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  1. I should mention I do not have a Co2 setup.
  2. I set up my new 45 gallon planted tank on Thursday when my plants came in. So far they look good except for my dwarf lily bulb which is still floating more than 60 hours later, and not it looks like my Java Moss might be turning brown. I am doing a fishless cycle. Should I be concerned about the moss or will it be OK once the water parameters are good? Yesterday afternoon they were. PH- 7.6 Ammonia 2 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 5 KH 50 GH 50 Water temp is 79.3 and I am using the Fluval 3.0 plant light. Set on the Auto, Sunrise 2 hours daylight 8 hours sunset 2 hours moon light 4 hours. I am using the easy fertilizer and tabs in the plants in the gravel. Last time I put the easy green in was thursday because the bottle says to use once a week... I am new to this so any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Hello All. Looking forward to learning what I can here!
  4. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with fake plants and blue gravel.... I am looking to do an big upgrade to a 45 - 65 gallon tank with live plants. I have no idea where to begin with live plants and need help. When it comes to regular plants, I have a brown thumb so need easy. I will have a gravel bottom as I have heard that sand is hard to work with. Should I have something under the gravel? I currently have Cory Cats and Platy in my tank, and I think I would like to add Guppy's. I keep the water at about 80 degrees, I am not looking to breed but want a place for fry to hide and let nature do it's thing. I want to aquarium to look natural. Since I have not purchased my new tank yet I have no idea of lighting or filters etc.... I can use any advise and help to make sure I get the right plants and in the right ratios..... Thank you!
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