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Everything posted by KentFishFanUK

  1. My local big box store (called 'PetsAtHome', I think it's a large chain if not the largest in the UK) sort of does this, the staff have tablets and if you ask them a question they just Google it! Kind of works though isn't the same as having their own database, so as far as I can tell they use it if they get asked a question but not in general to educate customers on what they are buying etc. Better than nothing I suppose! They do at least have labels with some very simple information like how how big the fish gets, if they should be kept alone/in groups/how aggressive they are/how beginner friendly so there's that too.
  2. Yeah I like the barrell idea, my 'fish guy' who I buy my fish from does this for his tanks. I will definitely go for concrete if it isn't too expensive! I might do the pvc pipe through the wall thing to drain into the garden, I don't imagine it would be too complicated or expensive, just pvc pipe with parts fixed to the wall plus some sort of funnel to siphon water into?
  3. Had to Google apistogrammoides - 😍 love them totally with you there. Check out biotoecus! They are sort of similar and I really really want them to be more available
  4. Thanks it does make me feel better! Good luck with yours! What colour did you get?
  5. I've tried looking with a flashlight but not after lights out so might try that next. It's only been a few days so if you say a week or so then hopefully its just that. Might have to get the vegetarian repashy and try that then. I was thinking about bacterAE, is it just dried biofilm or does it help bacteria and biofilm grow? I feel like it might be good for the tank ecosystem in general if it does, plus my oto's and cories will munch on it too right? Once I'm fully stocked and everything's settled in etc I'll be sure to post some pictures of everything. Noted thanks! Will underdose if I go that route.
  6. I've heard that honey gouramis are slightly more shrimp safe as they are smaller and more peaceful, I don't mind if they eat some shrimp babies as I don't want too many of them anyway, hopefully the adults will be left alone though (I've read other people's accounts of keeping them together which gives me the confidence to try at least). I'll report back when I can!
  7. I know amanos would have been better for algae but couldn't bring myself to get them, I find them kind of ugly/creepy (at least cherry shrimp are colourful and kinda cute) plus I've read reports and even seen videos of amanos attacking fish (I know the majority of people have no problem like that but I'm a worrier!). My filter is one of these monstrosities: (I'm a fan can you tell? 😂) the 'intake' is some slits/holes in the plastic on the right hand side (out of view on this picture) so not sure how I would attach a sponge to it?
  8. Ah there's probably plenty of algae anyway and if not I'll start an algae rock nursery haha. My dad is into rock collecting/polishing and is always trying to give loads away so at least it would give me another use for them!
  9. That's good that it's working for your guys, some Bettas are mean! Haha. I think it's normally the Bettas who nip the guppies rather than the other way round? Guppies are usually peaceful. Either way sounds like you got a nice chilled out pair. Nice looking Betta too!
  10. Pretty sure the only potential problem would be if the water was so cloudy not enough light was getting to the new plants but I doubt that's much of a possibility, you can definitely add plants during cycling without disrupting it - and most likely it would speed things up if anything
  11. Yeah I like the idea of them breeding a bit and maintaining their numbers but don't want to be overrun or anything, it's a community fish tank primarily. I plan to add a couple of honey gouramis at a later date though so I would imagine they won't get much chance to overpopulate anyway! If they aren't already all dying somehow 😒. I don't think I can get extreme foods here in the UK yet so will have to get hikari or something.
  12. I don't use canister filters but it's an internal power filter that has the media, pump and a heater all inside so maybe they are hiding in there but otherwise ok, hopefully!
  13. Thanks! I feed repashy soilent green occasionally, I wonder if he/she will take to it. Won't need to rotate algae rocks at the moment as there's plenty in there anyway! Already was leaving the back panel growing algae for the oto's too so that's good. Do I need to worry about putting in calcium source like cuttlefish bone or anything? I think my water is high in calcium anyway though so should be good?
  14. I want biotoecus opercularis! Less rare not more. Still don't know why they aren't everywhere, they are like south america's answer to multies. Isn't anything I think should stay rare, unless it just wouldn't do well kept in aquariums. I understand the idea of keeping something 'special' but personally I don't get anything out of having something rare - I'd rather have something in common with fellow hobbyists, that's more special to me!
  15. How often do you feed yours? Don't hate me but I mostly got the shrimp to help a bit with algae and cleaning the tank haha so don't want to feed them too much - but also don't want them to be deficient in anything! Good point actually, while I'm here, @Guppysnail what should I be feeding a single nerite to make sure it is healthy? (But keeps eating the algae lol)
  16. I hope this doesn't sound patronising but if you don't know about the nitrogen cycle and cycling tanks etc I highly recommend you look into it (not rocket science or anything just one of those things if you've never been told about you just don't know about it). Only reason I mention it is because you said about adding an extra filter helping - it won't hurt and long term may or may not help but you won't notice a difference straight away - filters work with the help of nitrifying bacteria but that bacteria takes time to grow and simply adding more filters doesn't add more bacteria (only more surface area for the bacteria to grow on but still needs the same amount of time). You can add bottled bacteria but not everyone believes it works. As your tank matures the cloudiness should go - live plants help a lot too and practically everyone here myself included will preach over and over again - the more plants the better! Of course there's a good chance you already knew all that in which case my apologies and pretend I never replied haha!
  17. Wow ok well I know your tank is three times the size of mine but you have 150+ shrimp and I bought.. 8 lol. Maybe I need a few more. I don't have any dragonstone but do have a bunch more plants as well so hopefully I'm over worrying! What food do you recommend for attracting them out of hiding?
  18. Thanks I will try that, I haven't actually got any shrimp specific food, what do you recommend? Something which will attract them out of hiding!
  19. Thanks for replying, wouldn't I see like body parts or something if they got sucked into the pump? My fish are all small and peaceful so doubt it's that, I have oto's, panda cories, endler fraternity and neon tetras. I thought all of which were adult shrimp safe?
  20. I added 8 orange cherry shrimp 🦐 to my tank on Monday early afternoon, by the evening I could only find 3 of them, next day I could only find 3 again but later counted 5, today I seem down to 2 as far as I can tell (I've checked like a hundred times). Should I be worried? I'm sure they are good at hiding but it's only a 20 gallon tank, it's moderately well planted but nothing I have is particularly dense and I can't figure out where they could be hiding. No bodies or anything either, I've even checked inside my filter and can't see any dead or alive, though unfortunately my filter is a horrible big bulky internal filter that you can't see into the pump housing compartment (so only looked where the sponge/media and heater are). Are they just really shy and adept at hiding or have they got sucked into the pump or something? If that happened would they be killed and their bodies be spat out of the pump/filter?
  21. True, probably a good idea to have curtains and get the choice of either. I think a standard door should be big enough
  22. Noone will agree with me but for following me around the room and begging for food my neon tetras take top puppy spot in my community tank!
  23. Thanks for all your input so far guys! Well I didn't think I'd need drainage but seeing how many people seem to wish they had I will talk to the shed guy about it and see what he says! If it can't be done for whatever reason I'm sure I can live with it though. With a drain literally in the floor do you just let the water splash straight onto the floor and just drain away? I was more imaging a sink (without a faucet as I won't have water supply connected) that drains into the garden outside? Is that not as good? With the floor drain I assume I couldn't store anything straight on the floor. Other than the drainage is there anything else I should be aware of? Like I've noticed a few YouTubers have their fish room windows blacked out, should I ask for no windows? If I didn't need windows I could get a double door, which might be easier with getting things in and out. Not sure if I will need anything that big though. Also the shed guy asked if I wanted a pitched or flat roof, does it make a difference?
  24. What's the date and time of this one? Need to work out if I need to book time off work to catch it!
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