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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Internet speed and storage space were what I looked for when buying my new phone. It has that for a reasonable price. The only issue I have with it is the size. It is too big. I struggle to use it with one hand. And i have big hands too. I couldnt imagine a petite woman or younger teenage trying to use this thing. Is this phone designed for basketball players? Its so tall that movies have black bars on the sides, so there isnt even a benefit to the extra screen.
  2. 45° angle is ideal, since the temperature senser will not be directly above the heating element. The lower in the aquarium the heater is the better, since heat rises. That said, it doesn't matter too much as long as you have decent flow.
  3. Your probably fine, but if you have any chemical filtration like carbon, that could help.
  4. I would wait at least 2 weeks from the last sign of symptoms. Better to be safe than sorry.
  5. This was before i started qting fish. I just got lucky in that they didn't have anything. Later i added some rummynose tetra to the tank which had ich. After that i started qting fish.
  6. I cycled with a pair of wagtail platies when i first got my 29. Despite a lot of setbacks the survived everythibg including a few wave of ich. Still have them now, even got some babies from them. They should do good as long as you have hard water. If they are already stressed by low water hardness, the may be more succeptible to ammonia and nitrite poisoning.
  7. You could try having someone else put their hand in your tank and see if the pleco acts any differently. My guess is that it won't. The pleco doesn't see you as a threat anymore and that behavior would extend to any human.
  8. Its iffy. I would try Nymphaea leibergii instead.
  9. In the wild, they have been found in pHs from under 4 to over 9 and hardnesses from 0 to 320 ppm. Ideally get them from a soft-water source but i doubt you'll have issue.
  10. Not to speak for Cory but I'm pratically certain he'll be doing more live streams.
  11. I would try cuttibg back on easy green before cutting it out entirely
  12. I wouldn't be wary of sand. There are a few downsides but nothing that should stop you from getting your dream fish (or dream crab). If you want a crab get a crab. Imaginitarium makes a pretty coarse sand so maybe pick up that if your hesitant to get a finer sand.
  13. A school of neon tetra woyld color things up
  14. I find guppy males to only be aggressive to other guppies and maybe mollies. They don't really mess with other species usually. I'd be pretty surpised if they did anything to a gourami. Id avoid male gouramis and stick with a female of one of the mellower species. Id do one gourami.
  15. Angels can get pretty big, but your tank is probably good for one, at least for a long time. Angels need a lot of height so your tank works out. Angels and cories is a pretty common combo, so that should be ok. The pleco is fine too. I would do one angel and one of the tetra schools.
  16. There isn't a need for a heater or filter, but youll need some nutrients and light. The ambient light of the room might be enough and for nutrients, probably good with using tank water.
  17. Thatll probably fit but i would get an aqueon brand glass lid just to be certain itll fit. I know you said you have a topfin tank but im confident it is an aqueon one. Aqueon tanks have clear silicone of the filter in the middle like your tank while topfin tanks have the filter on the right and black silicone. The light arrangement and feeding door size also match an aqueon tank.
  18. They make glass lids for aquariums
  19. All those plants should do fine with the light you want to get.
  20. Waterproof lights tend to be pretty expensive so id just get a glass lid. If this is the best light for you depends on the type of plants you intend to grow.
  21. These lights arent waterproof so youll need a glass lid. Size 30-38 is the best light to get. When lights have a range like this, the lower end is the size of the light while the higher end is with the legs at maximum extension.
  22. I'm in university studying for an electrical engineering degree.
  23. I would try using a spawning mop. Put the mop in your main tank for a week and then move it to the 5.5.
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