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Everything posted by KentFishFanUK

  1. That's kind of what I figured so I hadn't even considered it until now. I've seen 100 ft python systems for like £100 on eBay I might give that a go first
  2. Well just some pvc pipe to drain into the grass I might be able to do myself but to actually get a water supply from the mains in the house I think would be a bit too difficult for me! Not to mention my wife wouldn't let me run a pipe the entire length of the garden so it would have to be underground. Couldn't I basically achieve the same thing with a python water change thingy?
  3. That sounds doable but where would it go? It would be a huge job to get it connected to the municipal waste water system. I worry if I just let it drain into the garden it would affect the foundations or something!
  4. Thanks will be checking out your build thread! When you say how much electricity am I running to it, do you mean how many outlets? I'm hoping the shed guy will be able to build in decent enough ventilation for the humidity.
  5. Unfortunately getting water plumbed in probably isn't really feasible/in budget for me, will have to stick with garden hoses and buckets I think. Luckily for me I'm a small tank guy lol. A shelf around the room is a fantastic idea though I'll be adding that to the list! Thanks Oh and thanks for the offer of questions, will definitely take you up on that when the time comes!
  6. Yeah my wallet is definitely the limit! Trying to do as much as possible on the cheap (other than the shed itself) everything else will be second hand and stuff like that. Definitely going for concrete floor now @Tankseeker pointed it out for me. Not sure how feasible plumbing is going to be really or if in budget. Maybe that's something I can do at a later date but for now it will probably have to be hoses and buckets etc. Will get an air system going though won't have enough outlets for a dozen separate air pumps. Edit: I hadn't thought about a skylight, I like the idea but would that be too much light for algae etc?
  7. Just a few really but a lot by normal people's standards haha I have three sort of 'biotopes' planned, plus another 4 or 5 species tanks, leaving 5 or so more tanks for quarantine/live food cultures/in case I see anything special (or manage to get hold of my dream fish lol). However they will all be small, the biggest being around 30 gallons then a couple 15 gallons then the rest are about 6-7 gallons even a couple 3 gallon ones.
  8. Oh good idea I think they usually do wooden flooring which probably wouldn't be so great, noted! Thanks
  9. Thanks! I thought about this but wasn't sure if it would be super expensive to run all winter? Plus some of the fish I plan to keep prefer different temperatures, would I just set the room heater fairly low just to stave off too much cold and then just only put tank heaters in the tanks that want to be warmer?
  10. Ok so I'm going to be getting a shed built as a small fish room. It's only going to be 7' x 8' as that's all I have room for. Seeing as I'm having it built from scratch, is there anything I should take into consideration to tell the carpenter? I've mentioned a solid foundation, insulation, ventilation and electricity but is there anything else I should mention now or make him aware of? I've mentioned it's for a fish room but I expect it will be the first fish room specific build he's done. As an aside, is it possible to provide enough lights for plants just from overhead room lights in the shed without having a light on each tank? I'm worried about having enough outlets. It will mostly be epiphytes and pothos I think.
  11. Thanks but I actually meant this one: https://www.loaches.com/species-index/gastromyzon-stellatus It doesn't seem to have as much info on them compared with the other ones.
  12. True still need to get an end to end fitting thingy to make it work but that shouldn't be too difficult! When I watch some YouTubers with fishrooms/studios I see all the spare equipment or hardscape or even spare plants in nurserys just ready to be used whenever the need arises and I think it would be awesome to have all that at hand, I look forward to growing my collection of 'fish stuff'. I often browse marketplace looking for decent second hand equipment at great prices just because even if I don't need it yet I know I will one day. The added bonus to that is that hobbyists tend to be very enthusiastic towards other people who share the same passion and I've ended up getting a bunch of extras for free! You just don't get that from big box stores haha.
  13. Just saw your reply and had a Eureka moment - "Tubing For Home Brewing" - I though, 'wait a minute, don't I have some of that in the shed from my failed home brew phase?!' and yep sure enough I do! Plus a handy little clip thing that will be useful I'm sure and some 1 inch diameter tubing that I have no idea if it will be useful but maybe! Ah it's the small wins 🙂 thanks for that!
  14. Interesting - and almost scary how much we are, maybe not manipulated as such but how much we are led a certain direction so to speak in what we end up seeing on YouTube and everywhere else online with the intention of getting us to click ads etc. Just think how many of us perhaps wouldn't be 'suffering' with multiple tank syndrome if we hadn't stumbled upon the co-op YouTube channel this way haha.
  15. Like most people I like to vary what food I'm getting as I like the idea of providing to all tastes and covering all bases nutrition wise. That being said my 3 staples whilst being completely different formats (flake, micro pellets, sinking wafers) and colours etc all seem to have pretty much the same ingredients - fish or fish meal, wheat, smaller amounts of krill and spirulina and algae etc so I do wonder if it's more of an illusion of variety than anything! I do occasionally do frozen as a treat and repashy soilent green which does at least have very different ingredients so hopefully that's enough variety. Once I'm out of this food I'm going to order a few different flakes, I've found somewhere I can buy high quality flakes that are either mostly brine shrimp, or krill, or spirulina, or vegetable and I think they even had a daphnia one (or insect of some sort) - going to buy them all and mix them together! I really like the repashy soilent green too, when I have more tanks to justify it I plan to get a few of there other ones to vary it up even more. Don't have much experience with all the other aquarium products, I tend to like the SeaChem stuff as I like their descriptions/instructions etc and they seem the best range but I'm probably just being a sucker for good marketing. I never got on very well with test strips but I like using the API liquid test kit.
  16. No idea noob too! I was just looking at pictures, do they have a description for stellatus as well? He looks like he has the caudal fin of the ctenocephalus but the dorsal of scitulus lol but the stellatus seems to be that way from the pics so that's why that's my guess. Like you say probably be easier when fully grown! Also I think they are generally different sizes when fully grown so that might help
  17. I think he might look more like gastromyzon stellatus personally. They are very similar but if you look at pictures on seriously fish and loaches.com the pattern on the caudal and dorsal fin looks more like stellatus than ctenocephalus to me. Apparently the pattern/dots on the skin on stellatus vary between individuals quite a bit as well. I suspect they are wild caught on mass as a lot of species live alongside each other and then they are sold as generic hillstream loaches or Borneo suckers or whatever and probably aren't even separated let alone labelled as individual species so it's hard to know for sure.
  18. Sponge filters are the main thing I want so that's good.
  19. Do you think it would be worth it for say, half a dozen sponge filters, half a dozen no clog air stones, some airline tubing, towels, maybe some easy green and maybe other bits I'm forgetting or yet to discover?
  20. Sorry for the stupid question, does the 3/8" refer to the inside or outside diameter of the tube? Looking on Amazon in the UK it quotes both so can get either, there's even some green coloured one if it's the outside diameter
  21. About 8" diameter is what I need I think so that sounds like what I need, thanks!
  22. I know Aquarium Co-op still doesn't ship internationally so was just wondering, does anyone know how much it would cost (ballpark figure) to get a box shipped from the US to the UK? Anyone ever posted internationally before? There's a bunch of Co-op products I really want 😭 haha so was wondering if it was even feasible to get a friend to get them and ship them to me.
  23. Ah thanks I hadn't heard that at all! Makes them even more adorable. Will definitely give them sand then. Could I ask what it is you are using to keep your floating plants together? I am using an airline tube but it's sort of 'floppy' and one section dips down enough that some of my salvinia can float over it occasionally, whereas yours looks nice and rigid and neat. Also I'm so jealous of your Aquarium Co-op sponge filter! Awesome tanks btw
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