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Everything posted by Reksiklove

  1. Will the change for sand disturb the balance of water? I am afraid I will change for sand and would need to cycle it all over again and the fish will die....
  2. Hello, Can someone please advise as to whether a newly acquired half-banded eel (3.5 inches) can live in an acquarium with gravel, like this one: https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/imagitarium-blue-jean-aquarium-gravel-5-lbs-2558041?cm_mmc=PSH-_-GGL-_-CAL-_-PME-_-PET-_-AQU-_-0-_-PM_GGL_FY21_SBU05_PrivateLabel-Imagitarium_LIA-SMRT-_-0-_-0&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu7OIBhCsARIsALxCUaOqxdahIzF6G3JMznpL_FWzz3bixkPOvpIVQbvYgSvgrB33kLlYlLEaAuK6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I have read that they need sand. There are quite a bit of hiding places, etc. although today I found him (or her) hiding in the sponge filter... If they cannot live well in gravel, how to change the substrate?? I am afraid all of with work in getting the acquarium established will be gone if I change the soil. Moreover, I have no idea how to clean the acquarium with sand - wouldn't all the sand get sucked up with the debris? Otherwise the eel is eating and seems OK (after a week from the shop). Many thanks!!
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