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Posts posted by BriannesFishFam

  1. On 6/18/2021 at 9:26 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I personally wouldn't think so but a lot of others seem to think the small caves work best. I can say I have an aquarium decor log in my tank with Otos, while they don't breed there they love it, opening there is about 2.5. I say you should try your 3" and maybe try another size or a garden pot. The animals will pick for you. 

    Ok, thanks

  2. On 6/17/2021 at 12:55 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

    That sounds like the dream home to me! Y'all have quite the zoo. As you're already aware I am sure, this is quite possibly the friendliest forum on the internet. Even when we disagree, voices rarely get raised so to speak. 


    Don't be afraid to ask questions and give your knowledge out. There are no age requirements for wisdom ☺️


  3. On 6/18/2021 at 7:00 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I think @Guppysnail's idea for pots is even better! Those come in a lot of sizes and already have "caps" 

    As far as option A for my drawing, the caves would only be under the slate, partitians could be created with another row of cut pvc. I don't think it's as good as option B but more stable. However you'd not be utilizing the inside of the pvc. 

    Sorry, what do you mean by I wouldn't be using the inside of the pvc, that is where the Plecos go right? Or do you mean something else?

  4. On 6/18/2021 at 12:59 PM, RogueAquarium said:

    Yeah, I've tried everything I have access too. I live in a small community. I have a petco and a petsmart within 100 miles, and 1 local pet store. none of them stock live food like this, unless I can get them to eat little crickets. I've asked around my fish keeping community and the vinegar eels and brine shrimp are as much as people around here have.


    Let me know if you need any grindal worms, I ship

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  5. On 6/18/2021 at 5:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Hardware stores sell end caps to most size pvc you just slip it on. Dollar stores are AMAZING unpainted small ceramic or terra cotta pots my Bristlenose loved until I got the caves. Wood with a cave under and tilted so the backside it touching the substrate but I do not know if they would spawn in the wood but sleep they do. 

    Thank you!

  6. On 6/18/2021 at 9:05 AM, Scott C said:

    my plecos have successfully bred in a arch of a rock (before I provided them an actual cave). I have since provided them various options and they seem willing to use just about anything. they do seem to prefer to have a back to the cave and not just a pipe. Another relatively inexpensive option my wife came up with is using watering stakes;


    they are very similar to "pleco caves" and you can pickup 6 for about $18 on amazon, it may be possible to get 1-2 at local stores even cheaper. Even my large female bristlenose (who I swear is wider than the spike itself finds a way to fit in there).

    Picture is of one of my young males hanging out in a spike. I think they look a lot nicer than white PVC.


    I'll have to try them!

  7. On 6/18/2021 at 9:33 AM, gardenman said:

    My plecos fight over a way too small one-inch diameter piece of PVC. I use end caps on the PVC and my guys/gals prefer the smaller diameter over the larger diameter ones. Too large of a cave makes it too easy for the female pleco to escape. Part of the mating game is the male traps the female in the cave until she lays her eggs. If the female can easily swim out, the game ends. I've got the plant watering spikes in my tanks also, but they really prefer the smaller PVC. The YouTube channel Freshwater Exotics recently showed the holes in a riverbank during the dry season that plecos breed in. They were pretty much perfectly round and not very large. When the rainy season comes and the water level rises, the plecos move into the holes and breed.

    Are you suggesting 2 inch pvc as an alternative? You said 1 inch is too small and 3 inch is a bit big.

  8. Not sure if you got answers already but maybe try feeding something different. Blackworms, bloodworms, bbs, daphnia, grindal worms are all what I feed to puffers. You can try garlic guard  as well. This could potentially be a worm or disease on the inside if the fish doesn't show any signs other than not eating.

    • Like 1
  9. I have seen grow lights used as a sunglight effect on an aquascape, it only came on in the evening and didn't harm plants. Not sure how it's work as a main source. If you cannot use a grow light you can use natural light while battling algae, you could also used a light bulb or a cheap hygger light from amazon, those are the lights we use on some of our tanks. I would be very careful not to put the light too close to the plants in order to help them grow but not burn them. I think the grow light wouldn't grow the plants you have any faster as the grow light would serve as a regular light. I could be wrong though, maybe the grow light will grow the plants and not affect them negatively. It is at a risk, but if you don't take the risk you have never know, given you the have light on hank already you could save money if it does work.


    Sorry fro the long ramble, best of luck!


  10. Shrimp are good, since it's community I wouldn't do pea puffers, some say Kuhli loaches will eat them. Just make sure whatever you end up putting in there is safe for the fish selection you have and right for your temperature. Let us know if you have any questions and what you decide on. Good luck!

  11. On 6/17/2021 at 11:16 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Well, better yet, dollar store, plastic cutting "board" sheets. That kind of plastic. Flexible, but thick enough, you could glue it, and easily cut it. Wouldn't be expensive. 

    Great idea I'll have to try that, Dollar Tree is right next to lowes so I'll look there. I am just wondering where the pleco caves go in Option A?

  12. On 6/17/2021 at 10:12 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I think the slate ones are super cool but I have no idea how much slate costs. If you get 1 decent sized piece you could potentially cut pillars out of your pvc and make multiple compartments.

    ...on subject of caves...I saw a clever 3D printed corner cave on Etsy that you can bury under substrate yet see inside it on the outside corners I thought was cool. 

    Can you please explain the pillars a bit more?

  13. On 6/17/2021 at 9:52 PM, lefty o said:

    in my experience, as long as they can get in it, its somewhat dark, and they feel secure, it will work for pleco breeding. preferable to have only 1 opening it seems, but i have had them breed in ornaments with multiple openings.

    Good to know! Looks like I can make 20 caves for only $16. I really didn't want to get caps because that would affect the price at $3 each

  14. On 6/17/2021 at 9:51 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I don't have a pleco so take my knowledge with a grain of salt but I've seen the PVC thing a whole lot on youtube so I think you're onto something. I've also seen people stack and glue them together into small pyramids (I don't know if the plecos use the "upstairs" or other fish do.) Caps would be inexpensive too. 

    I watched I few master dean video with the slate ones and his zebras loved them, so I was thinking for my larger tanks I would glue them.

    • Like 1
  15. Hi! 

    So I am getting a bunch of different bristlenose plecos (albino and chocolate to start) and I don't want to spend $8 each cave right now in order to have enough caves. I need to many. I looked at some pleco cave racks and pleco cave dimensions. I have an idea but need someone's opinion. I want to get a 3 inch by 10 foot piece of pvc, because of the large opening, and then cut it into 20 - 6 inch long BN pleco caves. I know the back is open which is one reason I came on here, can I put the tube up again the back glass so it is closed? Also, on the bare bottom tanks I will sand the pvc to sit flat. If I can't put it up against the back wall I can use a 3 inch pvc socket cap instead.Would pvc be too rounded for plecos? I have seen ones spawn on wood and in logs similar to pvc.



  16. On 6/17/2021 at 9:09 PM, walruseggman said:

    Can you explain this a bit more? Why without a doubt? Does metabolic activity stop or slow too drastically? 

    It's more of the hardiness of fish. You can get a super hardy fish, but in less-suitable conditions they may not be able to adapt. For example, we just got white clouds as an experiment because it's a little cold still, some died off either infection or couldn't adapt. Some fish cannot adapt to colder than recommended temps. If you've moved them inside before (not to assume, but I think since your asking they may be new to you?)  they may be adapted to larger changes. With the metabolic rate, with the fish that cannot adapt for some reason their metabolic rate (activity level) will slow down and then stop.With the ones that can adapt they will basically move slower and eat less, but be healthy. Similar to discus at high temps. If they are at 84 they eat regularly, but when the temp is raised and their metabolism goes up, the eat more and produce more waste. Adaptation is similar to I have a plat that has lived here for 1.5 years, my first fish. Platies are harder water fish, this fish was not acclimated properly, pore water change schedule, and overfeedings. Other fish died off in m first tank as I learned how to keep fish. Man funguses and illnesses. The fish still lives today in soft water. It is really about hardiness and strength. I would tr it but as I said you ma have die offs of a weaker ones. 


    About the "they do it in the wild" this is 100% correct info. However these fish are not wild-caught (I assume) so they did originally live in the wild, but the were bred many and many generations to a weaker form of fish than in the wild that only take certain parameters and that have lived and been breed in controlled aquariums such as ours for decades. The fish adapts in the wild, as they can at home with proper care. Similar to the reason people are told not to mimic parameters of the ocean/rivers for other fish unless they are wild caught.


    Thank you

  17. On 6/17/2021 at 1:25 PM, gardenman said:

    Yeah, people try to pass off lesser plecos as "real" zebra plecos (the L046 variety) and uninformed buyers can get taken. I'd love to find real L046 zebra plecos at $20 each, but I'm never that lucky. They typically sell for $200-$300 when I see them and sometimes more. And those are typically young fish at that price.


  18. On 6/17/2021 at 1:05 PM, gardenman said:

    That's a very good price even for wholesale. If you trust the seller, then great. But the L046 Zebra plecos are typically much, much more expensive, even at wholesale. I just don't want someone getting conned.

    Thank you for the suggestions! They go from $20-80 XS is $20. I may just get regular ones for $100 each and spawn them

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