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Everything posted by act

  1. 😔 This was actually the first treatment I tried, however I think based on some additional reading I'm just going to do a more concentrated solution and keep them in a separate tank incase i need to dip again the next day. Thanks for your input! I can't imagine adding any more of anything to the main tank especially now that I'm losing fish also. 😩
  2. So, from a biology point of view, I have some incredibly interesting things happening here in my main tank... from a personal point of view I'm devastated by what is going on! Tank: 10 gallon, fully planted pH: 7.5 Nitrate: 0 Nitrite: 0 KH: 80-120 GH: 120 Temp: 75 I have had this tank up and running for 1 year, before that all the substrate and plants were in a 5 gallon that was running for 1.5 years before upgrade in size. I went out of town for 4 months over winter, brought the tank to a friends house to baby sit. All inhabitants were alive when I returned - although the gravel was dirtier than it should have been deep down because she had been doing water changes but not doing any real gravel cleaning. Fish were fine, but shrimp showed signs of a disease - white growth all over head and legs. Originally thought this was Vorticella, as the description of where those are found on this shrimp made sense. I have tried to following treatments in this order: Salt dips for all shrimp (I could catch) PimaFix adding indian almond leaves (this isn't really a treatment) Fenbendazole (dog dewormer) NONE of these have made any change to the shrimp, except for of course now I'm having die offs, of not only shrimp, but fish too. After viewing dead shrimp under microscope, it has become more clear that this is NOT Vorticella, but look a lot more like Scutariella Japonica - even though they are covering a lot more of the shrimps' bodies than just the head. Here are the photos and some videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v8uaM2PQKaDnKX7t4QyLNFl8EjtgeS8V?usp=sharing Can anyone offer help or advise on what to do next?
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