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Everything posted by WhitecloudDynasty

  1. Should be fine..my top aquarium normal stay around 75-77, I recommend adding an airstone
  2. Moved the breeder into a 33long and they seem to like it. Photo doesn't do them justice
  3. I believe white cloud isn't popular enough for anyone to even try
  4. Golden white cloud fry at 4 month old I'm loving the black dot on these
  5. It's hard to say..wait til they are a bit older Here's some that are 2 week old
  6. Mine like to breed in pair and like to hug the side of the glass or sponge filter. I have also bred them in pvc cut the long way and have the egg drop into the gravel. I can see the bio wheel working well also. Was that breed name phil?
  7. Try putting 2 pair by themselves. Leave them in there and forget about them. Guppy and swordtail are very aggressive feeder. White cloud fry are very small and slow so they are easy picking.
  8. I'm glad to see you are enjoying them lol. The should get darker and hold their color with age. Have I ever told you I bred fiery black before, they are awesome fish but can be bossy at time. 2male and 1 female
  9. It looks like a growth, I have seen something similar like this on my cloud before, it normally heal but don't ever look the same. I normally treat it with salt and maracyn. 3 table of salt for every 10gallon and it it sit for 1or 2 week. As for what you was talking earlier, white cloud can adapt to any setup pretty well, when I notice any stress for any reason I'll do a waterchange and add salt thatll normally take care of the problem before anything worse show up.
  10. It's tricky breeding goldfish cause most wont breed true and their color may change even the breeder may change later on in life. Sounds like you already know what fish to cull, I would get rid of them as pet or feeder and focus on your better fish. Sounds mean but if you focus more on the better fish it'll give them a better chance of showing their full potential. Clampfin and deformity won't just go away. Unless it's a rip fin, which may grow back, but never as nice than the original
  11. Looking good! I hope all goes well...itll be nice to bring then into our market.
  12. I like both, they have their own strength and weaknesses
  13. Here my 2 cent if you decided to breed from younger fish just to speed up generations You'll be breeding from fish that haven't fully mature, so you won't even know if they are breeder martial. Second if you breed generation after generation after generation from very young fish you could shorten their lifespan. When I started breeding rainbow shiner they would normally start to fall apart after 2 years, now breeding from very grown aged out breeder, the newer generation can got closer to 4 year
  14. If you start from a normal pair and waiting to see if you get a color morph, You'll have to breed the volume in hope something pop out. I recommend you just working on their patterns, and color to begin with and see if you get something cool along the way. For example make difference marking more consisten, make it darker/lighter, thicker/thiner, bring out more yellow from their body. Chances are the morph will be recessive, so you'll need to breed them back to try and get more of that morph. When you get 3+ fish with that morph break them into separate family. Keep them separate for as long as you can and use each family to cross to each other. Color morph will come naturally if you breed enough fish to work with. You'll also need to understand inbreeding and linebreeding. Just remember it won't be impressive now but 5-10 years from now you'll see a huge difference.
  15. For white cloud some are stronger than others, depending on where you get your white cloud from. I noticed petco is hit or miss, a good bath will make it, a bad batch either die within the week or looks fine and fall apart a few month down the road. I recommend you getting yours from a breeder that had them for a few generation, or buy a decent group and deworm it right when you get them. I use 2 round of prazipro about 2 week apart, then I'll hit them with a goat dewormer(fenbendazole). Also feeding high quality fish food only works if the fish can use all or most of it. In other words don't forget about prebiotic and probiotics
  16. So last year I added a new species to the fishroom in hope on working and improving them. Long story short they can cross breed and their babies are fertile...so that's a no no But here's the results.... I started with a group of 40 fish vietnamese white cloud(vwc)Tanichthys micagemmae. I wanted to improve the red and white in their fin plus the side marking in the tail. Not my photo..just an example BUT I soon found out their female are very attractive to my white cloud mountain minnow(wcmm)Tanichthys albonubes male. I immediately could find young hybrids around 2-3 months old. Here my male wcmm male And the vwc ..what would you guess their babies would turn out? How did you think I was able to tell the difference in hybrids. . . . . . . . . . Here's a young hybrid F1 Note the lighter body color, darker black lateral line, and plus the side marking on the tail. All came from the vwc. Note the same color dorsal and anal fin tips, and more red on the tail fin. All came from the wcmm. Breeding the F1 x F1 gave me some consistent babies. For the F2 note the side marking on the tail have move from the bottom to the top, also its the same color as the anal and dorsal. All my questions answered these hybrids are going outside to live with the kois. I don't have space to work on hybrids when my wcmm isn't perfect yet. Now what am I going to do with the vwc I bred... An solid side marking on the whole tail will make a beautiful fish..maybe someone else on here will take up that project lol!! @Cory you are a cloud and hybrid fan so hopefully you enjoy this.
  17. Sweet I bet they should be easier to spawn than wild stock Yes! I'm here in NC right in the middle lol
  18. It could be a swimming bladder issue or she could be boated...I would fast then for 2-3 days and see if that helps
  19. In my experience eggs that drop to the bottom will not hatch
  20. They spawn in a group chasing..so they really don't need plants to spawn, just an target. If it's a bare bottom aquarium with nothing but a small brush plant they will spawn all around it and over it
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