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Posts posted by Sammm

  1. On 6/15/2021 at 7:31 PM, Phantom240 said:

    I know I'll catch serious flak for this, but I managed to eradicate most algae types from my main community tank by using Seachem Excel, and overdosing it daily. It recommends 5ml per 10gal (roughly 38L) at initial dose or after a large (greater than 40%) water change, and 5ml per 50 gallons (roughly 190L) every day or every other day subsequently. At large water changes, I'd use a syringe to spot treat any leaves or decor that were exposed and had algae growth (I had bad BBA and hair algae after a rather long personal breakdown), and then dose 50% extra after filling. After that, I dosed daily 5ml per 10gal until all the BBA turned red (Took about 5 days) and started dying off, and dosed 15ml per day until all the soft algaes were stunted enough that my snails could keep up. Currently using Easy Carbon now, as directed, and haven't had any new algae growth. I'd say once the algae is under control, the daily or every other day dosing of 5ml per 38L would be beneficial. I haven't used any other carbon products aside from Excel and Easy Carbon, so I can't comment on any others. 

    Of course, take anything I say with a grain of salt, as I'm not an expert or any sort of authority on the matter. Some species of plants and animals are more sensitive to excel, but I had no losses of any kind (aside from algae) in my tank, which includes tetras, cories, guppies, dwarf sag, mosses, anubias, ferns, crypts, swords, ludwiga and a few other varieties. 

    I will for sure look into it and do my own research ! Thanks for taking the time to respond I will let you know how it goes!

  2. On 6/15/2021 at 1:53 PM, Phantom240 said:

    That's some sort of sword plant, right? That's not just mulm buildup, judging by the almost furry appearance. It appears to be some sort of algae, possibly staghorn or fuzz algae that the mulm is snagging on. I'd work to get rid of the algae on the leaves before going much further with changes to the tank. Easy Carbon would likely help tremendously. What kind of filter are you using? Perhaps you need to add a water polishing canister to the tank to remove those suspended particles before they settle. 

    Yeah I think it’s a mix but mainly mulm , I have tried a liquid carbon ( can’t get easy carbon in the uk) but that was a while ago so May be worth a go , I do have some polish pads in my canister but they are old and likely useless now. I have cannister and 2 sponge filters in there currently.

  3. Hi All,


    I have a seasoned tank been set up about 3 years.


    planted well but my plants always get dirty , it’s just muck and mulm on the leaves and I can’t work out why.


    what can I do to help this that isn’t just wiping the leaves down with my fingers everyday!


    thanks All.


    sam from the UK

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