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  1. Ok that's what I was thinking too just wanted someone to agree with me lol At first I thought it was a nitrogen deficiency so I was really dialing in the ferts but it didn't seem to be the issue. Nothing good happens fast haha
  2. I moved my display 75 gallon tank and my plants spent about 2-3 weeks floating in another tank. After I was able to get everything back in my anubias has been melting pretty hard, as well as my crinum calamistratum. These were all doing very well before and was even flowering. I'm checking water parameters and fertilizing accordingly daily. There isn't any signs of anubias rot so I'm guessing that they are in shock and should bounce back? Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something else. Fluval 3.0 light
  3. I'm my water I've been able to keep java fern alive but never thrive or really get any bigger for that matter. I saw someone saying that adding potassium can really help it along. I have some k2so4 dry fert from when I used to do EI dosing and was just wondering a starting point of how much to use with just easy green. 75 gallon with anubias, crypts and a ton of moss with the java fern
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