care of this. (Fingers crossed you can stay local for 6th form) Happily it's very hard to move in the UK a distance that requires to much prep (benefit of a small island) I wouldn't worry too much until you know what's happening I definitely agree that removing fish and decor into separate buckets (I like those insulated picnic boxes) getting that water level as low as possible and the substrate shouldn't move to much it will shift more at they lift and carry if your not careful than the journey
  14. They remind me of kids on space hoppers. Super cute thanks for sharing
  15. My guess is that it is a bred for characteristics, if you are breeding them then you might want to separate to keep the lines but if you're not fussed I doubt they are. I increased my stock of bronze corys recently with three long fin ones (only ones available) they don't seem to worry about the difference.
  16. Well the lichen won't have survived the oven so will break down pretty quick in the tank it might be quite messy and it will obviously produce more nitrogenous waste to be dealt with. Similar issue with bark it has an open structure and high surface area so it will break down faster than the wood does. See how it fairs in a bucket first though, this is my expectations but life can surprise
  17. I just tried something like this in very advised fashion. Popped a calcium tablet in the outflow of the filter in my shrimp tank, I didn't expect it to break down very quickly but after about an hour it was mush and the tank was cloudy did a water change (25%) and cleaned out the filter. My shrimp have been very active since and quite happy tested my water and the only change is the GH which is now off the chart. I'm keeping a tight eye on things but I think I got away with it, might take a more careful approach if I decide to do it again.
  18. I have three rosy barbs in my planted tank and they don't seem to have caused any damage. I have mainly Java ferns, anubias and swords with the odd random plant from the bargain bin. I also have plenty of algae for them.
  19. My spouse is an enabler be very careful of those. But mts is like herpes it can go dormant but once you've had it your never truly free of it. Any weak moment and there you are throwing out the tv make space for a new tank. And it's person to person transmitted via suggestion and inspiration. No cure only known treatment is credit limit.
  20. I have used methylene blue and malacate green to treat Ich numerous times in my community tank as they are the main ingredients of UK meds for ick and fungus. And I always end up with fry afterwards from someone. Seems to really tip the visibility odds in the community set up. Thanks for doing this thread @Fish Folkand @Guppysnail I see eggs for sale all the time and I really wonder if they'd be fun to try. Egg tumbler going on Christmas list.
  21. The last bits of wood I picked up (bog wood) I just threw in a bucket and left it in the sun for a few weeks outside while out for rid of its shop grot and leeched it's worst tannins away. I didn't boil it just do what is practical for the piece you have. A good presoak is important just so you know what your dealing with tannins wise if you throw it in a bucket and it goes dark quickly your know it going to need a long soak sometimes you can get away with a short soak one end at a time
  22. That is a pretty nice stand, our version of pet co (kinda a small box store) has nothing except a few small fluval stands. But then again the stores don't cater for anything above about 60l (approx 20 us gal)
  23. All bettas are territorial I tried keeping females together briefly and after initially they swam together and rested together but after a few weeks some damage appeared and the chasing was constant. I divided the tank but one would glass surf constantly so separate community tanks for them. I would not be convinced that blue is a girl either with those fins. But either way that tank is Big Blues territory and will probably not let up on the new girls. Keep a close eye and your quarantine tank handy you might get lucky and they find harmony but get a plan together on what to do if it doesn't work.
  24. I should probably move them, the point of quarantine is protect your existing fish from anything the new guys have so this doesn't apply. But it is easier and more cost effective to use meds in smaller tanks so that is a fair reason to keep them in the smaller tank. Have you double checked your tap water sometimes (from what I read here ) that can have small amounts of ammonia so you might have a issue at tap rather than the tank. For the quarantine tank maybe grab some lucky bamboo to grow out of it and use that ammonia it's pretty easy to remove and pop on standby in a bottle if you need to add salt for any reason
  25. I wouldn't feed the tank for a few days, just mentioning because it's not been said..
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