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Posts posted by BriannesFishFam

  1. What can I breed in the same tank, same parameters from the list below and what size tank

    Multis - Shell Sweller

    Pair of corycats

    Apisto Pair

    Apisto Pair

    Platinum Ricefish

    Xentotoca Doadrioi

    Zoogoneticus Tequila

    Odessa barbs

    BN Plecos

  2. On 7/11/2021 at 11:25 AM, lefty o said:

    aquascaping is nothing more than landscaping a tank. add in rocks, plants, wood to suit your tastes. when it looks good to you, its done. plants  can come from friends, local fish store, or aquarium co-op figure on 5-10 bucks a plants. rocks, go for a walk, they can be found just about anywhere.

    How do I disinfect the rocks from outside?

  3. Hi all! I wasn't sure where to post these questions, sorry about that. I want to start aquascaping my fish tanks, I feel like I'd enjoy them more. I don't want to spend a fortune on more substrate, rocks, or plants so does anybody know a place cheap for those? I am only scared about the fact that if a fish dies I won't see it and it will pollute the tank. Does anyone know how to aquascape? What kind of plants do you grow and what looks the best. 

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  4. On 7/10/2021 at 7:36 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I have two longfin lemon blue eye bristlenose pleco.  Although not new to fish I am newer to keeping two pleco in the same tank. This is the first time I have had more than one in a tank at a time. Got these cuties in February about 2 inches long give or take. They looked young. I didn’t care if they were both male both female or a breeding set. I’m equipped with tanks a plenty to support the fry.

    i believe they are a breeding pair. He is getting his whiskers she? Is getting a much rounder belly than normal. I’m guessing them to be 8-10 months old. 

    he has started furiously grooming not just hanging out in 2 caves one on each side of the tank both in her? hang out spots.  She? Never goes in caves has zero whiskers yet. 

    i found tons of stuff on how to breed them I don’t really care if they do or dont. But no info on…What are their behavioral displays/ interactions when they may be ready.  I know males groom caves. What also are the female behavioral signs?  

    would be nice to know so I can rearrange other tanks as needed ahead of time or swap some filters into an unused tank etc etc

    thanks for your help in advance 😁


    Males develop the bristles or whiskers and females don't typically (at least in my experience) and some may but only on the mouth

    When they breed the male will lure the female into the pleco cave and trap her, and have her release her eggs (hence the rounder belly)

    Good foods to feed them so they produce good eggs are veggies like zucchini and french cut green beans. 

    The male will sometimes kick the eggs out of the cave if they're not good enough, so have a tumbler on hand, I would use a specimen container with airline (rigid works good)

    But if he doesn't kick them out just leave them with him

    They can have up to 200 babies but there first spawn are typically "small" up to 60.


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  5. Yes not all fish build a nest, bettas most of the time build them. With gouramis there can be no nest and they stick them on the plants or there can be a small to large one with bad to excellent quality. Anything works it's just a matter of the males picking the eggs up in the bettas or gouramis. The females develop eggs and the eggs are fertilized when the males puts them in his mouth a coats them. 

  6. @Fish Folk Ok so I keep 4 discus and I agree they are not as hard as everyone says. I kept discus since I was 11 and they have always done good for me. All I say is that with those 10 discus, I am sure there are males and females of multiple colors. You do have 2 pigeon bloods, the two furthest down on the first photo. Don't interbreed the pigeon blood with and other color or you'll get peppered babies and you don't want that. Any other colors, such as the blue diamond and marlboro red discus in picture 5, would be a variety of colors and patterns. The only one I don't recommend is picture #3, like I said above crossing that pigeon blood with the marlboro babies with make your barf-looking discus that are peppered. Any other color or pattern combo with mix together and the offspring will show all different kinds of colors and pattern. This was how new strains of discus were created, they crossed different genes that they liked in certain discus. Made sure the fish had all the feature they wanted and they breed their F1 generation. Then on F2 Smetimes they take the best baby that has what their looking for a breeds back to the parent. so on and so forth until they get the strain they are looking for!

    Good luck with your discus!

    I have 1 checkerboard, 1 Pigeon Blood Snakeskin, and 2 Santarems discus all from Discus Hans USA, I can't wait to breed them!


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  7. On 7/9/2021 at 7:06 PM, gjcarew said:

    Hijacking this thread (sorry)... has anybody found something like a floating mesh breeder box so you can just have two spawning mops that you swap in and out? Seems like it would be a pretty low-effort way to hatch fry. I vaguely remember seeing something like that that Dean was using for ricefish but I can't for the life of me remember what he made it out of.

    He used a paint strainer with Back Rod, a pool noodle material. Yes you can use a net breeder from Petco Or Amazing, I think they are like $6 and they work great. Personally I just pull the mop every few days and  pick out almost all the eggs from the mop. Have over 100 babies in a few weeks!

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  8. On 7/9/2021 at 7:48 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @BriannesFishFam Oh I agree, actually I was going to use some black cross stitching grid I had from another project tank that would work fine for the intake, and I did see that several people just utilized the chamber and stuffed sponge in there and that essentially blocks off the intake passages too. The feeding hole I wasn't terribly concerned about but I thought it was clever enough to warrant a buy- and keep the snails in and cat paws out not that I've had an issue there but there's always an invisible YET somewhere. The props I thought were clever but I can always just set the lid aside. The shop actually offers all those things separately. I'll have to keep an eye on blocked pumps! Thanks for the heads up!

    Very nice!

  9. On 7/9/2021 at 7:32 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @SheWhoConquers @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Beardedbillygoat1975 @Stef @KAYLON.NICHOLS @James Black @BriannesFishFam I really appreciate everyones replies. I've seen some of the complaints about it online and some of you have echoed those. It's funny we have to think about so much with a simple all in one that in theory is supposed to eliminate all that guess work. 

    Any further thoughts would be appreciated with my plan if I move ahead:

    LIGHTING: I prefer slow growers anyway so I plan to stock Anubias, Java and Subwassertang. Some drift wood. The light I think would be sufficient for them and low light enough for my Betta who would probably prefer lights a bit on the mellower side. 

    FLOW: I've seen that the flow on the 9g is rather intense for a Betta with no option to turn it down, so I figure I'll see what it's like initially- Wondering if I could grab some driftwood that might help baffle it a bit. OR I have my 3 gallon GloBetta tank that I plan to put out of commission- IT has a pump that is currently on its very lowest setting. I figured I could pull that pump and use it instead- "worse" case scenario it would run turned all the way up. I saw a youtube where someone did do that (buy a pump that had a flow option) and though it was smaller and didn't reach the bottom there was no issue and it fit the tube fine. 

    DESIGN "FLAWS": So I did see complaints about the feeding hole, the vent size (small fish or invertebrates easily get through), and the lid. I found a solution for all 3 online from a seller (Etsy) and will likely order the set they offer I'll attach a pic. I don't mind taking lids off so propping it up would probably only happen when I'm working with my Betta Spark during feeding times. 

    FILTRATION: I will absolutely keep the bagged filtration it comes with and I have some sponge, fine and course I could potentially cut and put in one or both available chambers. Anyone have any further tips here?

    I do have questions about the visuals: are your fish/occupants distorted or is there a pretty crisp view? I've never had a bow front tank, the closest I come is the rounded glass corners of the 3 gallon I was goiing to replace and there is quite a bit of distortion but they are only corners. Also are there any cleaning issues to be aware of? I should have plenty of algae cleaners I plan to stock a Nerite that's already with my Betta, some of my baby Otos and possibly some Rasboras. 


    I haven't had issues with my guppies, snails, shrimp, or plecos getting out yet. But it is better to be safer than sorry especially if you have rarer or more treasured fish in there. I think the kit is nice. I put my own spin on it. I stuff the removable intake (domes) from teh top and bottom and stuffed them with polyfil and put them back on, essentially working as an extra filtration, then of course I stuff the middle with polyfil and I even found that added course sponge or poly fiber pad around the pump in the third chamber prevents it from being clogged, that was one issue I ran into. I wasn't getting enough flow so there was also a second ammonia spike, because the pump in the third chamber got clogged! So stuffing the intake domes with polyfil makes it so you don't need those intake covers and I never found a situation where I need lid props, I always swing the lid to sit shining in teh right or left side of the tank, or I just slid it halfway off. The feed hole cover is smart, however you can use an alternative like plastic wrap with a small hole in it if you want. Again I never ran into an issue with the fish jumping out, not even corycats. I had an auto feeder on for the longest time so made that helped. All in all I think the kit is really smart and well thought out to make the tank's appearance a whole lot better, but for me I just used what I had. I just wanted to give you some alternatives incase you didn't want to purchase the kit. Best of luck!

  10. I personally have had them breeding every month to month and a half. I found a good descriptive timeline going through the whole process and the mating, to when the female had eggs, to when the eggs are released to shrimplets in about 39 days tops, 27 days looks to be minimum. 

    Breeding and Life Cycle of Red Cherry shrimp - Shrimp and Snail Breeder

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  11. I personally think the sponge method is key. The sponge sucks in and hold all of the detritus and fish waste, small pieces of dead plants, etc etc. So yes, I agree with Fish Folk that you should retry with a bowl of tank water and ring out a reasonable number of sponge filters into the bowl, try and pick the one you haven't cleaned in a while. Say you have tank A and Tank B, if you take water from Tank A and clean the sponge filter from tank B, and tank A has an illness (Ich, Fungal, Internal Parasite, etc) that you didn't know about, now you could potentially seed Tank B's sponge filter with Tank A's disease, if one happens to be present. I actually think I accidentally did this one time. I had two 10 gallon side by side and they had the same brand, style, and color of filter (I believe it was a Hikari Sponge filter (the ones that go in the corner) and I was cleaning then both in water from 10 Gallon "A" 's water and I think I accidentally switched filter because I had a huge loss of guppies in both tanks due to a fungal infection and within a few days almost all of them were dead even with temperament, it was too late. Good luck!



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  12. I have well water, very soft, neutral/ slightly acidic ph, no ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chlorine, or chloramines. So personally I pump into a bucket and pour into the tank, buffer the water if needed (guppies, plecos, shrimp, mystery snails) But I heard prime is the best conditioner if you pump straight into your tank or into bucket then into the tank, either way is fairly easy. I have also heard of the Water Buffalo. I have also seen this water supply container used in many fishkeeping facilities. I personally have never used it so I'm not the best person to take advice from, but if I had treated city water I would definatley go with that system. Best of luck and keep us posted please!



  13. On 9/20/2020 at 9:41 PM, shkote said:

    Not super rare, but not a common livebearer and my favorite among the uncommon livebearers, my Xenotoca doadrioi colony. Fearless little Goodeids packed with a ton of personality. My Zoogoneticus tequila splitfins and Limia nigrofasciata tie for second.  


    Do you let the pregnant females give birth in the same tank? Or do you let the females release, grow the fry up separate, and then when they are big enough put them back in?

  14. On 7/8/2021 at 4:16 PM, KAYLON.NICHOLS said:

    So is it what the sponge is made of  ?

    I cleaned the sponges tons of times and the fish waste doesn't seem to come out of the fine sponge. even if i leave the sponge sitting and drying for a month it still holds ammonia. I think it's just how it was designed

  15. On 7/7/2021 at 9:13 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Hi, looking at the Flex 9 and wondering if anyone would give their opinion on it or the series itself. Looking to swap out my 3 for it, but I don't want to go too big. 10g or less. 

    I have 3 of the Fluval Flex 9 gallons running, one with guppies, second with plecos, and third with soon to be multis. I love them so much, such a great layout and the fish and lighting is great. Only two suggestions

    Be prepared for the remote battery to stop working after a few years, it lasts for a while but sometimes they break. Some I read about lasted 15 yrs, but be prepared. 


    Second, I would replace the sponge in the middle chamber by stuffing the middle chamber with just polyfil, or any sort of filtration media but that sponge that comes with it can causes ammonia spikes.

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  16. Hello! Does anyone know if I have to add a line of water to the rack like Dean has? In 3 videos of people building them there has been a line of water that runs to each container, I was wondering if I cut more holes in the side plugged with sponge would I get away with not having a water line? The rack system would be for plecos, ricefish, praecox, apistos, cories, maybe guppies.

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