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  1. That would be the best outcome for me....thanks for all the comments!
  2. Yeah, but that is such a pain for me! I just hope they don't do what my Corydora's do, and fill the tank up with nothing but! Not much on the internet about it but they are amazing little creatures to watch for sure! Congrats on the Oto's! I hear they are a difficult one to breed.
  3. Good evening, I found a baby loach in my aquarium. First of all, how exciting! I didn't even know I had both male and females. My question is, how many eggs do they lay and how often? I purchased them to do general cleaning and because they are different looking. I don't know what to do with the babies. other than let them be and hope they don't have to many. They are in a 70 gallon but it is very heavily planted and not set up like one would for these guys so it may be just a one time thing?
  4. Co2Art sells really good regulators w/solenoids, with options to add on. I’ve purchased three and love two of my setups completely. Unfortunately my last one wouldn’t turn off when the power shut down. I emailed them. They asked for photos of every little part and then sent me tiny replacement parts, where I had to basically dismantle the thing and rebuild it. I have not yet tried it as I had to buy a different one for immediate use and it works fine. Plus I don’t trust my skills. The other is now my backup. Just be aware if you are new to C02. Maybe buy something less expensive on Amazon.
  5. Thank you for your help today. The store is simply the best in hundreds of miles all directions and it is always a pleasure to see you 😊 you’re aquarium is looking great!
  6. Great question, I would like to know the answer too. I am not sure it can actually dim the lights but sure hope so!
  7. It is so fun capturing photos of the tiny little worlds we create in our living room!
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