I currently have a 10 gallon tank with fake plants and blue gravel....
I am looking to do an big upgrade to a 45 - 65 gallon tank with live plants. I have no idea where to begin with live plants and need help. When it comes to regular plants, I have a brown thumb so need easy. I will have a gravel bottom as I have heard that sand is hard to work with. Should I have something under the gravel?
I currently have Cory Cats and Platy in my tank, and I think I would like to add Guppy's. I keep the water at about 80 degrees, I am not looking to breed but want a place for fry to hide and let nature do it's thing.
I want to aquarium to look natural.
Since I have not purchased my new tank yet I have no idea of lighting or filters etc....
I can use any advise and help to make sure I get the right plants and in the right ratios.....
Thank you!